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Ruthless Financier (Steel Series Book 3) Page 9

  His face somehow seemed calmer and more boyish when he said, “You’d be pretty in colors. Let’s go to bed.”

  Pretty had never been my thing. It was more Ridley’s and Olivia’s hobby. I scooted out from under him and for one second imagined his huge naked body as he pounded in mine.

  He’d be so different than Ford, my last ex. He’d been skinny. And not at all interested in how I felt. With him, I’d just wanted it to finish, and not think about sex.

  At the same time, my body tightened. If I was Jacob’s, I’d get attached to him. It might be too late already, but I needed to sort out my feelings. When he stood and placed his arms around me, my heart beat wildly as I said, “You promised one more day.”

  He didn’t twitch at all as he said, “Oh, I’ll keep my word. But that doesn’t mean we can’t play a little.”

  I trembled but didn’t pull away. His touch was magnetic. “This sounds like playing with fire.”

  He came closer and his nearness made my own body turn into mush. “It is, a little. But you need to learn to trust me. I’ll stop when you say the word.”

  Adrenaline coursed through me as I wondered if I could trust him. I stared at his square jaw and my lips tingled, but I said, “Just like that, from one word.”

  He came closer and my skin was alive and aching for his lips on mine, as he said, “Absolutely no vaginal intercourse without you specifically asking.”

  Wow. The slight rumble of his chest when he let out a laugh sent a wave of desire through me, but I said again, “You’ll just stop.”

  He whispered in my mouth and my eyes fluttered closed. “I’ll keep you virginal.”

  “I’m not that.”

  My lips watered for him, but instead he said, “My goals are simple. Tonight I show you that sex can be fucking fun.”

  “Okay, I’ll trust you—” Finally his lips met mine and I forgot my words.

  Once the kiss ended, he stood and waited for me to follow.

  My heart raced, but I walked next to him to the bedroom.

  As the door closed, my entire body was tense. Part of me wanted to forget my fears entirely, and the rest of me wanted to race out of the room.

  My eardrums beat in tune with my heart. He’d promised. I’d let whatever he planned happen.

  Trust was something I needed. And hopefully he’d go slow with me.

  My lips were already swollen, but aching for more of him. And steam was practically coming out of me already.

  I trembled when he walked over and brushed my arms, like he wanted to keep me calm. I fluttered on my tiptoes when he kissed me. Then he said, “You’re nervous. Relax.”

  I was always tense when I was in an unfamiliar situation. I traced his abs and rested my forehead against his shoulder to hug him and avoid his gaze. “I don’t know how.”

  He took my hand and our palms pressed together, which sent a zip in my veins.

  I knew Jacob would be delicious to be with, but I wobbled on my feet at the idea of sex. He’d command me, utterly and completely. And I’d never, ever been out of control or in someone else’s power, ever.

  This was why I needed this to go slow.

  He guided me to the bed and just sat down. Those brown eyes of his were like flames that made me weak. I ignored the urge to run away and joined him, curling myself next to him on the edge.

  “I’m here to make you happy,” he said, “but you need to trust me.”

  A small quake erupted in my skin from his nearness. I closed my eyes and said, “I’m trying.”

  He nudged me closer for a kiss. I could handle, that despite how my skin buzzed from his gentle touch.

  He wrapped himself around my waist and tugged me even closer.

  My heart soared and I clung to him, like I was exploring a different world and he was my only link to normalcy.

  Between kisses he said, “Hmm … here …”

  Heat rushed through me and I knew I flushed everywhere. I tightened my shoulders like I could stop this reaction, but he curled his fingers under my arms.

  A moment later my self-control cracked and I laughed and laughed. The energy in the room lightened. I wiggled, squirmed and laid back on the bed. “Stop tickling me.”

  He ceased and moved his hands down to my waist. Then he rested his head on the pillow next to me and said, “You’re laughing.”

  I had calmed down some, but there were still goosebumps all over me. Until I was sure of myself, I sucked on my bottom lip. Once the urge to giggle had ceased, I met his gaze and said, “I don’t know why I get so nervous near you.”

  He caressed my body and the air became warm and filled with the scent of his woodsy cologne. I ached for another kiss, but he said, “Because no man has taken his time with showing you a good time.”

  My collar choked me. I wished I was ready for this. For now, I reached up and undid the top button and my body grew ready for him. I said, like I was confessing, “Well, I’m usually super busy working.”

  He reached out and unbuttoned the second one. Then he cupped my face and said, “Then you need this.”

  Oh yes. I pressed my lips to his and he traced my entire body with his fingers and made me see stars.

  No man had ever made my toes curl before, and it was lucky I was lying down. I melted into him, and held him like I needed him to be my guide. My own heart rate increased and I gasped between kisses, “Oh wow.”

  His lips curved up and then he continued his manipulations with my body, helping me peel out of my shirt.

  My heart was pounding and I was putty in his hands. Next his fingers found the small zipper for my skirt and played with it.

  My clothes were almost itching now, and I wriggled to help him take it off.

  He took his time, caressing me, but as the kiss ended, he said, “Now let’s get this off you.”

  Finally. As he slipped the skirt off, I knew he could see that my face and neck and back were flushed with desire. The heat only intensified, but I nodded and said, “Okay.”

  He tossed the offending skirt to the floor and he glanced at my black cotton panties.

  I shook, but he left them on and began to stroke me again. Then he said, “Now let’s try this.”

  He touched, cuddled, and covered me with kisses, creating sweet spasms as he grazed and tasted every piece of exposed skin.

  He had become the entire world right now. He continued touching, cuddling, kissing, and grazing my entire body. And my own body swelled like I’d please him, too.

  I held his shoulder like it was my lifeline as I said, “Oh, Jacob.”

  His lips curled in a devilish smile that made me melt even more. He said, “Oh, we’re just getting started.”

  For the first time in my life I was hungry and needy, and I knew only Jacob had the answers.

  I trusted him utterly right now. I couldn’t see anything beyond him and this night.

  Chapter 10


  Indigo’s brown hair billowed over her light blue pillows. She seemed younger, like all her stress didn’t exist.

  As long as she was my wife, I’d ensure nothing heavy got to her.

  Not like my mom, who’d cried when she thought I couldn’t hear her.

  Now I’d taken a shower and she’d not moved. I’d kept my word and only showed her pleasure, without doing anything for myself. But it damn near killed me.

  Luckily, I never slept much anyhow. After relieving myself in the bathroom, I’d gone back to the living room and worked quietly.

  My father had called a board meeting overnight. The minutes of the meeting were forwarded to me. One of the items was about selling more stock to grow the shareholders.

  My people had vetoed him, but he likely understood I was gunning for him.

  My hair stood on its ends and I froze. If he out maneuvered me, he’d set my plan back.

  I swallowed and watched the sunrise. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, I texted Russ to get the plane ready. And finally I heard moaning in the
bedroom. I popped my head in and saw her eyelids flutter open. I stood over the bed and said, “Good morning.”

  She curled her arms up above her head and beamed at me like she was an angel as she said, “Morning.”

  I offered my hand to help her to get up and she tossed the sheets aside, revealing her still-intact black underwear.

  I kissed her face and felt a rush of heat in my veins, and then said, “I ordered the plane to stand by.”

  She sighed like she wanted to say something, but a ring vibrated in the air.

  She said, “I …”

  I took her phone off the charger and handed it to her. “It’s okay to answer.”

  She glanced at the caller ID and said, “It’s Ridley, my sister.”

  I backed up to head to the living room and said, “I’ll give you a minute.”

  She reached out and took my hands, sending a sweet zap through me. Somehow, my life was better these days, and her touch only made my heart beat in a better way. She quickly said, “Don’t. Stay with me.”

  I nodded. She answered the call and put it on speaker phone as she said, “Ridley, what’s going on?”

  “Chloe and Bernie died in a car crash last night.”

  “That’s awful!” she said, and her face went white.

  Were they discussing family? Did Indigo need to stay? How did this affect my plan? And how could I help? These questions flew out of my head fast.

  “I’m in shock,” her sister blurted out. “They have no family and I’m worried about their daughter, Chelsea. She’ll have no one.”

  So they weren’t family. I swallowed. I’d still help if I could. I remember being sent to live with my biological father like it was yesterday. The social workers practically dragged me into that house.

  I took my phone out of my pocket and went through my digital cards for names, as Indigo asked quickly, “What do you want to do?”

  “Find out what it takes to bring her here. Chloe made me promise to take my godmother role seriously if something happened. Now I’m a wreck and have no idea what to do.”

  Done. I airdropped her the business card and texted my lawyer to fill him in. Then I said, not caring if Ridley heard me, “Have your sister call Frank with all the info. He can help her.”

  Indigo received the file and, with a click, forwarded the number and email to Ridley. She said, “Jacob said to call Frank, his lawyer, and give him all the information you have. He’ll help you.”

  A moment later we heard a beep over the line like she’d received the contact, and her sister said, “I got the text. Thanks.”

  A child should be with people who will care.

  Indigo let out a soft sigh and said, “No problem. Look, we have to go to Florida today.”

  Indigo’s face was red and I wondered if she’d want to join Ridley. I’d figure out my own path next. My mother would have rushed to her friend’s side. For now, I hugged her, and Ridley said, “Have a fun honeymoon.”

  She turned her phone off like she was done but I raised my eyebrow as I asked, “Do you want to go be with her? You and your family are close.”

  “No. Ridley will handle it. She and Chloe were close, like Jasmine and I are. Chloe was like family for a while. If I could have done anything to prevent the car accident, I would have, but …” She took a breath and headed into her closet.

  When she came out, she was holding light blue Bermuda shorts and a clean white t-shirt that said “Vera Wang” on the front. She said, “But our relationship is business, and I made a promise to you. Thanks for giving her Frank’s card, though.”

  Right. She wasn’t in love with me and I wasn’t with her. I caught her arm as she hung her stuff on the bathroom hook and said, “I’m sorry about Ridley’s friends.”

  She turned and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Georgie was the one she probably spent hours crying with, before calling me to find out what to do. And you don’t have a time machine to stop tragedy. None of us do, but we do have a job to do.”

  Her face flushed red and I reached out to caress her cheek as I said, “That means you don’t get to cry.”

  She trembled in my arms, “I never cry. Not even at my parents’ funerals. I tried, but I couldn’t.”

  The last time I’d cried was when my mom died. Indigo’s goodness shone in her quiet strength. I let her go and leaned against the door and wondered why she grew so quiet. “It must have hit you later.”

  She let out a soft sigh like I didn’t understand her and shook her head. “No. I was told it would hit me hard later. I booked myself into therapy and the therapist said I was a hard case. But no … I’ve been numb for years.”

  Or she had just bottled everything up. I know I did. I took every pretend moment of family bliss my father staged, each one like a dagger he pierced into my soul, and used it to make me stronger. I pressed my lips together and refused to give him another thought as I asked, “Did you find another one?”

  “Another what?”


  She wrinkled her nose and three cute little lines appeared on the sides. “No. Therapy took my time away from other matters.”

  “When my mom died, I was torn up.”

  She caressed my cheek like she cared as she said, “You were a teenager. I was an adult, and it’s my job to help my family. I can help better with a cool head.”

  Unexpectedly, my body hardened to take her. No woman had ever had me this tied up inside. I traced her arm and goosebumps followed as I said, “I didn’t have anyone like you. Sweet like cream on the inside, but pretending to be hard on the outside.”

  Her face grew brighter and her eyes somehow had a light in them as she shook her head. “I’m not a piece of candy.”

  “I beg to differ,” I said, and kissed her. “Candy and you are my weaknesses.”

  She stayed in my arms and hugged me tight. “You have no weakness.”

  She had no idea. Her hug made me hope she trusted me now. I let her go, and she let out a soft, satisfied sigh. She turned on the shower.

  For a second, I thought of joining her. The thought of her naked body, wet, in front of me was tempting, but I’d promised to wait till tonight. I tore myself out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen.

  Her refrigerator was bare. And she had no coffee in any cabinet. I texted Russ again to ensure breakfast was on the plane.

  As she came out, with her hair still adorably wet, she kissed my cheek. I pointed to the door and we both slipped our shoes on.

  She ducked back into her room and pulled out her promised suitcase. I took it from her and we headed out. As we started down the hall, she asked, “So, do you want me to golf with you? My game really isn’t that good.”

  She pressed the button for the elevator, and as we entered, I said, “No, but if you make friends with the people in the club, I’ll go shepherd our invitations to the party.”

  The elevator worked fast in the morning and our limo waited for us in front of the building. We climbed in and found that, thankfully, Russ had sent some coffee and bagels. I was starving, though I offered her one first.

  “I’m not quite sure how to be an armpiece,” she said, taking a bagel.

  We both sipped coffee and ate our food. My mind raced to understand her. As we made it to the highway, I finished my bagel and asked, “What?”

  She picked up her cup and then said, “A woman who only stands on the sidelines for her man. I’ve never done anything like that in my life.”

  I scooted closer and her nearness still sent a spark through me. I’d need relief if I fired her up again, so I just took her hand and said, “You’re in PR.”

  Her eyebrow shot up. “And?”

  Her knee pressed into my thigh as I said, “We’re just creating the opportunity for contacts. And remember, I’m paying you to be my wife.”

  She saluted me, sipped her coffee and said, “I’ll do my best, boss.”

  I paused. I’d not order her to do anything, but I let her hand go as I
said, “Then we’re perfect.”

  The limo pulled into the private hangar as she asked, “How?”

  Her staff and mine waited by the plane. Her nearness whet my appetite for more than food, and I whispered into her ear, “Because your best is better than everyone else’s.”

  Then we stepped out of the car and greeted our staff.

  As we boarded, I saw a breakfast spread waiting for us. Perfect. I made our plates while Indigo asked Frank about her sister. He said he’d file for Ridley to get custody immediately.

  She joined me in our seats and nibbled on a strawberry. She finished and her blue eyes were almost gray as she asked, “Jacob, can you give me the pitfalls and dangers of your world?”

  The plane started down the runway, but I didn’t understand why she was concerned. I offered her cream for her coffee and as she stirred it, I said, “Sure. The older women are the ones who supported their husbands before they were rich. Honestly, they keep their mouths generally shut and are the worst at offering up information that might be useful. Unless, of course, it’s for her benefit too.”

  She tapped her seat and asked, “So who gives you the most important info?”

  I’d never had a problem solver on my team other than myself. I wasn’t a charity case for her, though. I said, “I’m good at getting what I need from the overconfident bluffing of men.”

  A soft chuckle rumbled in her throat and she gently elbowed me as she said, “So you play poker for a living.”

  I sipped my coffee and studied her. My instincts had led me to marry the most interesting woman I’d met in years. She was unique. There was truly no comparison. And I was good at judging investments in a blink of an eye. I finished my coffee, and kept my voice down as I said, “That makes it sound like gambling.”

  We were high in the sky now. She finished her own coffee and seemed awake and aware as she popped a grape in her mouth. Once she finished her snack, she patted my knee like I was a child and said, “Taking advantage of corporate weakness might very well be gambling.”

  This wasn’t a hands-off partnership, even if she made me wish for more with her. I caressed her skin and saw her hairs stand up for me in welcome. I kept my voice low so only she heard as I said, “We’ll in in Palm Beach soon. Tonight, in the mansion, you promised to be mine.”