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Ruthless Financier (Steel Series Book 3) Page 10

  She licked her lips and said, “I’ll be ready.”

  Damn I wished we were alone. The buzz in my vein went straight to my cock, but I waited till I calmed down and then asked, “Indigo?”

  She batted those pretty eyes at me and said, “Yes?”

  I pressed my forehead to hers as I said, “I like us, together.”

  “Me too.”

  Good. We were almost perfect together and she fit in my life. Nothing could go wrong.

  I curled my hands around her shoulders and kissed her as her lips made the rest of the world dissipate into nothingness.

  Chapter 11


  Jacob had arranged to have clothes sent to the plane once we landed and insisted I wear a bright yellow skirt with flowers that went mid-thigh and a matching white shirt with more flowers.

  I’d have never chosen it, but I quickly changed as memories of being in a golf club surfaced.

  My black clothes hadn’t fit in there, even in Pittsburgh.

  As we approached the club, he kissed my cheek and headed onto the green.

  Now I needed to schmooze and figure out the situation in golf course club house. I was here to do a job, not because I was half in love with Jacob.

  And I’d never admit that out loud, ever.

  We’d never actually work. His words on the plane, the way he held me, was just wishful thinking that more might exist between us than the reality.

  Jacob had said the older women were the brick wall, the least likely to give information, but I headed to a table near a group of them and ordered myself an iced tea and a salad.

  The huge glass window overlooking the golf course was bright.

  Before my drink even arrived two older, gray-haired women turned in their seats next to me and checked me out. I nodded and said, “Nice to be here.”

  The one with her hair up in a bun asked, “You’re Mrs. Donovan?”

  “Yes. I’m Indigo Steel-Donovan.”

  The other gray-haired woman, her short hair casual but a bit windblown, crossed her arms and said, “Oh, a hyphenator. So how did you and Jacob Donovan meet?”

  The waiter brought my order as I said, “Vegas.”

  The bun lady, dressed in violet, tapped her friend’s arm and said, “Even more interesting.”

  Lies never flew out of my mouth easily, not unless I could make what I said true the same day.

  Besides, these women knew him. My stomach had butterflies. Jacob wanted a party invitation and here was my chance to help, so I folded my hands on my lap and said, “We communicated via email before that.”

  Again, a statement that was kind of true, except it was all business then. My tongue hadn’t wanted to say “work,” but I probably should have. I was twisting things and my skin jingled.

  The lady with her hair down was wearing blue that matched her eyes. And her eyes widened as she asked, “Jacob Donovan was online dating?”

  No. I needed to fix this. I clenched my napkin in my hands like that might help me wrangle the situation as I said, “It was a business relationship, initially. But once we met in person …”

  “You saw the chance to make a profit?” the blue-eyed woman said, raising her eyebrows.

  “He’s a good man. That’s why I said yes.”

  The woman in purple, wearing an amethyst pin of a bird on her blouse, nodded. She said, “Right. And it wasn’t the 250 billion in his bank accounts, or the various financial holdings that make him one of the richest men in the world.”

  The other woman corrected her. “Sharon, it’s more like 550 billion in his accounts right now.”

  I noticed the huge diamond on her hand. I had no engagement ring, and my left hand was still bare so I kept mine off the table and out of sight.

  Sharon nodded and said, “Either way, there are few men as wealthy as him. And even fewer single, attractive ones.”

  I didn’t blink at all as I said, “He’s not single anymore.”

  The woman with the diamond ring also had a matching necklace that sparkled so much it could blind someone in direct sunlight. She asked, “So tell me, what kind of prenup did you sign?”

  My mother had been a quiet woman who never questioned anything. She’d never been nosy like these women. But these women stood their ground like they’d be able to stomp out any interference with their lives with one swift kick of their flats. So I squared my shoulders and said, “A standard one.”

  Even in the shade of the restaurant, diamond lady glittered in the light from the window, practically blinding me for a minute as she asked, “One where he gets everything and you get nothing?”

  I crossed my arms in front of myself and tilted my head, “No. If he cheats, I get … paid.”

  Sharon tapped my arm and said, “Interesting. You had some lawyer.”

  I realized they had both noticed my bare ring finger and I pushed my hands back down to stop any questions.

  I’d not had time to consult a lawyer, but I simply said, “No, we had an adult conversation about fidelity. Jacob is wonderful, which makes him easy to love. He doesn’t let many people see his good side.”

  Sharon patted my arm again like we were friends, “You sound like you’re in love. Will you be at Nora’s party this evening?”

  I glanced at my iced tea as I shook my head, “I don’t know Nora.”

  The sparkling beauty pressed her hand to her heart and said, “I’m right here. Nora Robinson.”

  Now I had a name. I nodded and offered to shake hands, “Nice to meet you, Nora.”

  She had a strong grip as she said, “You and Jacob should come to the party. Jacob’s father is flying in and he’s probably dying to meet you.”

  My eyes widened and adrenaline coursed through me. I covered my lips and my entire body was tense for a moment. I saw Jacob through the window. He probably didn’t know his father would be there. I put my napkin on the table and asked, “He’s coming to Palm Beach?”

  Nora nodded and said through her pinkish lipstick, “He confirmed an hour ago.”

  My mind raced as I saw Jacob shaking hands with the other players. I didn’t want him to be blindsided with the news. Adrenaline rushed through me as I stood without touching my food.

  “There’s Jacob now,” I said, acting like an eager newlywed.

  Both women stared at me as I crossed the room and immediately wrapped my arms around his waist. I knew they were watching so I kissed his lips and he held me close.

  In that moment, I forgot where I was. But then color flashed back in place as the moment ended and I stood on my tiptoes and whispered, so only he heard me, “Jacob, Nora Robinson invited us to her party.”

  He waved over my shoulder to where she was sitting and patted me on the back like I’d done a good job. “That’s even better than her son Edmond’s invitation.”

  I swallowed and blocked his view so he paid full attention to me when I asked, “Do you know your father will be there?”

  Color drained from his face and he stepped back and said, “No.”

  Good. At least he knew the stakes for his game. I wasn’t sure of the all the nuances as I said, “He confirmed less than an hour ago.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and played with my waist of my skirt. I walked with him back to my table. When he

  He smiled at them, full of charm, and said, “Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Archer, I’m going to steal my wife now. We’ll see you both tonight.”

  So he’d known the older women personally. They both smiled, and Nora said, “Have fun newlyweds. You’re a lucky man to have found a woman who loves you.”

  “I am,” he agreed.

  No one could see into my heart like that. If I fell in love for real, I’d be a disaster. I couldn’t let it happen. I looped my arm in his and sprinted out of the club house.

  His muscles were hard and tense, but he helped me get into the limo. I opened my lips but he shook his head and pointed to the driver.

  So I tugged my ear and tapped my feet during
the ride home. How did Jacob’s father being there change things for him? How could I help? Should I even ask? My heart pounded, but we drove to his mansion in silence.

  Once there, we headed into the living area. His beach-white walls and yellow couches faced the ocean. I stood in the middle of the room and asked, “Are you okay?”

  He paced to the window and back, his hands curled into fists at his sides. “I’ve not seen my father in ten years. This feels like a set-up.”

  I swallowed and widened my own stance. We might not be in love, but we were a team. I asked, “What happened the last time you and he spoke?”

  His brown eyes had red flashes in them as he said, “I threatened to destroy his company and stormed out.”

  When he came closer, I patted his arm and said, “So you told the truth.”

  He slowed down and relaxed his arms a little. “He said I could try, but I’d self-destruct before I ever came close to ruining him.”

  Now Jacob was one of the richest men in the world. My mind tried to put the clues together. His father was probably proud of his success. Heck, if my future child succeeded, I’d be proud, and I’m not maternal. I tilted my head and asked, “Hmm, are you his heir?”

  Jacob’s face was red. I felt his gaze penetrate my skin as he stared at me. Then he shook his head. “He hates me.”

  Combined, Jacob’s and his father’s net worth would be astronomical. I placed my hand on my hip and said, “He’s your father. He needs to pass the torch to someone.”

  He beat his chest like that might convince me. “It’s not me.”

  I cupped my cheek. How did Jacob—who trusted his business acumen—not see this? I batted my eyes. It seemed so obvious to me. “You’re successful, and you’re his son.”

  His entire body was stiff as a board as he said, “One he never wanted.”

  I walked over and squeezed his hand. “Indulge me.”

  He lowered his shoulders slightly as I asked, “What if he showed up and just gave you everything, and you didn’t need to destroy anything?”

  He stared at my lips and wet his own. “Then I’d sign everything over to you.”

  My skin jumped as my eyes widened. “Don’t be silly. I’m not a banker. And let’s be honest here, I like making money.”

  “Right. I was just being extreme. Doesn’t matter anyway. It won’t happen.”

  If I was his real wife and not a temporary one, I’d hold him tight.

  But I stilled. He traced my cheek like he thought I was precious. “You’re into keeping up your family’s nonprofits. And you’re the sweetest person in the world.”

  If I was sweet, then I was weak. But I didn’t tell him that. Instead, I went up on my tiptoes to be closer to him as I said, “With your twenty-five million, I have everything I need.”

  He lightly kissed my lips and then said, “No. I want you to be doing something you enjoy.”

  Yes, I’d been in charge of financing my family forever. I closed my eyes and my lips opened for more, but instead he stepped back.

  I placed my hand on his chest and he let out a sigh and said, “But before I commence with my plan, I need you.”

  Without holding back, I asked, “Now?”

  “Once we get home.”

  And I wanted him, too. Badly. I trembled with anticipation. Maybe I shouldn’t want him this bad, but I did. I swallowed as I said, “Jacob, you can always walk away from your plan. You’re successful already.”

  His face lost color as he said, “I don’t know what life is like without working to topple my father’s world.”

  I guess not.

  He didn’t love me. And I told myself I didn’t love him either, but my insides knotted like I’d said another half-truth. Fuck. Now I was lost, but I curled my fingers around his neck. “Maybe you can just find that real wife you want and start that family.”

  His eyes narrowed when I came closer. “I told you, I’m not letting you out of the contract that easily.”

  Right. That’s what he’d said. But I swallowed and let the air between us heat up as I said, “I’m not looking for escape. I’m just scared.”

  “You trust me now.” He stroked my cheek. “You wanted me last night, and you were vocal about it.”

  My heart twisted and coldness iced down my spine. He’d been blunt, but it was true. I bounced on my toes and said, “I still do, Jacob.”

  My heart whispered love, but I refused to listen. His lips curled upward as he came closer to me and said, “Let’s go to bed. We have a few hours till the party.”

  My entire body stiffened. It was time. I’d put this off for as long as I could. I forced myself to relax and took his hand.

  Once I’d been with him, hopefully I wouldn’t change too much.

  Chapter 12


  I wasn’t into mergers and acquisitions, normally, but Indigo was a sweet exception. She lit a fuse inside me to claim her. She left me reeling, craving more. With her in my bed, I didn’t care about my father. My shoulders were lighter. The bright white sheets and comforter, and the air conditioning that fanned us while we lay still and stared at the empty beach outside my window were more than enough.

  Indigo was the perfect woman to be my wife.

  I needed to be inside her like I needed air. Today was it. Her lips fastened on mine and made possessing her entirely my most important goal.

  Probably even more than taking over Sun and Moon Trust.

  Howard Robinson and his wife Nora owned an electric company under its umbrella. They’d want me out of any possible control.

  Howard owned stocks in my father’s company from years ago and I’d intended to trade his company for those stocks now. The handshake deal on the golf course had worked to get the shares of my father’s company, but Indigo’s news broke me.

  Now I needed to touch her, tangle myself inside her. It was the only thing that might make the day sweeter.

  Indigo’s soft spots on her body only amplified her beauty, and I was hard and stiff already as she followed me into the room closed the door and turned the blinds.

  The room was clean and simple, with beach scenes hanging on the wall. And the neatly made bed was about to be messy.

  I flipped the blinds open so I could see every morsel of her sexy body and ripped my golf shirt off, tossing it far away.

  Indigo walked to the bed like she was going to her execution, her head looking down at the ground. But she pulled her flowered golf shirt off.

  No. I’d not hurt her.

  Last night she’d enjoyed every moment, and today would be the same.

  I wasn’t an animal and I squeezed my balls to send the message.

  The last thing I’d do was hurt her. I closed the space between us and gently tugged her hips closer to mine as I nibbled on her lower lip until she kissed me.

  Her arms wrapped around me and I knew she was ready.

  My cock sprung out in attention, but I ignored the need, pressed my head to hers and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Just be gentle with me,” she said, and then pressed her lips to mine.

  Her kiss always sent a thrill in my veins, but this afternoon it was more, much more.

  My heart rate increased at her words, and her kiss blocked out the world. I needed this. With her I was myself, with no goals or plans.

  She wrapped her arms tighter around me and I embraced her. I needed her.

  As she ended the kiss and walked to the bed like she was nervous, she unfastened her skirt and let it fall to the floor.

  No regrets. I followed her into the bed and gently caressed her ass, kissing it.

  She let out a small laugh as my hand rolled up her body. Her sweet rosy scent washed over me. She glanced at me and my fingers traced her abs and I kissed her again. She tasted better than cake.

  Her eyes fluttered closed and I caressed her breasts, feeling the hard nub under her bra. I kissed her shoulder.

  Damn she tasted sweet. My own muscles tensed with anti

  She wanted this, but I went slow. Deliberately. I continued to kiss her back and neck as I unsnapped her bra.

  Her nipples were like bullets as I released them and her breathing went faster.

  The cute blush on her face made my lips curl. This was only the beginning. She had to know that.

  Blood flowed to Big Jake, but I only kissed her.

  She let out a moan and I brushed her back. If she said no, we’d stop. I caressed her breasts and lowered my lips to suckle them.

  She let out a soft sigh and let me as she laid down.

  Good. So far, we repeated last night, but this afternoon, I needed more.

  Tension racked through me, but I continued to lower my kisses on her and pushed aside her cotton panties to lick and kiss her outer flower.

  Her moans grew louder, but I kept up my manipulations to ensure she was ready.

  She tasted more of her natural essence and her blush grew. Her breasts jiggled and swelled even more, the same as my testicles.

  Satisfaction was almost here, if she continued to be a good wife, like right now.

  The word hit me fast. Wife.

  Maybe this was why I’d waited for her. If she was my wife for real, then she deserved to be treated better than any other woman.

  So I used my tongue, teased and tasted her labia and clit, which retracted in a pulse as she moaned.


  A wife was for life, normally. Not a short-term contract. And I never thought I’d want a real one … until Indigo.

  No one else had treated me like a person, more than a means to cold hard cash.

  Now my heart rate sped up again, but I kissed her lips while my index finger slipped inside her.

  She was ready, and like she knew my thoughts, she moaned her agreement.

  We had no reason to hurry other than the blood rushing inside me. I returned my full attention to her, to blow, rub and taste her honey pot that made her let out those sexy screams.