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Tempting Navid Page 3
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Page 3
"Okay." Margo swung her hand like they were in a game.
Elle walked past a picture of a pretty dark-haired woman in her room and stopped. "Is this your mom?"
"Yes." Margo sighed. "Wasn't she beautiful?"
Elle looked at the woman with wise, deep brown soulful eyes and yes, she was gorgeous. She touched Margo’s head. "You have her eyes."
Margo smiled, but tugged Elle’s arm to leave. They walked down the stairs and heard talking. Margo tensed.
Elle might not have a degree in childhood psychology, but she understood being nervous. Elle whispered, "I'll announce you so you can make a grand entrance, okay?"
"Yes, please." Margo stayed near the wall in the hall outside the living room.
Elle turned and cleared her throat until everyone quieted down. She had seen Scarlett's expression of surprise that she was here, but she'd talk to her friend in a minute and thank her. Right now she put her hand on her heart and said, "Navid, Mr. Tom Hawke, Mrs. Andrada Hawke, Aunt Scarlett, Uncle Gabe, soon to be Aunt Megan and new Uncle James, I'm here to present Ms. Margo Hawke."
Margo proceeded in like a princess who wore a tiara and ball gown instead of pink sandals and a t-shirt while she waved to her subjects though she had far too genuine of a smile.
Mrs. Hawke waved at the girl and held out a gift, wrapped in gold with a pink bow. "Come here my grandchild, we have something for you."
Elle watched carefully, ready to intercede if needed, as Margo passed her slowly and went to Andrada Hawke. Once Margo settled on her lap and talked about the present, Elle breathed a sigh of relief. Somehow she felt connected to this little girl, like Margo needed her as a mother and she’d do whatever she could to protect her.
Navid, Gabe, Mr. Hawke and James all sat on the couch and arm chairs while they discussed firepower, police and security. They reminded her for a second of her own family. The power words were enough for Elle to stay far away from them as the last time she saw the police she’d been afraid she’d be arrested too.
Scarlett waved her over to the long window seat she and Megan sat on. "Elle? Let the men talk a minute." Elle joined the women and wondered if in Navid's culture this was normal that everyone was in the same room. She'd have to ask later, mostly because she was curious and the news about his country always sounded scary. She took a seat and Scarlett immediately asked, "How is it going? Obviously, you got the job."
Elle's heart beat a little faster and she crossed her legs. The blonde, blue-eyed and feisty as ever Scarlett had mentioned the job last night at the dark-haired, quieter Megan’s bridal shower. "Navid hired me—part time nanny, part time in his office doing the marketing—thank you."
"I’d have called and helped if I knew you were coming today, but I’m glad Navid was smart and hired you." Scarlett and Megan shared a look, but then Scarlett asked, "So, will you be living here, with them?"
Elle tugged the hem of her blue blouse, self-conscious. "Yes. Why? Do you not want me to..."
"That's not it." Scarlett reached out and brushed her arm. Elle stopped trembling. Scarlett whispered, "I saw the way Navid looked at you."
Elle's gaze narrowed on Navid who was in deep conversation with the men. He wasn't paying any attention to her. "What are you talking about?"
Now his kiss had been passionate and demanding and she’d wanted more of him, even with his hand up her skirt, but her friend had no idea.
Scarlett sat back. "You saw it, Megan?"
Megan, Gabe’s fiancée, scooted closer. "Absolutely. Navid definitely wants you."
Elle had known Scarlett forever and expected this ‘who was hot, who liked who’ behavior regarding men. Megan was newer to the group of friends, but she was usually more reserved and thoughtful. Elle glanced at Navid again and a hunger grew inside her. Men normally didn't have those solid muscles without hard work at the gym. Her lips tingled for another kiss and so she looked away.
Scarlett laughed. "Just be gentle with my new brother." She then became more somber. "He's been through a lot and you've never taken to relationships well."
"I rarely had the chance!" Olivia, Scarlett's sister, had always been more Elle's confidant, but she lived in Europe now with her prince. The Hawke girls had been the closest thing to sisters Elle ever had—and Scarlett was now the married matchmaker. The seriousness was the new part, but Elle put her hands on her lap and fixed her skirt. "I never found the right guy and with six older brothers, it was always hard for any boy, or man, to get to know me. I promise I'm not here to hurt anyone."
Scarlett winked and took her hand for a second. "Okay—because the crazy thing is, I think you two might be great for each other. You’re a dreamer like my sister Olivia but generally sweet and Navid needs a kind and sweet woman."
"Don't even start." Scarlett acted as if she knew everyone best. "Scarlett, you've been matchmaking since you were a teenager. You talked Bobby into asking me to prom and that was a disaster."
Scarlett's mouth opened but then snapped closed. "I didn't know your brothers would scare him off."
The memory rushed her. Seventeen, in her pink silk gown, she’d floated down the stairs and saw her corsage waiting on the couch—no date. Bobby had showed up to take her to prom, but before she’d made it downstairs to meet him, her brothers had chased him off. Every one of her brothers had acted like they’d done her a huge favor over a whiskey bottle they claimed Bobby had in his tuxedo. They didn’t tell her this until years later. If her brothers were here now, she’d probably cry and hug them tight.
Her heart ached for her family. They were all in jail, including her mother. None of it made sense and it felt like a part of her was ripped out and no scab would ever form, again. Her eyes welled, but she’d not cry. "I miss them so much. My family is innocent. My father is always going on and on about honesty. Someone set them up, and I don’t know why I’m not there too."
Megan didn’t know her family, or how her father had invested in much of what became the Internet boom. She changed the subject back. "Well, if the topic is Navid and Elle, I think he needs some light and happiness in his life. You'd both get along well."
Elle wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled. Gabe’s bride-to-be was sweet. "Thanks Megan." She then felt better and turned and met the brown eyes of Gabe Hawke's fiancée. "I'm excited to go to your wedding."
Megan squealed. "It's in two week. The weekend before Easter."
The men broke their huddle and waved for the women to come over. Scarlett went to James, her new husband and Meg went to sit next to Gabe. Margo was still in animated conversation with Mrs. Hawke, so Elle joined Navid on the far end of the couch, where he moved over as if she belonged at his side. "What's happening?"
He turned toward her looking like she mattered to him in the reflection of his eyes. "We're moving to the beach."
"What?" She inhaled and focused on the word we. At least he’d included her so she didn't have to leave now with nowhere to go but moving from his gated and secure mansion seemed extreme—except that she’d walked right onto the island with luggage and no one had stopped her.
He and his father exchanged a quick look before Navid turned to her again. "I have a condo there and it will be easier to hire men to live on one floor while we live our lives upstairs." He placed his hand on top of hers and she felt a rush of awareness. "I'm going to talk to the police and fill out a report, but I need you both to pack."
"I never unpacked, so it won’t take me long." She scooted off the couch. "I'll help Margo and we'll be back in a few minutes."
Mrs. Hawke, who reminded her of her own mother, stood with Margo’s small hand held trustingly in hers. "I'm her grandmother—let me help her. You get your things together, Elle, dear."
"The limo to move you all will be here in an hour, so you should go too, son," Mr. Hawke said.
Navid blinked as if shocked his father had just called him son. But he hid any emotion. "That's fine—we’ll be ready." Navid rose and crossed the living room, putting hi
s hand on the small of her back. "Elle, I need to speak to you upstairs for a moment."
A rush went up her spine and she bowed her head to hide a small smile. Despite the danger, despite the people around them, she was hyper-aware of Navid. And from the way his blue eyes darkened as he’d touched her back, he was affected.
As they walked down the long hallway, she kept close to him and the scent of a delicious spice mixed with almonds really hit her hard. She spoke in a hushed tone. "Navid, you never told me what this threat is about. If I'm to help, I'd like to know."
He opened her bedroom door and ushered her inside, following on her heels. "Paul Laguerre stole and used Gabe's virus to steal from corporations around the world. Before that, he killed more than a few people. He's threatened to kill Margo if I don't help him now."
"Computer virus?"
"He made it when he was young and in the marines. I was an angry teenage boy who helped steal it." Navid stood taller. "I won’t let him hurt Margo."
Her entire body went cold. In her heart of hearts she felt someone had set her family up, and now her mother of all people was now sitting in jail. Whoever did this might have targeted her entire family and come back for her, but if someone came after Margo, she'd jump in the line of fire if necessary. There was no way anybody would touch a hair on that innocent young girl's head. She lifted her chin. "Got it. I'll pack."
Her suitcase was tucked under the bed, the dresser’s top drawer slightly open. Prudence must have unpacked for her. Navid stepped into the bedroom, closed the door and walked toward her. "Wait."
"You closed the door." She turned toward him. A wave of attraction burst through her as his hand settled on her hip. She gazed into his blue eyes.
He held her close, his touch so hot it burned. "Elle, you don't have to come to the condo. I can give you money and keep you safe until this over."
"No." She placed her hand on his heart, which beat fast and strong. His kiss earlier had awakened something in her, but family mattered more than anything. "Navid, I won't let anything happen to Margo or you. Please don't make me leave just because we kissed."
"You didn’t stop me." He brushed her hair out of her face.
She felt her cheeks and body warming from his touch. "I didn't want to." She closed her eyes and lifted her mouth.
A guttural sound come from him, and then he kissed her.
His five o'clock shadow tickled her skin and excitement thrilled within her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, offering him everything she had.
He broke their kiss and stared at her like she was the ice cream sundae he craved but couldn’t have, complete with the cherry on top. He strode toward the door, his long legs reaching it in five paces. "See you downstairs."
"Absolutely." She sank down on the edge of the bed as he left.
Her heart stirred. She really knew nothing about Navid other than he was unbelievably hot, kind and he was a good father. She doubted her brothers would be able to scare Navid off if he truly wanted to stay. There was something primal and powerful about him that made her weak at the knees—a brand new experience.
Elle put her clothes back in her suitcase. She'd help keep his daughter safe, and if they had more one-on-one time, she was sure she could crack open whatever blockaded his heart. Was it grief over his deceased wife? The need to protect his daughter? His uneasiness around the Hawke family? She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anyone, and that said a lot.
Navid planned on running his DreamFix company remotely, which meant staying at the condo until Paul was caught. A few pairs of slacks, t-shirts, polo shirts, underwear and one change of shoes were enough. He had supplies and extra toothbrushes and shampoo stashed there for surprise guests.
He glanced at his closed bedroom door. None of those details truly mattered. He'd be in close quarters with Elle, the blonde, hazel-eyed temptress. The thought made his body yearn for her, when he knew she was all wrong for him.
Her ease with his half-sister Scarlett told him plenty. She fit into the all-American world, and women like her never wanted men like him, a novelty in culture and looks, for long-term. In another life, he'd have accepted that with pleasure, but he was a father now and having Margo meant he needed to contain himself near Elle.
He carried his bag to the hall outside the bedrooms. Most people might think his home secure. The island had a road only accessible to guests and residents, but Gabe was right. First Elle easily breezed through security and second the open air of his mansion on the Intracoastal meant that someone on a ship could see in at all hours to spy on them.
Margo was safer in a more contained place, so he'd fight off his libido and think rationally.
Elle came out of her bedroom behind him with her rolling suitcases. Her family better be innocent because Elle should be protected too. She still wore that black skirt over silk underwear. He groaned and managed, "Are you ready?"
Their stare sizzled between them. Then Margo screamed, "Pedar!"
He ran downstairs, Elle right on his heels. Where was Prudence? Where was his dad’s wife? The family was supposed to be watching Margo while they packed. He skidded to a stop in the kitchen where Margo was holding her green-like-grass bean sprouts and budding wheat germs that showed the roots. "Please tell Grandmother that I must take these. I told you that I wanted to do a sofreh this year."
"I told her that the bean sprouts and wheat germs don't fit in her bag," Andrada Hawke said, with a look that tried to be kind and caring while taking the container of sprouts. "And they look too ripe at this point, like they've soaked for weeks."
Margo gazed at him and put both of her hands together. "Pedar, it's the Sabzeh. Please!"
He hadn't planned for her to put together a sofreh or to celebrate Norooz at all, other than give her a few presents. "Sweetheart, I told you Americans don't celebrate our New Year."
"I want to." She took the bean sprouts back from Andrada, her wide brown eyes reminding him of his mother, also dead now. Grief choked him. "Please, Pedar." How could he tell her no?
"I can Google what we need to do and help Margo," Elle said, breaking the tension in the kitchen. "The holiday seems important to her." To his surprise, Andrada nodded her agreement.
He stuffed a hand in his pocket. "I was supposed to take her to the Norooz celebration tomorrow so she would meet other children of our culture."
"A large crowd of people, strangers, doesn't sound like a good idea to me." Elle looked at Margo, who seemed ready to break into tears.
Navid sucked in his breath—Elle was right, but he hated to make his daughter cry. He shrugged. "We'll have to do that next year, but Elle, if you can help Margo get everything together, we can have a family celebration. I'd really appreciate it."
"Grandmother can come and celebrate New Year’s!" Margo yelled and jumped, putting the container of sprouts on the counter. "I'll make the prettiest sofreh, Pedar."
"I would love to come." Andrada put her hand on Margo’s curls. "Is everyone invited?"
Navid nodded. "You and my father are welcome. I'll call Gabe and Scarlett to invite them and their families as well. We'll cater in the dinner, if Margo can handle the Haft Seen as she is claiming."
"I will." Margo’s brown eyes shone with happiness. "I promise, and Elle said she will help."
Navid took his daughter's suitcase and carried it to the front door. He then returned for Elle's. "Say goodbye to your grandmother for now, Margo. Don’t forget your sprouts."
"Is there anything I can bring?" Andrada asked. "Margo seems so excited."
"It's because tomorrow she thinks that Haji Firouz, Persian Santa Claus, is going to come out of the fire to give her presents." He tapped his foot at his beaming child, thinking of what to buy online.
Margo swung Andrada’s hand. "Pedar usually tells me that Haji Firouz is too busy to play his tambourine—but he still left me presents in the living room. I’m hoping he doesn’t forget me because we moved to Miami."
; "Santa? Like Christmas? So we can bring Margo presents?" Andrada looked excited. His father’s wife had been very accepting of him and Margo since they moved here.
Navid took a deep breath. The last thing he needed was for his father's family to think the wrong thing about him. "It's our New Year’s celebration. It's not religious, but cultural—so it's not like your Christmas."
"I understand." Andrada gave Elle a wink while she made her way back to the living room, where the rest of the family still waited. "Still, I’m looking forward to it. Take care…"
"See, Pedar? We can celebrate Norooz here too." Margo balanced the awkward plastic container. "And Elle's going to help me set everything up. I’ll teach her to be Persian while she teaches me to be American."
"Absolutely." Elle clasped Margo’s hand.
The way his daughter held Elle's hand made it seem like they were one happy family. His extended family all left before he had a chance to say goodbye, so he took Elle’s wheeled bags so she could walk with his daughter. "Let's go. The limo is here."
"The beach condo sounds fun." Elle swayed ahead of him, the slender line of her back curving to round hips.
His unwanted and uncomfortable erection warned him to take care. He'd always had self-control and mastery of his body, whether it was working out at the gym or making love.
The driver took the bags and packed them in the car. Elle and Margo climbed into the backseat, and he followed, sitting next to Elle. Her hand brushed against his and he turned so she'd not see how she affected him. Once they arrived at the condo, he'd head straight to the gym.
Elle spoke with his daughter as if they were confidants already. He wanted that for Margo so badly.
Once they arrived at the condo, he hopped out without waiting for the driver and stood as a silent sentinel as Margo and Elle went inside the secure building. He followed and directed them to the elevator. Elle almost went the wrong way, so he reached out to touch the small of her back.