Tempting Navid Read online

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  "What’s the product?"

  "Video games mostly but other products have emerged from the successful ones."

  "I see."

  "It's part time, but your skills are needed there. Once I find a suitable nanny for Margo, then we can discuss a full time job in marketing."

  "Okay." She gulped the last of her tea and set the clear glass cup down on the tray.

  He rattled off a schedule. "At noon, take your lunch—then pick up Margo from school. You're with her until I get home. At seven, you're off the clock."

  She nodded and took in her new day-to-day. "Okay, so that's Monday to Friday."

  "Weekends we'll have to see what I need, but if I require assistance, I will pay overtime. I think we should both agree to an initial trial period."

  "How long?"

  "Two weeks and then we’ll see."

  "Fair enough." For now any job that provided a roof over her head and food in her belly was great. And perhaps she could pay for her old cell phone to get turned on, but she’d take one step at a time. She let out a small sigh of relief. "Can I ask a question?"


  She’d like to be delicate about the subject of where to sleep, but finally just asked, "Will this be a live-in position?"

  He moved to stand. "Yes, it's preferable. I'll ensure Prudence makes you the bed across the hall from Margo."

  "One more question."

  He stayed in his seat. "What's that?"

  Despite the fact that he’d hired her, and the fact she secretly wanted to see him naked, she was missing lots of vital information about him. She took a deep breath and held out her hand to shake. "What do you want me to call you?"

  He stood and shook her hand. "Navid. It's David but with an 'n' on the front instead."

  "Got it." He helped her stand and his nearness had her body tingling. She looked at his hand as he released hers. "Navid. And thank you."

  He took a step, then looked over his shoulder at her. She leaped forward to join him and they walked deeper into his mansion. "I might pick your brain about my dad and his wife at some point, so don't be surprised."

  "Of course." She'd help him with anything he needed.

  He motioned for them to climb a flight of stairs and she walked in synch with him. "I'll show you to your room."

  Hopefully his room was far, far away from hers. If it wasn't she'd be in trouble. Thankfully he wasn't interested in her. She'd respect the grieving widower and help with his daughter. Elle had her own issues to figure out, but at least a job was a start to more. She could keep her attraction to him at bay. She brushed her hand against his and felt a zap of electricity rush through her.

  She'd have to keep her distance, but that shouldn't be too hard.

  Elle was dangerous. The way she walked woke up something primal within Navid that he needed to ignore. The last thing his daughter needed was her father seducing the help.

  Too bad Elle was the epitome of his perfect dream woman.

  He scolded himself. His deceased wife had been a good woman who cared for their family. She had taught him to forgive, especially when it came to his mother raising him alone in Iran, and his biological father, here in Miami. Because of her influence he'd moved his daughter to Miami to be near his father's family. All of this should matter more than how Elle, the beautiful blonde with those enchanting hazel eyes, moved her hips.

  Despite this thought, he felt a stirring in his manhood. He opened the bedroom door and said, "This is your room for now. Margo is across the hall. Here is a hundred dollars." He pulled his wallet from his pocket and peeled off a crisp bill. "Why don’t the two of you go do something together? I'll be back at seven."

  "Okay." She accepted the cash with an easy smile. She needed this job, and she’d grown up in this world. His daughter’s smile was a good enough reason to let Elle stay. "Thank you."

  Navid backed out of the room before he did something he'd regret later. He marched down the hall and out the front door fast. There were things at work to do that would quell the lust he felt right now.

  He called for his car to be brought from the garage to the front. Navid didn’t deserve Elle’s sweet smile—he was a bad guy. As the black town car came for him, his phone rang. Leila Razi, the dark-haired Persian who had accompanied him to an art gala last week. His lustful thoughts should be on her, not his half-sister's friend that he’d met twenty minutes ago.

  He answered the call on the third ring. "Salam."

  "Salam. I didn't think you were available." Leila spoke in a soft tone. "Glad I got you."

  "I’m on my way to work," he told her. "What's going on?"

  "Norooz is tomorrow and I wanted to invite you and your daughter to the Cultural Association Gala."

  He hadn't celebrated New Year’s since his wife, Zara, died. No one decorated. His daughter was too young to set a proper sofreh for the family and his mother had done all of it before he’d married—he wasn’t even sure how it went. "It might be nice this year to bring my daughter. Please send me the info."

  "I insist you sit with my family and honor us," Leila said.

  If he sat with her family, they'd assume he was interested and he wasn't ready to make that commitment yet. It was his culture. He scooted into the backseat of his car, nodding to his driver. "Leila, my daughter and I will visit and have a tea that night, I can’t promise more."

  "Fair enough," she answered. "I'll enjoy seeing you and teasing you to dance with me. I must go. A work client is calling."

  "Khoda hafez," he said.

  She repeated the Persian parting and ended the call.

  Again the image of Elle floated in his head as he made his way to work. She would never fit in his world and wouldn't be interested in someone like him, not when she discovered just how much anger had driven him for so long.

  His phone rang again and this time it was a number he didn't recognize. His well-trained driver put the screen up so he couldn't hear any of the conversation. Navid almost hit the ignore button, but something inside him told him not to. He answered, "Hello?"


  The voice from his past was unmistakable. Maddox, the man who’d tried to kill his brother Gabe, was in prison but Paul Laguerre was still very much free, and now calling him. Navid felt tingles in his stomach. Paul had always been the cold mercenary who never hesitated when it came to getting what he wanted. "Paul. It's been a long time."

  Paul said, "Maddox was a loose cannon. You and I are not."

  "True." Navid glanced out the window at the passing palm trees as they headed off Star Island. Paul had taken his brother's computer virus they’d stolen that day in the desert and used it to commit various cybercrimes. Companies never talked about the money they lost, as investors might lose trust. Navid had tried to destroy the USB but he had been a stupid kid at the time. "We've not talked in twelve years. Why is this changing?"

  "I need your help, Navid."

  Paid thug was no longer his job description and hadn't been in years. "I'm not in that line of work anymore."

  Paul’s deep cough sounded like a scoff of disbelief. "I read Fortune 500, Navid. I know you own a computer company that caters to the gaming industry to make their streaming less data and higher quality. With the venture capitalists, you're sitting on billions in your personal account."

  The last person he needed in his life was Paul. He shifted in his seat. "What do you want?"

  "I need you to update the virus we stole," Paul answered. "More and more companies now have a block."

  Navid leaned back. There was nothing he could offer Paul, even if he’d wanted to. At least he had an excuse to just get off the phone. "I don't work in coding. That's a different field and not my specialty."

  Paul said, "I know you told your new family who you are and that you were there that day. Your dad and brother have forgiven you."

  He’d decided that full disclosure would be the best way to start over—it also meant Paul had no leverage on anything he'd ever done t
o use against him now. "My father and brother are generous."

  "You love your daughter, Margo Barampour. If I don't find a way to get a billion dollars out of Google, then I'll have to revert to my old life and your child will be a memory if you don't help me."

  "You're threatening her life?" Navid sat up straight, his mind spinning. The driver parked in front of his work building, but Navid stayed in the car. "You can’t do that."

  "I'm saying I want the virus to work one more time. If I don't get the money, your daughter will pay for your betrayal."

  The phone clicked before Navid could say anything else.

  Navid's heart beat but his body was cold and clammy. The driver opened his door for him to get out. Navid shook his head. "Take me home. Now."

  "Yes, sir." The driver closed the door, no questions asked.

  Right now he had to see his daughter, and then figure out how to protect her.

  Again his phone rang. He glanced at the screen and saw that it was Gabe. He had only spoken to his half-brother three times since his move to Miami. He answered, "Hello?"

  "Navid, I'm having a small engagement party tonight at the parent’s house and you never RSVP’d. I'd like for you to be there. Please bring your daughter as my parents want to meet her."

  He swallowed. It was Gabe's virus and Navid’s antidote that Paul wanted to abuse again. Cold as ice he asked, "Do you remember the desert and how there were three of us who jumped you for the virus?"

  "Yeah." Gabe spoke gruffly. "Navid, you helped me out of there too."

  Clearly his half-brother saw things differently. "I helped Maddox and Paul steal from you. You’ve forgiven me, but I can’t take that back." Navid closed his eyes and continued, "And now Paul has threatened to kill my daughter..."

  "Paul Leguerre? Called you just now? But Margo’s only six!" Gabe cursed. "That's sick. What can we do?"

  Navid said, "I don't know the police system in America other than they love to check me for extra security at every airport. If you know the best security company, please let me know."

  "No offense, but my company is very good. I'll install my computer system in your home security today. And we'll all come over to help you. You're not alone."

  "Thank you." He ended the call and took a small breath. Gabe Hawke had recently been threatened by Maddox so they at least knew security. Navid swallowed. His little girl was innocent and sweet and he'd take the offered help.

  The car stopped in front of his house again and he jumped out because he couldn't wait for the driver to open his door for him. He rushed inside and physically ran right into Elle and his daughter at the door. With Elle's breasts pushed against him he became aware of every part of her. He stepped back and said, "You're not going anywhere."

  Elle blinked wide hazel eyes and took Margo's hand. "You told me to show her what it's like to be American. We were going for ice cream."

  Navid walked forward. "Party is cancelled. We'll cater the ice cream. Let's get away from the door."

  "Did I do something wrong?" Elle asked. "I still have the money you left. We haven't had time to do anything but plan the outing."

  He placed his hand on her back to lead her away from the door too. "I'm changing a few plans. Please come. We'll get ice cream for Margo in the kitchen while you and I talk."

  "Pedar, please don't fire Elle." Margo tugged on his arm. "I like her."

  "I hope she stays, but I need to work out a few details," Navid answered. "Let's get you to the kitchen for that ice cream."

  "Elle told me about sundaes and sprinkles and hot chocolate on top, Pedar." Margo’s voice was on the verge of tears. "I wanted to try."

  The sugar rush after wasn't going to be pretty, but he'd deal with it. He looked down at his daughter and wanted her to have the best. "I'll send Prudence out to get us supplies. Can you give her an hour?"

  His daughter said, "Yes, Pedar. I'll go to my room while you talk to Elle and I'll be down when we can all eat our sundaes together."

  "Thank you." He kissed her cheek. She deserved a full life, and he'd keep her safe. As Margo bounced upstairs to her room, Navid stared at Elle. He’d already ordered an employee background screening, but nothing had popped in the prelim. At least he had Prudence’s full background, and she’d checked out. Right now he'd go with his gut, and ask Elle for help. He guided her to the living room and avoided a glance at her hips. She still wore the blue skirt, black skirt and black heels from her interview. "Please have a seat."

  "You just hired me." She perched on the couch, her long legs crossed daintily at the ankle. "I don't know how I could have messed up anything yet."

  He shook his head. "Did you know a Paul Laguerre?"

  Her nose wrinkled, her long blonde hair falling down her back. "No. Should I?"

  Navid closed his eyes and massaged his temple. "He's threatened to kill my daughter." He stared at Elle again. She couldn’t know how he’d seen Paul searching a man’s pockets right after he’d kill him. Elle had been protected all her life. "Gabe and my father's family are coming over now to help me ensure my house is secure. I can't let someone like that near my Margo. She's the only good thing I've done in my life."

  Elle reached forward. "If you're going into hiding, I want to come. I can help with Margo. I promise."

  "You promise?" She had sounded like his daughter when the thoughts he had about Elle were far from paternal. "Elle, I don't know my plan yet, but I will make sure you have enough for a roof over your head and food."

  Her own family might be guilty or not guilty, but Elle was definitely innocent. She stood and walked over to him, then stroked his arms. "You're a sweet guy, Navid. I want to help you, like you're helping me. I promise I'll be the best nanny for Margo and keep her calm. Distracted."

  He was not sweet. He stood and traced her arms. She trembled but stayed. Then he leaned down and claimed her lips like he had wanted to do earlier. Something about her made him forget everything else.

  She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  So he deepened the kiss and his hands roamed her clothed body, wanting nothing more to rip her dress off her and possess her.

  She didn't stop him. In fact she pressed her breasts against him, kept her eyes closed and kissed him back.

  His hand reached for the hem of her black dress and Elle release a soft sigh.

  Elle opened her legs for his touch. She tasted divine and he wanted her. Right here. Right now. It might relieve some of the pressure.

  He reached for her underwear and felt the silk in the palm of his hand. She nodded, "Yes."

  No. What was he thinking? He let her go and straightened his pants. He'd not take advantage of her. He had more to offer a woman than a tumble. He stood taller. "This shouldn't have happened. I apologize."

  "Please don't. I wanted you, but I get that you can't." She stepped back, her hand at the pendant at her throat. "Perhaps I should go get the ice cream for your daughter and bring it back for her to share with you."

  "With us. You have to explain it to her, how a sundae goes." Navid wished his body was under more control. "I don't see how your ice cream is different than ours."

  "Maybe it's not, but she'd like it. Tomorrow it’s cheeseburgers and fries. I wanted to bond with Margo."

  She crossed her arms but that only made her breasts seem bigger. He looked away. "I'm glad you two are hitting it off. She needs a female in her life she can trust."

  "You can trust me." She kissed his cheek. He didn’t stop her. Her kiss left him defenseless and he couldn’t let it happen again.

  Navid's kiss left her tingling for more. Elle paced in her room as she decided how to deal with her attraction. If she left Navid alone, she'd have a job, a roof and a chance to take care of herself and her family.

  If she followed her desires, she might have a man she'd been waiting for all her life. In the past, her brothers' inquisitions always had potential boyfriends running for the hills.

  It would be nice to see how a rela
tionship did or didn't progress without their interference—though she wanted them out of jail, and free from harm. This surreal situation had turned her life upside down.

  Elle squared her shoulders and decided to find Navid for another kiss. Halfway back to the living area, the doorbell rang. She saw Navid as she made her way into the room, and he took her hand. "My father's family is here. Can you go get Margo for me?"

  She nodded and tried to ignore the energy that coursed through her from his touch. He let her go once they heard footsteps in the hall and she walked away, reeling. This attraction she had for him was intense, and that wasn't good at all.

  She knocked on Margo's door.

  "Come in!" Margo put a hardcover book down on her bed and asked, "Elle, is it time for the ice cream sundaes finally?"

  "Come." Elle motioned with her hand for Margo to join her. "Your grandparents have come to visit you."

  Elle hid how her stomachs were in knots. The Hawkes had known her parents and brothers. If their friends believed them guilty, everyone else might too.

  Margo climbed off her bed, but lowered her head. "I'm scared."

  "Of Mr. and Mrs. Hawke?" Elle walked into Margo’s spotless pink and white bedroom. Her own parents had always screamed that she and her brothers should be this clean. Elle was impressed.

  Margo reached for her hand. "I don't know them. Pedar moved us here to get to know them and we only went to their house, once. In my country, people visit family every day so I don't know if they like us."

  Elle knelt down in front of Margo, keeping her hand, and smiled. "That's not how it is in America. They are probably giving you and your dad space. Can we talk to them about visiting more?"

  Margo shook her head furiously as her face went white. "Please don't. The last time we went to their house, Pedar was sad for the rest of the evening." She hugged Elle tight. "I don't want to see him sad."

  Margo was such a caring girl. Elle fixed her shiny brown hair behind her small ear. "Well, I'm here now and in your corner. I know them very well." Margo nodded and squeezed her hand. Elle stood and straightened her skirt, wishing she’d had time to wash the few things in her suitcases so she wasn’t overdressed. "So, let's go."


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