Forbidden Count Page 8
He led them to the edge of the bed and sat. “The estate is yours to decorate and hang whatever you want, whenever you want.”
Once she sat too, Sheena glanced down his body and must have caught a glimpse of how hard he was because she said, “I hope we keep getting along like this—and tomorrow you keep your promise for another skateboard lesson.”
Matteo traced her leg and hoped she agreed to the distraction. “The pink one waits for you. But for now, let’s see how fast we can undress and then dress for a party.”
He kissed her and reached behind her for her zipper as she asked, “What? Now?”
“We’ll be fast.” He was certain they had the time.
Sheena was sweet, special and his. He needed to claim her, right here, right now. He wasn’t sure he’d ever have enough of her. And that was okay. She was his wife.
Chapter 11
Sheena’s feet were seriously pinched in her glass high heels while she stood with Matteo at the front door to greet their guests. This was her place as the countess now, but seriously whoever wrote the Cinderella story had clearly never spent a second in the actual shoes. Pain shot up her calves.
And this was only the beginning of the evening.
Hopefully by the time they sat down, her feet would become numb.
If this was one of her benefits where she spent the evening in heels, she’d drink wine to numb the pain, and she planned to try that trick tonight at dinner. She’d counted the hours ahead and realized she’d spend much more time in fashionable heels that were secretly torture devices than a normal event, and as countess, she couldn’t slip off her shoes.
Sheena straightened as trumpets blared which meant more royalty had arrived and stepped through the door. She clasped Matteo’s arm and then curtsied at the young couple, the princess heavily pregnant. Sheena shook hands with both of them. Matteo said, “Sheena, this is Crown Prince Antonio Aussa, and Princess Kristin Aussa.”
Ah. The stunning pictures she’d seen did neither of them justice. They were both even more attractive in person. She met Kristin’s warm brown eyes. “It’s lovely to make your acquaintance.”
Princess Kristin glanced behind her and studied a floral canvas with interest. “Your home is lovely.”
Perfect. Sheena knew the artist needed money and would be thrilled if royalty bought something from her. Sheena directed the couple through her cherry tree hall that led to the ballroom. “Thank you. I hope you find some of the art to your liking.”
The princess laughed. “You clearly know about art, Sheena Korbel. We have to talk and get to know each other later.” Princess Kristin entered the room and Sheena stepped back next to Matteo and said, “I think that’s the last of the guests.”
The trumpets didn’t blare, but in the hall behind them, she heard a branch that must have broken now being trampled with footsteps. Matteo pressed his hand on her back and said, “Someone else is coming.”
“One more then.” Sheena straightened, hoping the pain in her legs dissipated or that she could slip away and find some flat comfy slippers.
She froze in place as a dark-haired man a few inches taller than her handsome husband stepped across the threshold. She hadn’t expected to see him again, or those shoulders that had once made her swoon.
Of course, Charles was with yet another woman. Sheena didn’t need to curtsy as neither guest was titled so she offered her gloved hand to shake as she said, “Charles. Anna.”
Matteo’s body tightened beside her. She could feel the strain of his arm muscle but she held him close as he said, “Charles?”
If she’d known Matteo was an option a year ago, Charles never would have had the chance to break her heart. Charles had been a mistake and that couldn’t be more evident. Sheena needed to fix her past, so she pasted a smile on her face as Anna Crosswell, a successful graphic designer she knew from Paris, said, “Thanks for the invitation—Charles is my plus one.”
Anna didn’t need her work presented like this as she made a living creating ads. Sheena greeted Anna as if nothing was wrong. “Of course.”
Charles leaned in, about to kiss her cheek. She stretched her hand out, offering that instead, which he thankfully took as she said, “I didn’t expect to ever see you again, Charles.”
He stepped a little too close and alarm caused goosebumps on her arms as he said, “I had to come and see for myself that the star of my eyes had married another.”
The what? Yeah, right.
Matteo tensed. Charles looked at her as if she’d crushed his heart. She wasn’t the type of woman that men fought over. She was the one they usually overlooked.
Matteo said, “I would never leave my wife alone in a hotel room, paying for the other woman.”
Matteo had promised friendship and loyalty and he’d come through. Before she’d planned Matteo’s wedding, she’d still been heartbroken over Charles, but right now, two men talking about her honor was more than she expected.
After Matteo’s marriage, she’d envisioned herself going home to some nonexistent cat that she was going to buy and be happy running art shows. Now she stood in silence next to Matteo, unsure what to say to Charles as he stood in front of her.
Charles met her gaze fast and then returned his attention to Matteo. “Sheena misunderstood what happened.”
The last thing she needed was for Matteo to worry about this. She pointed toward her cherry tree hall and said, “Charles, Anna, food and drink are that direction. Glad you can support the benefit.”
The two of them walked down the path and once they were far enough away her shoulders drooped.
She’d once thought Charles the most handsome man she knew.
Now she realized that had been a lie. Matteo had aged from hottest high school boy to take the honors as the smoking hot well beyond sexiest man she’d ever known.
Matteo put his hand on her lower back. “Sheena, can we talk?”
“Of course, my love.” She patted him on the chest—he was the best.
He walked with her down the long hall and kept his voice low. “He called you when we were leaving for the skate park. Did he call back? Did you know he was coming?”
“I didn’t know he ever called, not that it matters. You heard me say that I never expected to see him again.”
The motion of his head was worldly and indicated, without a sound or a word, that he didn’t believe her. “That could have been a test rather than the truth.”
She stopped and searched his face. He had to believe her. Her hands pressed against his heart. “Matteo, you and I might have run in different circles, but I only say what I mean.”
He looked into her eyes, seeing the truth. “I apologize.” He kissed her cheek. “I know you’re a good woman, Sheena.”
“You’re great too.” Warmth rushed through her—this was all she’d ever need, from now on. She kissed him and he moved his hard lips against hers, making her feel wanted. The pressure of his body so close made her tingle and long for him.
Maybe she’d never have enough but for now, she sighed and said, “I need to check with the staff and ensure dinner is about to be served. Meet me at the banquet doors?”
He bowed like he’d been taught in school. “Of course. Five minutes.”
Cherry trees lined the halls, as they had in her wedding, and now led to the gilded doors of the ballroom where an orchestra played.
Sheena slipped through another door of the huge banquet room that was designed for noble parties with royal guests, and about to serve its purpose.
The king would be seated at the head, in the place of honor, since he’d come to her party, soon.
Luckily Fiona had walked her through the house a few times, showing her the tapestry and multiple entrances. She stayed behind the fabric art and headed toward one of the hidden staff entries on the far end of where the king might sit and went to find Fiona and ensure all was well.
Fiona stood with the main chef and signaled all was good.
t. She turned around and headed back inside.
The staff would direct the guests in five minutes to their seats at the long table that held two hundred, with the rest of the four hundred at surrounding tables.
* * *
Sheena trekked halfway down the dining hall that held one massive mahogany table with cushioned blue and yellow chairs all pushed in.
To her, everything seemed perfect.
The staff would direct people to correct chairs.
The door in front of her opened and she saw Charles. He was a foot taller than her and her heart raced with apprehension.
She couldn’t avoid him in the empty dining room with only servants preparing for their jobs. It was either face him, circle around him, or jump over the table, as no one else was in the room.
Charles loomed closer and she crossed her arms to ensure she didn’t react in any way as he stood in front of her, blocking her escape. “Sheena.”
Adrenaline rushed through her. “Charles.” She spoke coldly. “What are you doing here?”
He traced her arm until she backed up. “Why did you marry this count? He is so far beneath you.”
Her hair stood on end. This wasn’t good. She pursed her lips and said, “That’s not nice. My husband is good to me.”
He sneered. “He’s never worked a day in his life.”
Wait. What? Her nose lifted in the air and she set her jaw. How dare Charles of all people say anything about Matteo? “He does more than you. He runs an estate and ensures his people are taken care of.”
He rolled his eyes at her. “This isn’t the fourteenth century anymore. People work for a living and earn money to live their own lives.”
Maybe a year ago she’d have talked like that, but then she hadn’t understood until Matteo the responsibilities involved with having a title and investing in people’s dreams. Matteo took an active interest in his tenants and he was so easygoing about it that he absolutely didn’t deserve ridicule. She took a step toward the exit. “Don’t judge Matteo, especially when I never could figure out what you did for work or money. You always had cash, but never did anything for anyone but yourself.”
Charles reached for her hands and tried to take them, but she clenched them into fists to avoid his touch. “I wanted to marry you, Sheena.”
She froze. Unbelievable. Charles’s closeness set off an explosion inside her that wanted to punch and fight, though she’d never done anything of the sort. “You have a funny way of showing affection.”
She stomped her feet a little more than a lady should as she darted around him toward the door. He stepped in front of her, blocking her again as he said, “I had business to finish with Cindy.”
Cindy. What about Alexa? Or Anna? Unreal. She gritted her teeth until she remembered that wasn’t good for a lady and circled around him. “And Anna? You came as her date.”
He reached for her arm. “We’re friends only. She knows I’ve missed you.”
She pulled free and stormed through the dining room as she said, “Well, Charles, I have to go.”
Without another word, she left him there.
Matteo waited for her and she slipped her hand in his, taking strength, but then Charles followed her out into the ballroom where the guests all waited.
Her heart beat fast as she made her way through the crowd. Charles went toward Anna as Matteo asked, “Was that Charles with you just now?”
She couldn’t quite meet his gaze. “He followed me when I went to check with the staff.”
Matteo took a step in their guest’s direction. “Do I need to have the staff remove him?”
Her lips parted with surprise. She squeezed his arm and hoped Matteo was reminded of their earlier connection. “No, I think he said whatever he needed to say and it’s done now.”
“What did he want?” Matteo turned his back on all the guests to ask.
This was rude. She pushed on his shoulder to get him to face the people who all had drinks and appetizers as she said, “He said he wanted to marry me.”
“He knows you’re my wife.” His arm tightened around her waist possessively.
Sheena positioned them both in a slight twirl so no one would say that she and Matteo were rude hosts. “Naturally.”
His head butler, Simone, waited by the door, which meant that the meal was about to be served. Matteo said, “I’ll have the staff remove him.”
She trembled and glanced at Charles who was currently speaking to a duke she’d just met and his lovely American wife. “Don’t. There is enough room for me to avoid him, and it’s better for everyone to see how happy we are together.”
Both doors opened to the dining room. Simone lifted his butler’s staff and announced, “Dinner is served.”
Matteo took his position at her side and walked with her into dinner, right after the royal family.
Sheena calmed as she realized that things were going according to plan. The staff had dressed in navy blue Korbel livery colors embellished with gold. Fresh flowers accented the gilded formal room that could double for Versailles’ Hall of Mirrors.
Matteo scanned the room with pride. “Sheena, you’re amazing.”
Good. This had required a lot of planning, especially because it was such short notice. Fiona and Simone were thrilled to participate in her joining of Avce society and bringing people into the house as the Villa was meant to be seen. Every fork was in place. In a quiet voice she said, “I’ve actually never eaten at a table built for two hundred in a hall. At my father’s restaurant, there were small tables to serve, but it was more easily managed without staff having to disappear behind tapestries.”
He guided her toward her seat as hostess that was unfortunately not next to him as he said, “Enjoy your dinner. We’ll talk about Charles later.”
“Matteo?” She took his hand before he walked away.
He stared down his nose and asked, “Yes?”
She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I am happy to be your wife. Don’t get jealous because nothing’s changed.”
“Good to hear.” He walked around the long table and took his place as the host of the evening, beside the king.
He deserved every second of tonight’s success. They were a team and she’d done this to increase his social standing from illicit parties to polite society as well as introduce herself. She intended for them to take their place with heads high. Charles was nothing compared to her husband.
Chapter 12
Matteo Korbel, Count of Golchin, knew three things in life. One was that men like his father didn’t deserve to be honored. Two was that when you found something good, like Sheena, then you held onto it. And three, men like Charles, who currently was dancing with the woman who’d brought him to the party, were not to be trusted.
In other circumstances, Matteo might have befriended the man out of spite to his father, who had been born into the peerage but had never treated one person in his life nobly.
Sheena had gone with the royal family to ensure their comfort as they looked at the paintings, so she wasn’t in the ballroom that he oversaw as host.
Stefano came behind him and patted him on the back. “Matteo, what’s going on?”
Perhaps his lack of smile gave him away. He tried to correct that as he nodded at his friend and redirected the conversation. “Stefano, how was dinner?”
Stefano laughed and shook his head. “Don’t change the topic. What’s going on?”
Matteo couldn’t hide much from Stefano, who knew him well, so he glanced quickly at the ballroom dance floor and said, “The man over there…”
“The tall one?” Stefano peeked so fast it was hard to tell that he’d looked at all.
They’d each had less than an ideal upbringing. Matteo nodded at Chelsea and Cassidy in the distance as he confided in his best friend. “Sheena’s ex. His name is Charles.”
Chelsea spoke to her family and then broke away, coming their direction across the crowded dance floor. Stefano’s back was to h
er as he asked, “Charles what?”
“I have no idea.” Matteo’s ears buzzed. The man irked him and Matteo knew nothing about him at all.
A moment later their friend joined them as Matteo said, “Chelsea.”
She studied them and asked, “What are you two conspiring about?”
Casual as could be, Stefano motioned behind him to the dance floor. “Sheena’s ex, Charles over there. What’s his name?”
Matteo straightened and glanced again. The dance ended, and he wasn’t sure where his non-invited guest had gone.
Chelsea’s eyes widened. “Charles Esposito is here?”
Esposito was the traditional way of not giving a last name to a child, which meant the man was a bastard. Or might be. He motioned with his head toward the dance floor. “Over there. The tall fellow.”
Chelsea didn’t care that she turned and stared. She scanned the ending dance and visibly sucked in her breath. “Sheena wasn’t lying about his height then.”
If anyone would help him past being jealous, it could be Chelsea. Sheena had said that she was over Charles, but the man’s attention toward his wife struck Matteo’s gut like a knife. “What else do you know about Charles Esposito?”
Chelsea’s lips thinned, and she looked away, saying quietly, “He broke her heart.”
A broken heart meant that she’d cared and his skin buzzed that Sheena had ever cared for anyone but him. He didn’t like how hypocritical that made him when he wasn’t exactly a saint. “I know that. I was interested in learning something more tangible about the man.”
Chelsea’s jaw clenched which meant she was thinking. She then snapped her fingers and said, “Sheena never knew what Charles did for a living. She agonized over his lack of profession.”
Stefano took three wines from a passing waiter and handed them out as he asked, “Who are his parents? Esposito can mean he was born a bastard—and if he is wealthy, that suggests his biological parents, at least one of them, are well off.”