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Stormy Peril Page 8

  A huge sigh escaped her lips. It was the first offer of evidence he'd offered her without a fight. She kept her mouth shut. "No. You can keep it. I'll read it tomorrow while you’re gone."

  He scratched his jaw. "I'll keep it and search for clues about Roger, then."

  Something in that statement rang in her head as false, but she let it go. Tonight she had to check her computer history was good and that no one had touched anything that had her mother or sister’s information on it. Roger had access to what mattered in her life. She stared into his dark succulent eyes, and a warmth entered her body again. "Okay. I want to go through my computer. I want to see what files were tampered with."

  "Unpack everything before you go to bed." He shook his head as he walked beside her. "I'll be doing laundry in the morning."

  Meg always seemed to take care of that. "Why? I can do my own laundry. There is no need." She’d told Meg the same thing.

  He shrugged. "Suit yourself. The laundry is in the east wing."

  They walked up the stairs and their shoulders brushed against each other. "The east wing? I haven’t been there. I'll have to search the rest of the castle. Are there any skeletons I should avoid?"

  "None from me, though I can't account for whatever guests left behind. The staff left in a hurry to avoid a storm."

  "Great, I have your permission to rummage through all your underwear, then." Tomorrow, she’d find Meg and question her again. A chill inched through her, but a frank discussion with the maid would give her some clues on Raphael.

  He stood next to her until she took a step toward the door. Then he followed. "Perhaps you shouldn't. I don't want to lead you to the wrong conclusions about me."

  What conclusions? His package beneath the black clothes he wore signaled with one glance that he was hung. She sucked in her breath and stared into those sexy eyes of his. His forehead wrinkled. "Are you okay? You're bright red."

  He had to know why. She inhaled, and the smell of the woods relaxed her. She nodded. "Yes. Slightly peaked from all the excitement, and I must be getting tired. It will be nice to do things I used to do."

  She took a step forward again, and he stayed behind her. "With the computer?"

  She glanced at one of the gargoyles on the stairs instead of his face. "Yeah. I'll get back into a familiar routine and journal, at least."

  "I am trying to break myself of old habits."

  "Your sister-in-law likely isn't here, so you should be safe."

  Had she just said that? That was not nice. She wrapped her fingers in circles at her side. He had every reason to run.

  "That would be my worst nightmare. Besides, that one I spoke about died, and my brother's new wife seems to love him."

  "Good." She smiled. "I like happily-ever-afters."

  He stared ahead and not at her. "There is no such thing."

  She swallowed. Jaded much? She kept that comment to herself. "Do you talk to your brother? Are you close despite the past?”

  The silence in the room rattled through her. His lips were closed and he didn’t move. Her fingers ached in those circles at her side, but she didn’t dare move. Finally, he shook his head. "No. I went to the wedding last month."

  She nodded. "Did you say sorry?"

  He rolled his eyes, but not at her. "Yeah, but he shouldn't have forgiven me."

  She dropped the circles at her side and stepped closer to him. "Then he's not the reason you've locked yourself away in a castle."

  "True. There were other things."

  She elbowed him. If he lightened up then he'd be better off. "Like what?"

  "I'm a heartless beast most of the time."

  She sighed. "I don't believe it."

  "I'm not a good man." Raphael opened her bedroom door for her. "My family will attest to that. So I tried to use my abilities for a good greater than myself, but I still felt like a bad guy every night I went to bed."

  She clutched her necklace. "Do you feel like a bad person for helping me?"

  "No." He leaned forward again. "He was going to kill you. I saw it with my own eyes, and I can't forget it."

  She released the medallion. "I've never been rescued before, or been much of a victim." She leaned closer to the bedroom door. "I've been the screw-up runaway daughter, rebelling against nothing. I was stupid and reckless. When I get back to the mainland, I intend to fly or run back to Florida and tell my mom I love her."

  "You seem great to me. I'm sure everything will be fine."

  She seemed great? Her mouth watered. "I'm sure your family is wrong if they said anything bad about you. You are my hero at the moment."

  A huge crash boomed in the air and they both froze.

  An explosion rocked from outside. She grabbed his chest for support as her mind reasoned the sound was from the courtyard.

  Raphael handed her computer bag to her and stared at the dark hallway downstairs. "Where is your Taser?"

  What? He was supposed to save her. Her hands trembled. "In my room."

  A bell rang through the castle so loudly that it drowned out her heartbeat. He pushed her into her room. His strong voice soothed her as he yelled, "Stay inside and lock the door."

  She stepped backward and clutched her bag like it would shield her. "What's going on?"

  "Roger must have tripped the alarm. He won’t get past my security."

  “Are we in danger?”

  “Stay inside until I come back."

  Her entire body shook in tune to the ringing. "No. I should stay with you."

  "You're safer here."

  No. She reached out and grabbed his shoulder. "I can't lose you, Raphael."

  He turned back to stare into her eyes. "You won't. Just stay safe, in your room."

  His intensity made her believe he had the power to destroy any threat. She sighed, reached out, and intended to kiss his cheek.

  He turned straight at her, and their lips locked. She dropped her bag to the floor and wrapped her arms around him. His lips burned, and she melted into him. The entire world faded to black.

  Another explosion pierced the air. He stepped back and his pupils were dilated. She tried to catch her breath in between her words: "Come…home…to me…"

  He jumped back like she'd scorched him. His hand brushed against her spine, and her entire body mellowed. "Lock the door behind you."

  All she could do was nod. He turned and ran back to the hallway. She stared after his broad shoulders until he disappeared in the shadows.

  Then a bang echoed in the hallway, and the pictures shook on the wall.

  She shut the door, then bolted it. She threw the bag on the bed and clutched her medallion.

  No one could hurt Raphael. She'd not let them. She stared around the room then ran to her dresser. The Taser was there. She clutched it in her hand and stood near the door. If anyone stormed inside or went near Raphael, then she'd shock them.

  The clock in the hallway ticked like it banged against her head, but then it ended and the silence screamed louder than the hard tone of the bell. The minutes ticked by as she peered out of her bedroom and stared at a clock. Tick. Tock. She might need another weapon if she didn’t point right.

  The blackness of the night and the storm outside hid the moonlight. Her pulse ran. Tick. Tock. Was Raphael okay? What happened next? Was this some horror movie where she died after her hopes were dashed?

  Raphael had survived in the past. He'd be fine. Tick. Tock.

  Should she run and find Meg? Raphael told her to stay in her room. Kimberly shook her head like that would get rid of her negative thoughts. She took a second to close her eyes, center her thoughts, and let her thumb and forefinger go into circles.

  Her mind didn’t rest. What if Raphael needed her? Clutching the Taser in her hand, she decided that if she could help, she should. She had no other weapon, so she had to make do with this.

  Kimberly opened the door, and the entire hallway was black as night. Should she get the candelabrum? No, she thought. The light might at
tract the wrong person. She closed the door without a sound, and her heart pounded in her chest.

  Thunder and lightning crackled in the air outside.

  She had memorized the layout of the hallway and felt her way toward the stairs, where she used her hand to find the banister.

  A thud sounded in the air and she ducked. Waited. Swallowed. Footsteps echoed in the hall, too heavy to be Meg. Her entire body shivered, and she raced back to her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

  Her heart pounded in her chest. She aimed the Taser at the door. If someone barged through, then she had one chance to defend herself.

  Cold sweat formed on her brow. Footsteps drew closer. Her heartbeat accelerated.

  Her entire body shook.

  The footsteps came closer.

  She lifted the Taser, but her arms wobbled.

  A loud pounding at her door shook the wood. Would Roger knock? She swallowed, unsure if she should call out or stay silent.

  Ice ran down her spine. She closed her eyes and intended to strike if anyone came in. Another knock.

  "Kim. It's me. Rafe."

  Rafe? Wasn't his name Raphael? Was it Roger? His voice thundered through the door and she stumbled as she walked forward. It hadn't sounded like Roger.

  “Kimberly, let me in.” She lowered the Taser, and her hands shook. Her legs wobbled, but she dropped the Taser to the floor. At the last second, she stared back at her only weapon. Was this all a lie?

  The door swung open, and she jumped back.

  Raphael was soaked through, and his jeans and t-shirt clung to every part of him. Water dripped down his cheeks but she didn’t see any injuries. "Are you all right?”

  “Fine.” He stepped into her room, and her entire body tensed. Then she reached out and brushed the lock of hair in Raphael's face away. Raphael stared hard at her, and she shivered.

  Her knees buckled and she grabbed him for support. Without a thought, she kissed his lips. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss. The world faded away in his arms.

  Her heart pounded in a different way, and she sighed as he stepped backward.

  Breathing hard, he asked, "Are you okay?"

  She hadn't meant to kiss him. It just happened. She should ask him about Meg, but then he said, "I'm fine."

  “You’re soaking wet again. Let me get you a towel." She ran to the bathroom, picked up what she needed, and offered the white sheet to Raphael. His green eyes matched the shadows all around him. "What happened?"

  "Roger is dead," he answered, but stared past her as he turned on her lights. "You're safe now."

  Death was final.

  This was too fast. Kimberly pushed her shoulders against the door and stared at the ceiling. Overwhelmed by what might have happened to Raphael while he’d protected her from a killer brought tears.

  "Don't cry." Raphael's hand traced her shoulder and moved her away from the door to massage her back. "Everything will be fine. You're safe."

  "I feel like crap." She shook violently, but stared into his eyes. Then she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. She was safe, though so many people died for no reason. "I don't want to cry on your shoulder."

  He held her close. "Don't worry. Take your time. I have to go take care of the details. I just wanted you to know. Everything is different now."

  She swallowed back her tears as he unlocked himself from her embrace.

  She hadn't said a word. She couldn't. She let him go.

  A moment later, Raphael disappeared back into the shadows of the hall. She stared into the darkness, and then she clutched the necklace. Everything would be fine.

  She closed her eyes and said a prayer for Eileen, for Ali, for Roger. They all deserved forgiveness in the afterlife. And then her thoughts turned to Raphael. He needed to forgive himself. She opened her eyes and shivered from the coldness.

  Raphael had saved her. Everything would be fine from now on.


  Kimberly threw water on her face and stared at her brown eyes in the mirror. Her bruise was faded and her Easter egg almost gone. Raphael was amazing. She winced, remembering how she hadn't said one word of thanks last night. A shiver ran down her spine. Why had she cried on him?

  Where was Raphael?

  She clutched her medallion, reminding herself that she was safe. Fine. Everything was okay. Then her gaze went up to the clock. She’d slept half the day away. She needed to find Raphael and hug him.

  She ought to forget about that kiss in her room last night. Her lips tingled, but it had been a huge mistake. They'd be friends, nothing more. The heat she felt in her entire body was best forgotten.

  No more tears wasted on bad guys out to get her. At least her life stuck in a castle with a killer out to get her was over. She sighed. She was still here until spring, unless she found another way out. Raphael had saved her life.

  She slipped into her sandals. Her heart wondered if he'd notice her in the dress she’d picked out at a shop in Miami and think her pretty.

  No. Kimberly rubbed her temples. This was not the thought to cure her crush. She marched out of the room and walked down the hall. She should find him and thank him.

  As she rounded the corner near the stairwell, ice inched up her spine. She took the last step and then Meg called out, "Evening, miss. Off to make lunch?"

  "Not yet. Are you hungry?" Kimberly glanced at the woman on her hands and knees, shivering with cold. She tried to stop her teeth from chattering and then asked, "Were you okay during all the commotion?"

  "I cleaned everything up." Meg shook her head and kept her constant grim expression. "Now I'm behind on my house chores."

  Had Raphael buried Roger? The morbid question surfaced in her brain, and she couldn't shake it out. "If I can help you with anything, don't hesitate to ask."

  "What would I trade for a good, hearty meal, miss." Meg turned back to polishing the floor. Kimberly tensed her shoulders as Meg said, "We should all do the jobs we're hired to do and nothing more."

  Kimberly nodded to herself then stopped. Was that a dig? "Okay. Did you not eat last night?"

  "That's not important." Meg stood up with the sponges in her hand. Her green eyes felt like they penetrated right through Kimberly as Meg said, "Master Raphael has been too kind to you, and you've brought this house nothing but danger."

  Kimberly held her head a little higher. "It's over now. The danger."

  "We'll see." Meg picked up her bucket and the air around her fingers cracked like ice pellets. "Good day to you, miss."

  "Wait." Kimberly dropped her hands to her side. "I'd like to help you with cleaning this place. It must be a lot to do, and you're so amazing at it. What can I do?"

  "Master Raphael said you're a guest, and it's not proper. If it kept you away from kissing him, though, then I'd consider…"

  Kimberly crossed her arms. "There is nothing going on between Raphael and me."

  Meg shook her head as she headed down the hall. "Then I prefer to do my chores without you near, miss. Good day."

  Kimberly tapped her feet long after Meg walked off. Had Meg seen that kiss last night? She hadn't done that on purpose. Besides, what she and Raphael did wasn’t really Meg's business. Kimberly swallowed. The most relevant news was that Raphael survived out there against her would-be assassin.


  Those sounds again. There was no such thing as a ghost. Now that Roger was dead, it would be safe for her to go over the island. Maybe find Harry, or Harry’s body. She’d ask Raphael.

  Where did he live, anyway? Not in the same wing as she did, she was pretty sure, though he’d been in the library the first few times they met. Maybe he was reading now.

  Was he hungry? She could go start dinner instead of lunch, if he wanted.

  She turned and headed down the opposite hall. Her steps were lighter now. She walked on free air toward the door. Raphael might need alone time and she should go to the beach. She checked the window and didn’t see a cloud in the sky.
Perhaps she'd go outside and see the beach and what happened today.

  She bypassed the library and headed to the front door. Until today, she'd shied away from the door. She shook her head. How silly was she? She swallowed then stopped about a foot from it.

  The heavy front door had a million locks on it. She gritted her teeth, and reached up to unlock them all.

  She'd have her one minute of freedom outside, in the fresh, clean air. She hadn't heard a thunderstorm all day. She undid the second lock.

  A whoosh raced past her.

  Ice raced up her spine. What happened? Was there a haunted house soundtrack she should turn off? She turned around again, unsure. Nothing waited in the hall. "Meg? Raphael?"

  Should she call out Rafe? She smiled then shook her head. What was with his new nickname? Had that slipped last night in his rush to assure her that Roger was dead? Did he trust her?

  Nothing stirred. Perhaps she’d imagined the sound. She shook off the nagging feelings and finished with all the locks.

  No one came out into the halls to stop her as she unlatched the last lock and smiled to herself. Yeah. She turned around and scanned the entire castle in her view. She was alone.

  A moment later she stepped outside and stared at a small wooden plank that led from the front door over a mound of blackness that circled. Seriously? How medieval was this place?

  How did you lower the drawbridge? In movies it took multiple people.

  Perhaps Raphael had hooked up an easy-to-push button back inside. She gazed through the tiny slit where long ago archers must have guarded the main entrance. Her eyes lowered. He had a moat? Seriously. Was that what they were called? She glanced at the black water. There had to be something electronic that lowered the drawbridge. Hotel guests would not swim across.

  A raindrop hit the top of her head and Kimberly stared up at the sky. A dark cloud threatened to erupt above her head. Where had that come from? She licked her lower lip, then shivered.

  The temperature dropped too.

  The winter-ravaged island had a surreal feeling to it, and the castle and moat made it seem as if she’d been transported backward in time. She shook her head.