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Keeping the Spy Page 8
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Page 8
"This ends today." She grabbed his jacket and zipped him up. "We're going."
He reached into his back pocket and found his keys. "You're crazy."
"Think of a plan fast, Liam." Joe raced behind her as she headed toward the garage door. He twirled his keys in his hand, unable to think of a logical argument. Then he followed them to his car.
Sherry loaded Joe in the backseat and he still hadn't stopped this. Once Joe was settled she went to the side door and opened it herself. Without a word, he slid into the driver's seat.
"I was jealous when I read your name linked with Victor's. You deserve the best."
"Open the gate and let's get going."
She pressed her hand on his shoulder. A shudder rushed through him as he followed her directions. Once he had the car outside and on the street, she pushed her hair behind her ear and said, "You were jealous?"
He hit the brakes and the car jerked. Joe barked. There had to be a way to keep Sherry safe and have a carefree date tonight. He had to think. He lurched the car forward and then nodded his head.
"You are worth far more. You deserve love."
"Maybe tonight, after you arrest Vladimir."
Arrest. Yes. The word made him think about work. He'd need to find a way to ensure enough police were around that no one could get away, if Vladimir was going to show up in the library. The thoughts raced in his mind.
"I never understood why you didn't speak to me."
He turned the corner but saw how her brown hair shone in the bright sun that was about to set. He turned away to not be burned from the radiance.
"You're the most beautiful creature I ever met. I had no idea what to say."
Her hand brushed against his shoulder. Then he remembered the safe house on Elm. If they hurried, they could make it there and get supplies. He gritted his teeth. "Wait. I have a plan. We'll have to be fast."
She massaged him. "I knew I could count on you."
* * *
A few minutes later, he parked inside the garage on Elm. 'Ace' and 'Elma' came through the garage door as he opened his door. Joe barked, but stayed next to him when he opened the backseat.
Ace nodded his head, "Black Falcon, the boss wants to speak to you."
Liam glanced at his phone and saw three missed calls. He needed to ensure as much protection on Sherry as he could get.
"Elma, get Sherry suited up while I talk to him."
Sherry clutched his arm.
"I don't think Vladimir will talk to me if I show up in full armor."
Her face was white.
Elma then stepped forward which caused Joe to bark. "We can get your suited up underneath your pretty outfit."
Liam nodded and petted Joe who calmed down.
"Thanks Elma."
Sherry let his hand go and followed her. Liam clutched his phone as he watched her walk into the house as Elma said, "The First Lady wears fashion over her protection all the time. The press just makes comments on her weight, but better to be joked about and live, is my opinion."
At the door, Liam called out, "Elma... be nice to her. I want her back in two minutes."
"More like five. It takes a few minutes to dress, Black Falcon," Elma answered.
Liam and Sherry stared. He nodded at her to somehow say 'I'll be right here for you.' He had no idea if she understood, but she smiled and went inside with Elma.
Ace told him, "Call now."
Liam dialed as he walked into the house with Ace and Joe at his tail. Joe ran to the bedroom where Sherry was and then back toward him in the kitchen area.
Nebraska, his boss, answered on the second ring and instead of hello he launched into business. "Status report."
Liam paced the room and walked into the living area, checking all windows. "Vladimir Kravenski called and wants the information."
"We don't have a warrant for him."
He let his fingers trace every piece of furniture in the house, from the coffee table to the desk. "I have his phone conversation recorded where he said the file was his."
"I received it, but I cannot authorize you to give any files to him."
"I understand." Liam answered as he took a blank tracer from the desk in the living room and pocketed it without a word to Ace or Nebraska. "I will need the FBI undercover but close."
"They owe you a favor for catching Boroni a few months ago." Nebraska coughed. "I'll have people outside the library, but let me repeat. You are not authorized to hand over anything."
"I understand." Liam glanced at the bedroom door. A moment later, Sherry came out and Joe went to her side immediately. Liam then told his boss. "I'll call with a status update soon."
He hung up the phone. Then he went to meet Sherry halfway, in the hall. His hands traced her neck and his lips tingled to kiss her. He couldn't though. She sighed and lowered her eyelids. "Yes?"
"Come here." He studied her ear and checked her wire. Then he took the other piece and placed it on his ear. "Your earring are our means to communicate."
"I thought it strange the CIA wanted me to wear faux diamond studs."
His fingers lingered on her neck. There was no way she should walk into this. He swallowed. "I'll get you real ones."
"You don't have to."
"Tonight, we celebrate Valentine's."
"Now that I accept."
He stepped away and let his hands fall to his sides. "I'll hear everything you do without you having to lean one way or the other. It's important that you act natural."
Ace tipped his Celtics cap as he led her to the car. Then he picked up an assault rifle. "We'll be close by Black Falcon."
He then helped Joe and Sherry and retook the driver’s seat. If he couldn't talk her out of this, then he'd do everything in his power to keep her safe. He refused to let the woman he had always loved die because of him. He'd rather die protecting her.
Sherry's body tensed the moment she saw the library on the corner of the street. This Thursday had no special events planned and few cars were in the lot. Last weekend the place was rented for a wedding due to the vaulted ceilings and double marble stairwells, but there was no sign of life today.
She fingered the bullet proof layer under her blouse as Liam placed his hand on her shoulder. Her life seemed surreal. Joe barked and jumped in the backseat and followed her as they stepped out of the car. He then checked his ear piece which she heard through her earring.
"I'll be in the courtyard, less than fifty feet behind you. Once he shows his face, give him the tracer."
Her nerves jumped higher than crickets. She waited for him on the sidewalk and then hugged Liam.
"I can't let you lose your job."
He hugged her and patted her back. "Don't worry about it."
None of this was Liam's fault. Her gut told her to stay clear of Victor. This was her responsibility and she was going to clean up the mess. She pushed her hair out of her face as she stepped out of his embrace.
"Okay. I can't let you or I commit treason. Whatever Victor put on this thing should not go to his brother."
Liam petted Joe and nodded at her. "Trust me."
Her heart raced though she kept still. "I do."
His gaze narrowed at her and she trembled. He stood taller, letting Joe stay at her side.
"Then don't worry about this. Give it to him and then I'll arrest him."
The big question in her mind was what happened if Vladimir escaped? She pouted.
"You swear you won't give away government secrets?"
He traced her chin with his thumb as his arm wrapped around her waist.
"I swear I will protect you from any harm."
She closed her eyes. "That is not the same thing."
"Relax." He whispered and then kissed her. His lips were hard, but the moment they touched hers the world melted away and all that mattered was being right where she was.
Joe barked and jumped
on both of them. She sighed as she pushed her dog off the two of them and then patted his head.
"Easy for you to say."
His hands held her firm as he shook his head.
"Then don't go in there. I will find another way. This is your plan."
If only this wasn't all her fault. She needed to fix this mess and near Liam she wasn't afraid.
She placed her hands on his face and tried to give him a small smile.
"Yes and you're my Valentine's day date once this is done."
She dropped her hands to her side, but then stepped on her tip toes to kiss his cheek.
He hugged her, and the world felt right. Once she was done, she'd ask for a hug every day.
He let go as he said, "Sherry..."
If she stayed with him, she'd be tempted to change her mind. A life in his safe room would be great as long as he was with her. She turned and stepped onto the marble step.
"Keep your word."
Joe ran beside her. Somehow her dog made her feel safer than anything else. She licked her lips and when she opened the door, she let Joe go inside with her.
The lights were off.
She took a step forward. Joe ran two steps ahead and then came beside her. Darkness felt strange and it felt like spiders crawled on her skin.
She continued forward and headed toward the main room.
Hopefully nothing happened to her boss, Larry.
As the door closed behind her, the Russian accent chilled the air.
"Sherry Worthing."
Her breaths were quick and shallow. She licked her lips to pretend she was fine as she peered into the darkness.
"Vladimir. Why am I here?"
A light beamed on her face that she instinctually turned away from, as her earrings screeched like electronics just short circuited. She stumbled but then opened her eyes as Joe barked. Vlad's beady eyes practically gave her heart palpitations.
"Do you have Victor's belongings?"
It was doubtful he meant his shirt that she tossed in the trash. She'd have to hold her tongue. Then she imagined Liam's face. She'd help him. She'd not ruin everything.
She hugged her waist, but then said, "I don't have anything of his. He had all his stuff from my house packed in his car the day he was shot."
The signal screeched in her ear. What if Liam couldn't get to her? She was alone. Her entire body felt weak, but she wouldn’t let that show. Vladimir circled her and lower his head to intimidate her.
"Where is his car?"
Joe howled and then began to growl.
Whoever shot Victor and ransacked her house likely took the car from the impound, but she didn't say any of that. She shrugged.
"I don't know. I had no right to keep it. You're his brother, so I assume someone in your family collected his things from the police."
He made a tisk sound with his voice.
"I don't like being lied to Miss Worthing. My brother intended to marry you. We both know what you have."
The air around her electrified as Joe growled at Vladimir. She kept her hand on Joe's head as she said, "We had a fight that morning."
Vladimir stroked his chin and there was a gleam in his cold blue eyes.
"How do I know you didn't kill him then?"
This must be a sick game which clearly worked well. She let go of Joe's head and hugged her stomach as she stepped away.
"His last words to me were to trust no one. You could have killed him for all I know."
"And what if I did?" Vladimir laughed and came closer.
"Did you?" The exit was right behind her.
Joe lunged but she grabbed his collar. She wouldn’t leave her dog behind. She backed into the wall next to the door. Ice ratcheted up her spine. She went the wrong way. At least Joe growled and ensured Vladimir kept some distance.
He glanced at her leg.
"Victor ensured that you had it and said if he never made it home then to get the information out of you."
Then she saw the outline of a gun.
Her vision went clear and her heart seemed to beat but it was like it was in someone' else's body. She lifted her chin.
"What are you talking about?"
He kicked Joe out of the way and reached for her, blocking her escape. Then his hand went to her leg.
"Why do you have a band-aid here?"
She squirmed and kicked him as hard as she could.
Joe jumped on Vladimir and bite his arm as she screamed, "Get off me."
Vladimir threw Joe off him and despite his bloody hand, he held out his palm. "Give me the tracer, Sherry and this can all be over."
Joe seemed like he'd jump on Vladimir. Her hands shook, but she threw what Liam gave her at Vladimir.
"Just take the tracer."
He clutched it like she just gave him the nuclear codes for this country.
"You're a smart woman."
What if she had? She pushed him and tried to run.
"I can't give you the same compliment."
Joe jumped on Vladimir again, and the man retrieved his gun.
No. He could not hurt her or her dog. She tugged on his arm that hugged his gun.
Footsteps clomped in the distance as she struggled with his hand that targeted Joe. Then the door swung open and Liam grabbed one of his hands.
"You have the right to remain silent."
Gerard, Liam's brother, also joined as Joe growled. Then they pinned him against the wall and Liam finished reading him his rights.
She swayed on her feet. It was over. She was free. Everything would be great.
Liam came toward her and placed his hand on her spine.
"Sherry, I have you."
"Take me home."
She glanced up and saw how his pupils dilated as he gazed at her. Then in the corner of her eye, she saw how Vladimir lunged and had his gun in his hand. She followed the direction he stared at and then saw her dog. Her lips parted and she screamed as the bullet left the chamber.
"Joe! No."
Liam threw her behind him to ensure that she was safe from the bullet as Joe whimpered and started bleeding.
Police entered at fast speed and she threw herself on top of Joe.
He was her only family left. Tears rolled down her cheeks as the police took Vladimir away. She'd been so stupid. She never should have left Liam's safe house.
The activity behind her became simply white noise as she stared into the brown eyes of her Joe.
A moment later, Liam placed his hand on her back.
"We'll get him to the vet."
She held Joe's paw who whimpered as she said, "He's all I have left of my family, Liam. He has to live."
He knelt beside her and placed his hands on Joe's stomach and neck.
"I'll carry him to my car and then we'll go."
Though she wasn't a doctor, the moment Liam picked up her dog, she saw that the blood and shot was near the muscle of his front leg and it seemed the bullet flew right through him.
"Will he be okay?"
He pushed the door with his backside and carried Liam out.
"I don't want to give you false hope."
Perhaps he had the same thoughts she did about the wound. If so the worst part was the blood.
"There is hope though?"
Liam pointed to the backseat of his car that Sherry opened for him. He then placed Joe in the seat who licked his face as he said,
"The vet knows more about how a dog's body is designed than I do, but he's still awake. This is a good sign."
"Let's go."
She jumped into the seat without waiting for Liam.
Tonight, they had to make sure Joe was fine, but her heart whispered she'd have her dog and her valentine. She just had to have faith that everything was over now.
At the vet's office, Sherry rocked on her feet as the vet, Maria, stitched her dog's wounds. Liam massaged her back and stayed right beside her. The vet stood and placed her silver medical
equipment on the table beside her. Sherry stepped forward with her hands clutched to her chest.
"So he's going to be okay?"
Joe barked and Liam petted his head and neck.
Sherry kept her focus on Maria who she knew was pretending not to date Phil, the mechanic, as she said, "The muscle in his back leg is going to need physical therapy after the wound heals, but we've stopped the bleeding. You have to ensure Joe here doesn't eat through the stitching and cause more bleeding, so he's going to have to wear either the cone or the doughnut for a few weeks."
She followed Liam's hand but massaged Joe's neck. Her dog had helped her.
"I hope the doughnut works. I hate how torturous the cone makes me feel."
Liam helped Joe off the table who was technically half off on his own anyhow.
The vet then said, "Joe doesn't feel the same. We just can't have him bite his wound."
"Hear that Joe."
Liam led him to the nurse’s station to check out and Joe practically jumped as he followed him.
"No biting the wound, but when we get you home, you get steaks."
She stayed behind for a moment and asked, "So we're free to go now?"
The young doctor glanced at Liam's entire body up and down twice. Then she whispered to Sherry. "Have a Happy Valentine's."
Liam already held the door open for her. The sun was setting in the evening sky. Without a word, she followed him into his car and let him drive her home.
Music from the radio let her relax as Liam spoke to Joe. The second he parked the car in his garage, and opened her door for her, she took his hand. Cells in her body came alive and she sucked in her breath as she stood.
"Liam, I'm still in shock."
"Let me get you inside." He opened the back seat and let Joe out as well. "I need to talk to you."
"I'm just happy we're done." She rolled her shoulders as Liam unlocked his door.
He turned and lifted his eyebrow.
"Let me feed Joe his steaks on the patio. Please go inside and relax. I'll be with you in a few minutes."
Yes. This was going to be a Valentine's Day she never forgot. She heard Liam and the dog food as she made her way upstairs. If tonight was to be her Valentine's Day then she was going to do it right. She slipped out of the skirt and picked out the red dress Kate Sparrow had left with the selection of clothes and quickly changed.