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Forbidden King Page 6

  He called out through the open bathroom door, “It was part of my training as a boy. I find riding helps me clear my thoughts.”

  Her face heated. Unlike him, she required a bit of privacy. She slipped on her new underwear under her robe. “Talking to me can also clear your thoughts.”

  She heard the water that must be splashing against his body and wondered about his tan abs she’d seen on occasion. What would it be like to touch him? “Fair, but I like riding.”

  She finished dressing as he strode out of the bathroom in just a white towel wrapped around his hips. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  The way he eyed her up and down made her feel naked, though she was fully dressed—he was the one barely covered. He winked at her as he stood in front of the closet and said, “Or we can stay here.”

  She’d lose her ability to have any self-control and it was important that they know one another. Anna played with her diamond ring. “What would we do if we stayed?”

  His hand brushed the part of the towel that tied the fabric in place. “I could strip you naked and have my way with you.”

  Her entire body was hot. This wasn’t good at all. He must see how her face had a horrible blush. Anna only grew hotter and looked away. “Guess you need to introduce me to Lady.”

  “You’re scared?”

  She glanced at him and stopped twirling her ring. “I’m not scared, just being cautious.”

  “Yes, you are scared but you don’t have to be.” Leo chose a pair of black trousers and a blue polo that he tossed on the bed.

  Her gaze went to the white sheets. What would it be like to have him hold her in his arms? Her body tingled as she walked over and picked out his black walking shoes along with her black flats. “In part,” she admitted, “though I’m more worried about what happens after.”

  He placed his hand on her lower back and awareness shot through her. She turned as he said next to her ear, “We start trusting each other.”

  If only. She massaged the back of her neck and stepped away. “How does sex equal trust? I thought getting to know each other does that.”

  He tossed the towel on the bed and grabbed his underwear. “Because you’re only thinking about my nakedness. And we’ve talked for a year. So you already know more about me than anyone else.”

  Leo was built as the rumors all said. A prince and a stallion. The men of Avce had every reason to be jealous of their future king, but she turned around and ignored the steam that raced through her. “Or, I’m just another woman that’s graced your bed.”

  She heard the shuffle of clothes as he said, “That’s not true. I know your birthday.”

  “Which is?”

  “May the 4th which I’m thinking of making a national holiday that the entire country can celebrate with flowers.”

  Her internal thermometer shot way up—there was a hint of the Leo who wanted to throw caution to the wind. May was already big in Avce because of the Virgin Mary and adding Anna’s birthday would be political trouble.

  Reality grounded her. She was no better as his wife than his secretary. In many ways her job was still just that… a paid position, only her payment was now in jewels, clothes and a home where she’d never have to worry about hunger. She stared out the window toward the ocean. “Why? That seems excessive.”

  Her skin was aware of him long before he reached her. Her neck had tingles as his breath drew close. Anna twisted her ring as he said, “Because you’re my wife.”

  “Let’s get back to talking about trust.”

  “And sex,” he said with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  No wonder he always got whatever woman he wanted.

  Leo was always pushing his limits. And it made him adorable. She should have expected that comeback. Besides, how many people her age had already been married and divorced? Marriage wasn’t always more than just sex. She couldn’t look at him as she said, “That doesn’t automatically grow trust. You were going to ask Francesca before you went to see your parents.”

  He stepped between her and the window, offering his hand. “I was pushing my parents, not because I wanted Francesca. And don’t tell my parents or my sisters but they are all right to say she’d not be a good wife.”

  Good. There was no love between him and Francesca but there was also no love between them. She knew better than to hope for more but she couldn’t stop herself from saying, “And instead you settled for me. I don’t want to be “settled” on. I’d like to think that love is possible.”

  He traced his fingers down her arm, and a trail of goosebumps grew as he clasped their palms. “Sex and love go hand in hand, my sweet.”

  Part of her already longed to throw caution to the wind. Just from holding his hand. Her brain screamed she was being foolish so she said, “Maybe, but rushing into sex never helped you in the past.”

  “Until you put me on a schedule, I never had anything to do other than sex.”

  His palm pressed against hers but her eyes widened as she met his gaze and asked, “What?”

  He shrugged but then leaned closer, letting her smell that almond scented cologne of his. “I’ve never been allowed or asked to do anything… stately. I was always the “irresponsible” one, even as a kid. Sex just made being the bad boy of the family, I don’t know, more tolerable.”

  The pounding in her heart wasn’t because he was this close… or maybe it was. She didn’t want to admit this as she looked into his handsome brown eyes. “So you were rebelling?”

  “It won’t be… like that… with you.”

  Those words made her toes curl. Part of her wanted to give into him. Her eyes batted closed, but she shook her head.


  They slipped into the shoes she’d chosen and left the bedroom suite.

  As they entered the hall, a cool breeze brushed against her face from the open windows and the cross breezes of the sea outside. Her brain focused again. She had to be calm and sharp in order to know what to do with Leo.

  Together they walked down a garden path and her nose filled with the scent of gardenia. By the time they reached the rose garden, she was enthralled with the blooms and forgot her concerns to enjoy the moment.

  The path of flowers eventually led to the stables, where the smell became earthier.

  She saw another side to Leo around the horses, playful yet masterful, and he walked her to the second stall. “Come, my sweet. This is Lady.”

  Sweet might not be the appropriate nickname for her. She wasn’t being sweet—she was prolonging their lovemaking out of fear. Anna reached for the horse’s face and mane to pet. The horse came closer and neighed, which hopefully meant the animal was happy.

  Anna stroked the horse’s large side, scared she was going to fall and break her neck if she rode. “Lady seems nice.”

  Leo took her hand off the side and motioned for her to rub up and down the mane while he said, “This is how you pet a horse.”

  The horse snorted in pleasure.

  Well, if the horse liked her, hopefully Lady wouldn’t buck and throw her off. She laughed. “Today I’ve petted a horse and a dolphin. I think I like being a princess.”

  Leo handed her some apple slices and she offered them to the horse, her palm open and flat like he showed her.

  Lady’s tongue was wet but the horse ate every morsel.

  Leo led her to a sink near the door to wash their hands and offered her soap. “You must be hungry.”

  Her stomach grumbled as if he’d given a royal command. She shook her head, and then nodded which she knew made no sense at all. “Yes. I haven’t eaten anything. This morning I just had coffee.”

  He wrapped an arm around her waist and said, “Come.”

  Her heart skipped, but she walked beside him.

  If this was a taste of what being his woman was like, she ached to know the rest. She walked into the sunlight and onto another path lined with a flower she didn’t know. The castle was behind them. “Where are we going?”

  He ga
ve her an “I planned everything” smile like the time in the office he’d handed her chocolates in a red box for her birthday. “We’re having a picnic.”

  Until yesterday she was the one he’d called to handle whatever arrangement he needed taken care of.

  This made her sad and her skin grew cold despite the heat of the day. “When did you do that?”

  He led her off the path, toward a grassy hill. “I can arrange things on my own, you know.”

  Leo stood behind her and put both his hands on her hips to direct her attention toward a shaded spot with a plaid blanket and a picnic basket.

  This was like a fairy tale. She motioned with her head for them to go that direction. “I see that here. Who are you discussing these surprises with?”

  He didn’t bother moving his hands and stayed behind her. “I’m not giving you clues to my seduction.”

  Interesting. This was clearly a new Leo to Anna, or maybe this was the Leo all the models knew. Her heart raced knowing she was in his thoughts and plans. “I see. This is part of it?”

  They sat on the blanket and he opened the basket, saying, “Wine, strawberries, various sandwiches and crackers are the ways to your heart.”

  Almost. She laughed, pleased. “You forgot the cookies.”

  With a twinkle in his eye he reached back into the basket and showed the dessert--cookies.

  Someone on the staff knew her taste. Maybe they’d asked her grandmother? Leo teased, “Did I?”

  A huge smile grew on her face. Leo was trying to make her happy. “I stand corrected.”

  He poured two glasses of wine. “Now, let’s enjoy the afternoon and sunset.”

  The rolling green hill overlooked the blue ocean. She sipped the sweet white wine and watched the yachts and sailboats that bobbed in the distance. “This is lovely. I asked this before but you didn’t answer. I hope it’s not a state secret, but when was the last time you came to South Castle?”

  His knee gently pressed against hers and she turned toward him as he said, “For my sister’s wedding to a Greek billionaire.”

  A wedding here would be private and not like that blur of a spectacle she’d just lived through. With both his sisters married and out of the country, it was just he and his parents in Avce.

  According to the newspapers, both his sisters had taken their time and planned weddings to men they must love. Anna refused to ask that, not yet. “It must have been beautiful.”

  “Katherine wanted the privacy of the ocean. Aurelia chose the mountain castle for hers. One day one of our sons will bring his future wife here.”

  She almost choked on her wine and her eyes widened. “One of our sons? How many do you want?”

  He patted her back. “At least two. Only having sisters made me wishful for a brother.”

  Heat rose in her cheeks. She pressed her knees to her chest as she said, “I never had sisters or brothers.”

  He scooted closer and tapped on her leg to get her to lower them. She sat so her calves were to the side. Leo asked, “What happened to your parents? You told me my mom was friends with yours which seems strange. My mother is a stickler for decorum and rules, and you didn’t have parents to walk you down the aisle.”

  She scratched her head. “Honestly, I’m not sure how they were friends. Your mom is the daughter of the Duke of Modena. Grandma told me the night before our wedding, which feels a lifetime ago now, but it’s only been two days.”

  “When did you move in with Maria?” He studied her face.

  She glanced up at him and her heart pounded. “My parents died seven years ago. I was a sophomore in college and after graduation it made sense for me to move in with my grandmother, who needed my help.”

  “And Maria was the woman on the other side of the aisle next to my parents at the wedding?” He pronounced her grandmother’s name as a question. “You never introduced me but she was sitting where your family would.”

  “Grandma and I were running late to the wedding, so I thought after the ceremony but then we just left….”

  “At least she agreed and saved me from disaster.”

  Anna nodded, thinking it was nice that he remembered her saying that she wanted her grandmother’s blessing. “Yes, she said I was allowed to marry you.”

  He pressed closer and her body zapped with energy she couldn’t explain. “I will send her a thank you gift.”

  Maria would probably never touch whatever he sent, unless it was a cookie. Anna had inherited her sweet tooth from Grandma. “You don’t have to.”

  His lips came closer like he’d kiss her. “Where does she live?”

  Talking about Maria wasn’t what she expected right now. She pressed her hand to his muscular chest unsure what she’d do next as she said, “She lives in a retirement community on Steeple Hill.”

  His eyes widened but her hands clutched his shirt collar to keep him close—he reacted like she’d just told him that her grandmother lived in poverty. “We’ll have her moved to the dower house immediately.”

  “Nothing happens on Steeple Hill…ever.”

  “It’s crowded and harder to manage during a crisis.”

  “There is no crisis.”

  “Still, she’s family now.”

  Family. Yes, Maria was her only family, besides him. Her lashes lowered and she studied his lips—she could hardly speak through her quick breaths. “Take your time with Maria. She doesn’t like change.”

  He nodded. “She’s now related to royalty. She needs protection.”

  Was there protection against how her body pulsed with thoughts that made her weak? She couldn’t ask, but instead nodded and said, “Let me talk to her.”

  Finally his lips met hers. Oh, she knew better than to trust him with her heart, but he was good at this seduction game. She might not last much longer at all.

  Chapter 7

  Again his muscles were sore from his night on the couch, so Leo left the bedroom early, letting his wife sleep. For hours he’d worked on his computer that staff had set up for him in the corner of the great hall, so he could see if his wife came downstairs. After breakfast, Leo held a quick meeting with the head chef, the housekeeper and groomsman.

  His plan to ensure Anna trusted him so they had a good life was on—once she let him seduce her, they would also grow closer, physically.

  The only fly in the ointment was Francesca. Soon he’d tell Anna and hopefully she would understand. Leo had finished with the day’s plans and climbed the stairs of the castle to their chamber, ignoring the weight on his shoulders that he needed to tell her fast.

  As he neared the top, his phone rang. He checked his back pocket and dashed into the nearest room, the library, to answer. He flipped the lights on and answered at the same time. “Pierre, what’s going on?”

  Pierre said, “She’s absolutely pregnant, Sire.”

  His shoulders tightened. Taking a condom from her stash rather than use one of his own had been a mistake. “I used condoms. Are we sure it’s mine?”

  Pierre typed as he spoke. “We’ll have answers about the DNA in a few days, Sire. Do you have contingency plans if this is positive?”

  He crossed his arms and paced the library to make sure that he was alone. “I’ll need you to negotiate the price of her silence and her intention for this child.”

  Pierre kept his tone very business-like as he said, “She said she couldn’t wait to have your son or daughter.”

  Leo’s stomach twisted. This was his mistake, and now he needed to explain himself. He tapped his chest with his ring finger and glanced out the window to the blue ocean. “She wants to ruin my marriage to Anna. But cold hard cash will solve her devotion. I’ll need you to draw up a list of eligible nobles in Avce and ensure she meets a few single ones in need of a wife.”

  Without audible judgment, Pierre asked “So the plan is to marry her off to someone else?”

  For centuries it was how his ancestors had solved this issue. His parents… if they found out, well they’
d have more draconian measures to ensure nothing broke the lineage.

  Despite their last-minute change of heart with their suggestion to marry Anna, who didn’t have the proper lineage, they were the opposite of modern in their thinking. He’d seen his mother’s fertility report from Anna’s doctor in her computer on his wedding day. “If that works, it solves my immediate problems.”

  “Excellent, Sire. I will negotiate on your behalf then. Have a good honeymoon with Anna Camila. We all love her here.”

  Pierre was all business, just as Anna had been last week when he’d sent her with a check to Francesca.

  Leo’s mind buzzed and his body tightened. Perhaps Anna didn’t understand Pierre’s feelings. “Love?”

  Pierre must have heard something in his voice. “Nothing romantic, Sire. I’m gay.”

  Good. He released a breath. The ocean’s blueness was calming and he shared, “Anna Camila is a sweetheart. I wish I’d have noticed before now.”

  Pierre spoke with finality, “Well, you have her now.”

  The words were like bullets in some ways that pierced into his skull. Anna deserved better than what he offered, a possible child out of wedlock with another woman. “I do, and I won’t let her go.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Pierre said, and then, “Is there anything else?”

  “No. Call me if anything changes.” Leo heard the door open behind him and turned.

  Without another word, he hung up, his heart racing. Anna, dressed in black on black, slipped into the room. “You snuck out of the bedroom so early. Who were you talking to?”

  From now on the rest of the day and every day after was hers. He shoved his hand in his back pocket. “Pierre. I was slightly jealous when he said he loved you.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Why? He’s more into you than me.”

  Huh? He never had that sense. Pierre had just mentioned that he was gay.

  She took his hand and her smile for him was brighter than the sun. “I just meant your gender. He has a long-term boyfriend and they wish the laws allowed them to marry.”