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Forbidden Monsieur: Princes of Avce Page 6

  “Helping. Well, the scar is sexy.”

  She unbuttoned her own pants and he did the same—stripping to navy boxer briefs. A small chuckle emerged from her throat. Without even talking, they’d color coordinated their day.

  He reached for her satin and lace bra strap and kissed her skin. Her hands wrapped around his. She’d never been so turned on by a man’s hands. “Mmm.”

  His confident touch went lower and inside her panties while he still kissed her like he owned every part of her. All she could do was feel. He sounded surprised when he said, “You’re already hot.”

  True. Until meeting Alex, she’d never really found sex interesting except as a power play, now every nerve ending tingled. She sighed. “Only for you.”

  His fingers adeptly removed her underwear and went inside her, turning her thermostat up. He came closer to kiss but instead said, “I need to apologize. I’ve wanted you since the moment we met.”

  No talking. She parted her lips and changed her words to be nicer. “Don’t tell. Show.”

  Again, his lips brushed against hers, making her tremble for more as her body opened for him. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he ended the kiss. “Chelsea Bright, you’ve been driving me mad since you crashed onto my property.”

  She traced the elastic band of his boxer briefs. He winked at her and tossed the last remaining cloth that stood between them.

  She gazed down and saw how big his erection was. Every girl whispered bigger was better, so she’d find out. She reached down and touched his hard length with reverence. “Mmm, I like that.”

  He teased her passage way, braced over her and between her thighs. “Good, because it’s my turn to drive you crazy now.”

  Ecstasy hit hard and fast. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t even remember if she was alive. All she could do was feel the explosions inside her.

  Alex clearly knew her body better than she ever did.

  Alex got up and opened the curtains. Chelsea immediately woke and felt the emptiness of the bed. He stared out the window for a few minutes, not saying anything as they looked out to the highway, the gas station and the small green patch of trees that lined the roads.

  She held still, hoping he’d return to her, but he stayed across the room. Finally, she sat up and turned the light on.

  Alex turned toward her, and his face was serious. “It’s almost night. We should get going.”

  Or he could return to this bed and they could forget their obligations. She patted the bed, “No, let’s just stay.”

  Alex, handsome and naked, slowly walked back to the bed, but instead of ravishing her, he sat down beside her. His brown eyes made her ache for his touch as she felt his gaze reach into her very soul. “Don’t you want to get to Paris?”

  No. If she could stop time, she’d be happiest as there was no place else she’d rather be. Today she’d felt nothing but pleasure and this didn’t need to end, ever. But she knew better than to believe in her own dreams. The best she could do was delay. She sighed and reached for his hand. “Tomorrow. We’ll head there tomorrow. Just hold me tight tonight.”

  He kissed her palms and smiled at her. “Chelsea, I haven’t wanted a woman like you in a long time.”

  And she’d never met a man who made her feel desired and protected, where it would be okay to be herself and go after her dreams. She sucked her bottom lip in her mouth and debated how to tell him. If she said nothing, all of this would end on a sad note, and believing in dreams wasn’t always impossibly silly like she’d said for years. She took a deep breath, let her lip out, picked up his hand to trace her face and felt the closeness of his callouses that made her tingle. “I don’t know if I ever felt so much. Before it was just sex and I could walk away. But with you, I don’t want whatever this is to end.”

  He scooted back on the bed he’d abandoned. Instantly she felt calmer as held her in his arms. “Tell you what. Call your friend and set up the showing of your work. I want to see what you can do.”

  Hope blossomed but it was covered by a dark cloud on her horizon. Heat grew where he touched her. “I don’t know if my parents…”

  “What do you want?”

  More kisses and to never leave his bed. She let out a small sigh. “I wish I could paint and support myself and my family that way.”

  He massaged her arm. “Then do the show.”

  Sheena had graciously offered her space at no cost. Her friend believed she had talent, but Chelsea knew she’d never make a million euros. “And you’ll come?”

  “Absolutely.” He kissed her.

  Once again, she felt her body warm with desire and all she wanted was his touch, everywhere.

  The ache went all over her, fast. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him and pulled herself onto his lap. “Then okay, but right now, let’s do this again.”

  “Chelsea Bright, you read my mind.”

  And then his hands ran all over her naked body and she wanted nothing else.

  Paradise was right here, in his arms. Nothing would drag her away. It would be impossible.

  Alex stepped out of the shower and dried himself off. The hotel bathroom was smaller than what he had at home but efficient. He put his clothes on and let himself back into the adjoining room.

  Chelsea hugged the pillow closer to her and looked at him with bright blue eyes. She made him happy because she was impulsive and like a butterfly caught in the vines when she really could fly away. He held his sweater and walked to the bed, when his stomach growled, again. “Chelsea, there is a breakfast spot we can stop at before we get going.”

  She sat up immediately unashamed of her naked body as she smiled and pushed the sheet back. “Good, I’m starving.”

  He offered his hand that she took as she hopped out of bed. Her touch still sent a small thrill through him, even after last night and all day yesterday. In bed, they were a perfect match. If only they worked so well outside of it.

  She didn’t say anything, but he hadn’t revealed his weakness to her. Instead she let his hand go, lifted her eyebrow, and said, “Me too. Give me a few minutes to shower?”

  He nodded, and she trekked into the bathroom, with her toiletry bag and clean underwear that she’d smartly brought in. They probably should have taken her bags, but neither of them thought they’d spend the night. If they ever had another adventure that took him off course, he’d look for her example and pack more discreetly. Once in Paris, he’d buy himself something to eat and take with him, for the ride home. For now, he went to the bureau and turned on his phone.

  Instantly he saw that he had messages. He listened to the voice mails which were all about representatives wanting to check his warehouse and called his mother back. She wasn’t in the house, but he left a message. “Mom, you can handle this with Henri. I trust you.”

  Chelsea came out of the bathroom and towel-tried her sleek, blonde hair. “Did your mother call?”

  He nodded and pocketed his wallet, keys and phone. “This morning. She was wondering when I’d be back to the vineyard. It seems there is an inspection today but I told her that she and Henri can handle it.”

  She threw the damp towel in the bathtub. “What is the inspection for?”

  Right. He hadn’t told Chelsea about his plan to really have the vineyard take off. He opened the door of their room and walked down the hall beside her. “A potential corporate buyer.”

  Her eyes widened, and her face went white. “For the vineyard?”

  “No.” He guided her to the elevator. As the doors opened, he finished, “For my wine. The vineyard is mine.”

  She let out a huge breath that sounded like relief. He pressed the first floor button as she said, “Sounds interesting. Are you okay with continuing onto Paris? My parents must be worried about me.”

  Her parents were the reason she intended to marry a stranger. He nodded as they rode down together. “Of course, my lady.”

  As the doors opened and they walked into the bright sunlit lobby, she sli
pped her hand in his and squeezed. “I am yours. You know that, right? I never wanted to marry a stranger and now, I don’t want anyone else, but you.”

  A firework launched from his chest and made him feel bigger and more aware of his surroundings. He waited until they were outside, and he opened the passenger side door of his car. It wasn’t the most romantic spot, but he kissed her hand. “I’d like to bring you home to my vineyard and see you there everyday. You’re invited back with me for good.”

  Her smile brightened but then she leaned into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her. “I have to figure out how to solve my father’s gambling debt. Once I do that, then I’d like to try to just live on your vineyard and not stress over marrying a stranger. It would be nice to take things slow and just see what happens.”

  If she came home with him, then he’d have everything he wanted. A successful vineyard and this woman who both drove him crazy and made him happy. He brushed her hair out of her face as he let go of her and leaned closer. “Are you serious, Chelsea?”

  She nodded and trembled. He held her by the waist. “Far more than you know. Alex, you were right about me.”

  “How?” He asked without moving.

  She signaled with her chin for him to get in the car. He followed her directions and went to the driver’s seat. As he hopped in and closed the door, she swallowed, closed her eyes, scooted closer to him. “I was making bad decisions after bad decisions. This has been part of what I’ve done until now. I had an inkling something was wrong in my life when I held my nephew and saw how happy my sister and her husband truly are.”

  And that one event changed everything for her? He traced her face with his rough thumb and asked, “So you’re willing to give up marrying some rich noble and just live on my vineyard?”

  She opened her eyes and stared at him. He swallowed and waited. Finally, she said, “I am happier with you Alex. And we’re not talking marriage or anything.” She held his hand tight. “I’m even planning a showing for my art now, so I have to get my work in order, but I’ve never pushed my own dreams. With you, I feel I can try.”

  He took his hand back and found the keys to his car. The sooner they made it to Paris then the sooner they came to being together for a longer period of time so they could get to know one another. He winked at her as he started the car. “Then let’s get to Paris. If there is something I can do to help you help your parents please let me know.”

  She sat back in her seat and opened her window to let the fresh air brush against her face. Feelings were not something she had to run from anymore or only put in paintings. Hopefully she saw that now. As they drove onto the street, she teased, “Do you have a million euros I can borrow?”

  If they passed inspection today, then yes he might have the money. But he wasn’t sure how to tell her—or if he should. “Borrow? No, Chelsea.”

  She shrugged and laughed it off. “I didn’t think so. I need to talk to my parents and see what we can do, together.”

  If the money fixed her life he’d give it to her, free and clear. Somehow, though he didn’t think it possible, not if her father was a gambler. Unless he got help there would always be another debt. He drove back toward the highway. “You should call your sister.”

  She pouted but nodded as she glanced at him. “I hate that. Calling Cassidy means I once again show that I’m incapable.”

  None of this was on her shoulders alone. False pride never helped anyone. He kept his tone light but said, “They are her parents too and you didn’t create the debt. She might want to be told.”

  She tapped her fingers on the hand bar for a few seconds as she pressed her lips together. “Okay. I’ll call her too about what our dad did.”

  Good. Neither one of them spoke for a while. Chelsea hummed along to the music on the radio though some of her French words were adorably said wrong. As he saw the sign to Paris and the kilometers left, he turned and asked her, “Chelsea, would you like to go to the Louvre with me and you can show me your favorite painters?”

  Her eyes widened with surprise. “Really? You’d be interested?”

  Clearly her last boyfriend, whoever he might be, had treated her wrong. He nodded. “Oui. I’m interested in you.”

  A huge smile graced her face, like he’d asked the childhood version of her to go on a roller coaster ride and that he’d get her ice cream after. The excitement she exuded shocked him—hadn’t anyone ever shown an interest before? She brushed his arm with her fingertips. “Okay, and let’s be cheesy and go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower as well. I’d like to see sunset with you from a place that has made people think about romance since it was created.”

  Wow. She’d changed, or he’d changed because he let her in. He felt stronger just from her simple touch. They neared the city. “Are you starting to believe in romance and love, Chelsea?”

  She released a sigh sigh and traced her neckline as she stared out the window in front of them. The few hours to Paris flew. “I don’t know. I never thought dreams were worth pursuing so it’s hard to think that I was wrong about love too.”

  Now that was part of what made Chelsea so complicated and interesting. If he knew her story, perhaps he’d understand more. He turned toward the highway that brought them closest to the city center, where they were heading. Strolling along the Seine with Chelsea would also be romantic. “I wish I understood how you became so cynical.”

  A small, pained laugh escaped her throat. She hugged her waist and turned toward him. “There was nothing but the sense my sister indulged only in fantasy and never really lived. I didn’t want to be like her and as years progressed, I just never evolved.”

  Yet right now he was supposed to believe she’d changed overnight? Part of his mind recoiled at the question, but he asked it anyhow. “So one roll in my bed changed you?”

  She bit her lip and her face went white. He hoped he hadn’t hurt her, but he really wanted an answer. Finally, she let her lip go and said, “No, it was more, but yesterday was fun and I never really do anything for fun. I think meeting my nephew really had me thinking hard about my life, before I met you. And then the accident? From now on, I want to indulge in a few things that might just make me happy.”

  Now that he understood and nodded. He drove his car into a garage, not caring about the exorbitant price. “And I support you, Chelsea.”

  They didn’t talk as he parked, then she stretched and let herself out.

  He followed and offered his arm. Soon, he’d bring her to her parents but for now they could enjoy the museum and each other. He turned off his phone and walked with her out into the sunlight.

  As they made their way toward the Louvre, she hugged his arm. “I can’t wait to have my showing—you’d better not forget.”

  Her complicated beauty inspired him—confident yet vulnerable. He led her toward the glass triangle to get tickets. “I promise to be there.”

  And he would be there for Chelsea. She deserved more than she let herself have. Maybe despite everything, her sister had been right, and they had a shot at true love. He hoped so but didn’t say that. After his almost wedding failure, he wasn’t sure he could trust the right people.

  However, with Chelsea on his arm, what seemed impossible just yesterday, like trusting her, now seemed entirely possible. If she could change, so could he!

  Chelsea held Alex’s strong calloused hand and the roughness just made her own skin feel softer. Her heart fluttered from being in his arms.

  He bought her a ticket into the Louvre and guided her through the busy lobby to the entrance of the exhibits when his phone rang. He glanced at it and then met her gaze as he placed his hand on her lower back. “Give me a minute, Chelsea. My Maman is calling about the inspection.”

  “Of course.” She intended to give him room, but he stayed beside her as he spoke in French to his mother. She glanced at the fourteenth century Italian art and stayed still.

  Alex spoke into the phone “How did it go?”

Whatever his mother said made him smile and nod to himself. Chelsea pressed her lips together and wondered if her own parents would be that supportive when she went home tonight. Alex sounded excited. “Excellent. Merci, Maman.”

  He turned off his phone and stuffed it in his back pocket without explanation.

  She made a sound with her throat to get his attention. “Your hard work paid off? The inspection went well?”

  He winked at her, though the pink undertones of color withdrew from his cheeks, leaving them slightly darker for a moment, but the soulful stirring of his handsome face still hit her heart while he said, said, “Yes, we are signing the contracts electronically today.”

  They walked through the section on fourteenth century art, and she offered insightful commentary on color and form. A lot of the artwork focused on religious symbolism. Her step lightened as she snuck a glance at his strong profile. He hadn’t complained once! Would he sit for a portrait for her?

  His handsome profile with that short curly hair of his would almost be the perfection of “angelic” form to the artists in this room.

  He caught her stare, so she quickly turned the direction of her thoughts to his great news. “Can you imagine having to set up meetings for signing papers like our parents had to?”

  He motioned with his head to the next room, as his hand traced her back. “Not really. Technology has made it so I can be mobile. I get to sign the contract and keep my date with you.”

  The next room wasn’t much different but these were normal standing collections of art that she’d seen a few times and were always shown in the Louvre. She hooked her arm through his and they walked side by side, stopping at a map of the exhibits so she could see the temporary showings that would disappear soon. “Well, the Louvre isn’t known for more modern art. Since our time is short, I’d like to skip the famous Mona Lisa and head to the exhibition on Eugène Delacroix.”

  “I’ve seen it before.” He followed her directions to escape the collections and pass the sixteenth to eighteenth century art showrooms. “Who is he?”