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Secret Bridesmaid Page 5
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Page 5
Finally, Emily walked away from her sister and headed straight for him--her head high.
Mitch kissed his wife’s hand. “None of us are.”
Maybe not, but the brothers weren’t all the same, either. Axel had rebelled where the world took notice.
Emily sashayed over and joined him. He stood and held the chair for her as he said, “Emily, this is my brother, Mitch.”
“Nice to meet you.” Emily nodded at Mitch and Tess as she took her seat.
Axel sat beside her, but then without waiting for a sign, decided to kiss her. She ran her hands through his hair and moaned from the fast, hard kiss.
Emily would be sexy in bed. As he ended the kiss, she was red as she fanned herself and asked, “Wow, what was that for?”
“I’m happy you’re back.” He pushed her plate toward her.
Emily picked up her fork and took a bite. For a moment he watched her eat. Every woman he’d ever taken to dinner never touched their food and Emily was fascinating as she ate with obvious enjoyment. Women should eat more than salads.
She pushed his fork at him, reminding him to eat with her.
He laughed and followed that order. Tonight he had a show, but perhaps later, they could explore their appetite for more than dinner.
For once in her life, Emily was at a party and not hiding in a corner, ready to leave.
No. She sat next to Axel Morgan and his family, talking and laughing. Natalie was explaining how she met his brother Galen, and how for a year she'd worn a horrible wig and pretended to be an old person.
And how Jennifer had caused a mix-up where everyone wondered if she was pregnant or not--from Natalie's perspective. Which reminded Emily of Belle, and her quest.
Every time Emily heard Jennifer’s name, she wanted to leap out of her skin. But then Axel brushed against her in some way and she had a rush of headiness that made her crave more. He patted her arm gently and she turned toward him as he said, “Emily, dance with me.”
He stood and offered his hand as she pressed her palm against her chest. “Dance?”
She walked with him to the parquet dance floor as he said, “Tonight, I have to perform on stage, and for Jennifer, I’m missing practice. I have to keep in shape, and be ready to give a memorable show.”
“I’m sure you have your routine memorized.”
“I still need to be limber.”
She had no idea who they passed on their way and it didn’t matter. Axel was here with her. She bumped into him as she joked, “Okay. If I dance with you, it’s helping the arts. Got it.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist like she was delicate when that had never been her, but with him she felt a stirring in her belly as he said, “Let me hold you.”
The bride-to-be, in a white cotton dress with her hair in an updo and loose curls around her famous face, stomped by them, followed by his brother, Peter, in a gray suit. She and Axel stopped dancing.
Emily pressed her lips together. She probably should go find out whatever had just upset Jennifer. She was here for a job, but instead she stayed with Axel and asked, “Why are you and your family all here if you don’t like the bride?”
He motioned with his head toward Peter, who looked like a nerve might burst on his forehead until he sat with his brothers and sisters. Axel said, “We like the groom. He’s our brother and not at all like our father.”
True, and weddings were about families coming together. If they didn't think that Peter would be happy, shouldn't they say so? “But this is his wedding…”
“That Jennifer is steamrolling him into,” Axel said in a huff.
Emily blinked. That fit what Belle had said. Did the whole family take Belle’s side? The groom’s perpetual frown this evening made it obvious he wasn’t happy with the upcoming nuptials. She glanced around. None of his family actually spoke to Jennifer, either, as she sat with her Hollywood friends, who were all checking out Axel’s brother, Matthew, the action movie star. She raised her eyebrow. “But he divorced his first wife and asked Jennifer to marry him.”
Axel spun her around so she couldn’t see the wedding party, but the ocean and Miami skyline illuminated with many colors as they swayed to music. Axel’s face was serious when he said, “She demanded it or she’d raise his baby with Anthony. The entire wedding is sham, and honestly, we all liked Belle.”
Belle. Emily had a job to do. It was why she was here, not to be romanced by her childhood idol. The blast of air conditioning that hit her body reminded of her what she had to do. She lowered her head and hoped Axel didn’t notice her guilty blush when she asked, “Why did Belle leave?”
Axel glared over her head. She turned and saw Jennifer rubbing her belly and ranting at Peter over something as Peter widened his stance and winced. She turned to Axel, who said, “No one knows. Not even Peter, but he has this idea that if he has control over his baby, somehow he can have his baby and find Belle to win her back.”
Her client might be interested in that, if there was proof. She held her breath, uncomfortable snooping, but she'd agreed and would get a nice bonus if she found something to show Belle. “But he’d be married to Jennifer?”
Axel waved off the scene as he said, “I doubt this will last longer than it takes for ink to dry.”
“But she’s putting on a whole wedding.” She persisted, though she understood he didn’t want to talk about this, at all.
Axel’s features became pinched as he shook his head. “It’s ridiculous.”
Hopefully, that would be enough because she couldn't press more without upsetting Axel. She hugged him closer as they danced. “Your family is complicated.”
His hand traced her back and every cell in her body became alive as he said, “Tell me about it. What about you and your sister?”
Oh. Her and Linsey. Emily couldn’t hide her distress, visible at the beating vein at her temple. “Our mom pretends everything with Linsey is my fault because I refused to work for my sister.”
His eyes widened. “Work for Linsey? You mean be her slave?”
“Yeah. Exactly. Work for my little sister.” How did he catch on when her own mother hadn’t? She relaxed in his arms. “My mom thought I could keep her in line, not realizing Linsey is an adult and pretty much hates my every opinion.”
Axel smiled down at her and the world dissipated into nothingness, like they were the only two people alive. “What kind of opinions? I’m the youngest in my family, save my sister, so Mitch, here, loves to give me advice that I lovingly ignore.”
The happy bubble she was in grew bigger. “Like what?”
Axel was larger than life, even here, in her arms, as he said, “Like when he told me to get married and settle down.”
And just like that the bubble burst. Everywhere around her she heard glasses clinking, people laughing, and other people’s footsteps on the dance floor near them. Inside she was like a balloon that lost its air.
Her last boyfriend, Will, had been fun to be with but when she wanted to be serious, he'd bolted, not looking back at her. She lifted her chin as she’d refused to ever be sad about anything like that ever again. “Never settle for less than you want out of life, Axel.”
He spun her around and then brought her back to his arms. “Huh, I like that line.”
Heat bloomed inside her as she laughed and said, “It’s yours to use if you want.”
Again he spun her but this time he held his hand over her head like they were doing some fancy dance move. “What kind of advice did Linsey ignore?”
“Everything.” She spoke too loudly, so she lowered her voice back to normal as she let the memory play out in her mind.
“I think the last thing we discussed was her Emmy outfit, as her date had cancelled. She kind of asked me to fill in and then handed me a dress I’d not be comfortable in.” Skin-tight just gave her rolls no one needed to see. Her sister hadn’t understood at all. “The next dress was straight out of the Handmaid’s tale, so of course I refused, which made
her mad. She wanted us to match but I am not her.” Not in size, or shape, or attitude.
The way he held her tight made the embarrassing memory dissipate. “So you don’t want to be my Grammy Awards date?”
Emily froze in place. Someone backed into her and Axel tugged her back to dance. For a second she couldn’t quite move, but finally retook her steps as she found her voice. “Are you going to ask me to choose between a mini dress that reveals too much, or a cloak where I’d be invisible?”
He strummed her side like he thought about her question while playing the guitar. “Hmm… How about if I get a say at all, then you could talk to my sister and pick your own dress from the House of Morgan?”
She shouldn’t have assumed that he’d treat her like Linsey. That hadn’t been fair on her end. She relaxed in his arms again and said, “Well, your family does own a fashion label. I guess that’s acceptable.”
He strummed her side again as he held her close. “So, you’re my date?”
The world shrunk to just them again. Her lips tingled for a kiss though she kept that urge to herself. “Sure, I’ll start preparing myself now. Maybe I can lose ten pounds by then.”
He squeezed her hip gently. “You don’t have to lose anything, Emily.”
Boom. Yeah. Axel was better than perfect. He was hers for now and she couldn’t imagine him saying a better thing. She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “You’re nicer than I’d guessed.”
“I thought you liked me.” He sounded offended.
Holding him was like being in a tower of strength that protected her from negative people. She’d never imagined that. “I am a huge fan, but you’re in a rock band. I thought trouble followed you.”
He slowed his pace as he asked, “Do you want trouble?”
Goosebumps grew on her arms like he’d offered to be her kind of trouble. “Hmm, does it automatically come with you, Axel?”
He came closer and she lifted her mouth for a kiss. “I don’t know,” he rumbled.
“Then I don’t have an answer.” Her eyes fluttered closed.
A second later his lips met hers and she was transported out of her body. All that mattered was being here, in his embrace.
Nothing else existed in the world.
She’d do anything to stay.
Someone tapped on her shoulder. She tried to ignore the touch, but the tap seemed to grow stronger though it actually hadn’t. Her sister pried her out of her reverie as subltly as a sledgehammer. “Emily, you have a visitor.”
She followed where Linsey’s slender finger pointed. Then she frowned. Diesel. She was probably doing a horrible job and could forget about getting that bonus.
She let go of Axel with a nod. “Oh. Okay.” Emily squeezed Axel’s arm and wished she could have just stayed with him as she said, “Give me a minute.”
Axel held her for one second longer than necessary as he asked, “Work again?”
“Yeah.” She hoped Axel understood.
This was her job, not that he knew she was reporting to Belle. She wasn’t able to tell him that part, due to her contract.
As she approached Diesel for the second time that evening, he had an ear bud in like he was listening to something else even as he gave her orders. “Emily, we need you listening to Jennifer more.”
Emily instantly caved. This was work. And besides, Axel was a world away from her and wouldn’t last more than a few days. Her job offered long-term security, not to mention that bonus. She motioned with her thumb toward the party. “Right. I’ll head over now.”
Diesel walked away.
Her heart raced as she headed inside the tent and Axel met her halfway. He brushed her hair behind her head. “Everything at work okay?”
Lying wasn’t her thing. Neither was spying. Her heart plummeted as she had no idea what to do. Her mouth was dry as she explained, “I told you that I manage things for the boss.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist. “So security follows you around? I thought people like you could walk freely and do whatever you wanted.”
She stopped mid-step as her mind honed in on his words. She pivoted and glanced up as she asked, “Like me?”
He nodded as if it was obvious what he meant. “Normal people don’t have an entourage.”
Well, perhaps he had a point. She walked with him and held his hand. “I don’t have an entourage—this is a work thing, that’s all. Can we go and check on the bride?”
His normally sexy smile thinned considerably as he glanced at Jennifer and her Hollywood people. “I suppose. But I’m sure she’s fine.”
Excuses flew through her mind as a reason. She swallowed and then nodded, “Still. I’m a bridesmaid. I should at least make an effort.”
He stayed beside her as he asked, “But you’re coming to my show later?”
The wedding party ended in an hour. Then she had no responsibilities until tomorrow morning, for the wedding itself. Her heart lifted as she said, “Absolutely. Axel, I like you. Nothing will keep me away.”
“Good!” He joined her as she patted her sister Linsey’s side and stepped into the circle of beautiful actresses who overlooked her to study Axel like he was theirs for the taking.
Part of her wanted to drag him out of there, immediately. She’d never compete with the pretty and powerful pack she was surrounded with right now. But, this was her job. She needed to listen to whatever Jennifer had to say and report back to Diesel.
Hopefully this didn’t end whatever was happening with Axel. She’d never forgive herself if she lost a chance at knowing him better.
Axel Morgan slowed his pace as he joined the wedding party, next to Emily. Actresses he’d avoided kissed his cheek like they were all friends.
In the same crowd he saw his movie star brother, Matthew, talking to the wife of one of Mitch’s investors at the bank.
Axel couldn’t remember their names to introduce Emily but was saved when someone tugged at his arm. He turned toward Jennifer as she said, “Axel.”
“Jennifer.” Emily’s face went white like she’d dissipate as a ghost though she’d just said she should talk to Jennifer. Matthew nodded at him and started a conversation with Emily.
Jennifer slurred like she’d had too much wine, though she shouldn’t drink at all in his opinion. She was about to give birth soon. “I was just telling Matthew that I loved working with him; our agents are talking about another movie with us and Eva Bishop.”
Eva! His fingers snapped. That was the name of the investor’s wife. He’d known that. He’d met Eva, and her husband Brandon, numerous times. Axel nodded and said, “I thought Eva stole the movie spotlight from you.”
Jennifer pointed to her chest and proudly exclaimed, “This time I’ll be the bad girl.”
The hiccup also smelled of alcohol.
He averted his nose. “It will fit you.”
Emily piped in from behind him, “Jennifer, I thought you were great in your last movie.”
Axel turned and saw how Emily glowed like an angel.
Jennifer turned her back so she blocked his view of Emily as she crossed her arms and said, “Anyhow, Axel, we were wondering if you and your band would sing a few songs for the soundtrack?”
Strange that Jennifer had put Emily in her wedding but now blocked her, but he’d deal. He wanted to get Emily and leave. “Have the director talk to my manager. For Matthew, I’ll write a few songs.”
Jennifer's jaw tightened but she couldn't complain.Emily had inched backward, her shoulders hunched as if trying to disappear, but Matthew stayed at her side. He took a step toward them. “Emily, why are you hiding?”
“I’m not.” The speed of her words made him realize that she was nervous.
Matthew smiled and said, “Emily and I are discussing her opinion on the current political divide.”
Wow. Emily hadn’t said a word to him about anything serious, not really—had she deliberately kept the conversation light? “Emily is coming with me to my concert ton
[give Matthew a reaction?]
Jennifer then blocked his view again as she pointed behind her and said, “Really? Linsey’s sister.”
He glanced over Jennifer's shoulder and winked as he told Jennifer, “Emily is cute.”
Jennifer walked him a few steps in the wrong direction as she said, “I suppose. She’s helping me out so I should be happy, but Axel, be careful.”
He stopped but didn’t turn as he asked, “Around Emily?”
Jennifer leaned in as if they were friends. “Look, I was a nobody like Emily once.”
The urge to protect Emily hit him hard as he widened his stance and said, “She’s not a-”
“She is,” Jennifer interrupted and waved in the air like she had important things to discuss. “She works in an office somewhere. She doesn’t own couture or nice shoes.”
He eyed Emily's shiny pink heels. “Her shoes look fine.”
Jennifer shook her head. “They look like they cost her five dollars and the outfit was probably bought in one of those bargain stores where they sell the clothes that don’t sell at regular price.”
New clothes cycled? He’d never been to a shopping mall really or had to stand in line for a movie, or groceries. He pressed his lips together. “I didn’t know they made five dollar shoes.”
“Because you’re a Morgan.” Jennifer summed up his life easily. She slipped her arm through his and squeezed. “Look, I’ve been Emily. I was in love with Peter, but he didn’t know I was alive.”
He and Emily weren’t in love. She was interesting and made him curious about her world, but that wasn’t the topic of discussion. “You've declared this publicly many times.”
Jennifer stared up at the tent ceiling with the crystal chandelier in the middle of the room as if in prayer. “You don’t get it though. I loved him. He didn’t know anything about me other than I was Victoria’s high school friend.”
Right. The oldest three Morgans had all lived with his horrible excuse of a father, all the time. Jennifer knew them back then. “So?”