Eat Your Heart Out: Virgin Cove Trillionaires (Single Brothers Book 4) Page 4
We said hello to my family, then I asked her, “Where was this junior prom of yours?”
Couples danced, but she edged away from them.
“I enjoy the time I spend there,” I said.
She gazed out the window for a second. “Not much oil in Chicago, is there? I never really left my little corner of the world until I followed the wrong guy.”
I winked and hoped to have her full attention. “You already admitted to your bad taste in men, except me.”
Her lips widened, showing her teeth in a cute half smile. “You’re my exception?”
I pressed my hand to my heart. “Of course. Now, let’s wish the soon-to-be bride and groom well and take a walk in the garden.”
She let out a giggle, and I took that as a victory.
“You always get what you want, huh?” she asked.
In that instant, I knew I needed to try. I wanted to earn a kiss from her, one that she gave freely. I could throw her against a wall right then, but that wasn’t good enough. I shrugged. “Usually life goes the way I want.”
She patted my shoulder. “It must be nice to have that luck.”
If I won her heart, then maybe I would be happy. I led her to the door. “I think it’s more an attitude.”
We passed more of my family and said hellos, but once we finished circling the room, I leaned in toward her ear, goosebumps raising on my body from her nearness.
“Now, let’s get out of here,” I whispered.
She nodded, and I knew taking her with me was my only option. Hopefully, she would agree easily to the change of job descriptions. Talking to her made me happy. Maybe I would earn her trust, because honestly, she was sweet and sexy all mixed together, and I wanted more.
I snuck out onto the balcony and enjoyed the coffee the staff had brought to my door as I sat in my new white bathrobe.
Last night was a dream. I’d walked in the gardens, eaten, and spent the night talking to Gerard. In another life, he might have been my dream guy. He was absolutely riveting. I couldn’t look away from him, and he’d deposited me in my bedroom without asking for a kiss. There was no comparing him with other men, ever. Gerard outclassed everyone without lifting his pinkie.
I sipped my coffee and waited for the sunrise. Today was the day. I would be alone with him for who knew how long. Maybe working for him would destroy the dream I had where we fell in love. That was crazy and impossible. Guys like him never wanted women like me. We were all wrong for each other.
I’d believed John when he said he would help me, but the second he’d tossed me in the dumpster, it had been clear how low I’d let myself fall.
My mother’s accident replayed in my mind. Her dying words had been “I love you.” I wasn’t sure why she did.
Tears filled my eyes. Since that moment, I’d run. I never should have been behind the wheel as I had just got my first permit. No one had said it was my fault, but it was. I’d driven us into the truck. So I hardly drove myself after begrudgingly getting my driver’s license. Why the fuck would I want to do anything like that again?
Once I finished, I decided to dress.
I took a bit of time to figure out which of the clothes in the closet to wear and found a cute white shirt with purple-and-red trim. It was perfect for my first day of work. I decided to pack a few shorts and shirts, as I had nothing else. I would need a change of clothes at some point. Done, I nodded to myself then headed out.
Gerard was sitting at a table in the garden near the buffet. I grabbed my plate and some eggs.
When I joined him, he asked, “Ready to shove off today?”
My skin prickled. Going with him seemed like some far-flung idea, but when I was there, next to him, it was like I was someone else. I played with my shirt collar. “I don’t have to leave the boat, right? If I don’t have a passport?”
“It arrived this morning.” He passed me the small booklet then offered me a second tea or coffee.
I chose coffee then noticed he had dark tea. Soon, knowing that kind of stuff would be my job.
I let out a sigh. Of course he’d taken care of getting my passport, as promised. I’d given him the papers the night before and snapped a photo on an app.
I nodded. “Then yes. I’m ready.” I took a deep breath then met his gaze. “I was wondering—were you serious about the blogging gig?”
He sat back and smiled. “Want to give it a go?”
My heart beat faster. For the first time in forever, I imagined a life where I wasn’t just checked-out mentally. I stilled. “Sure, if I have time, I’d like to write about food.”
I twisted my napkin in a circle on the table. “Once upon a time, before my life became a walking disaster, I’d had a dream of being a chef.”
His eyes widened. “You cook?”
I wrinkled my nose. “No, but when I was fifteen, I liked food, so I thought that was a good career choice when I used to think about careers. Then I worked in a few restaurants and realized that was not the dream for me.”
He asked, “You’ve had a lot of jobs?”
Maybe it was the questions or the tone or just him, but Gerard listened. That made him awesome. “You name it, I’ve probably done it, though not stripping or anything like that.”
“Fixed tires?”
I finished my coffee. “I wasn’t that good at it, but I gave it a go once.”
I shook my head. “You caught me. I haven’t done everything but almost. I’m excited to learn fishing if that’s required.” The job kept taking interesting turns.
“It’s not required, but on the ship, it might be something to do, then we can hand our catches over to my chef.”
My skin burned a little as I tilted my head. Honestly, I was jumping at a job, and I wasn’t sure about anything that might happen next. I needed to start looking out for myself. “I should probably meet him. How many staff members are you bringing?”
“The captain commands a crew of about thirty, I think. He’s in charge of staff numbers.”
“Wait.” My stomach tightened. I was probably the only new woman, as I figured staff tended to stick together. Gerard had been a gentleman so far, so I trusted him enough to take the job in spite of that. “And me?”
“No.” He shifted in his seat slightly. “I’d like for you to consider coming as my guest.”
Adrenaline rushed through me. I shook my head. “No, that’s not right. We aren’t a couple.”
He blushed. “No, but we can be friends.”
I closed my eyes. John hadn’t exactly even been a friend—more like a companion to avoid—but I’d made one mistake after another. I tensed. I wasn’t sure what I would do if I took another job. “Friends don’t use each other. I learned that lesson the hard way.”
He put his hands on the table and folded them. “Well, I’d like for you to consider coming as my paid companion, so you’d be around me more, there to play cards or talk to and pass the time. That way, the chef gets his choice of a steward, and you don’t serve with the crew, and we’re all happy.”
In a movie I liked, a young woman traveled the world with an older woman until she met the man she wanted to marry in Monte Carlo. Then they dealt with the ghosts of his past, which of course, Gerard didn’t have. I nodded. “Companion… okay, I can do that job.”
“And write the blog.”
I let out a small snort. Then I straightened in my seat, as that wasn’t polite, and mirrored his body language. “Do people make a living at being food critics, or is that a made-up-for-TV type career?”
“They do.”
That sounded like a fun job. Wearing some black skirt and white shirt, like I saw some lady in a movie or show do, I’d take a bite of food then analyze the flavor while the chefs all shook in their seats. I let out a giggle at the silly thought. “Then I’ll practice with the blog, and maybe that will build my resume.”
He held up his hand and took out his phone. “Let me show you my site.”
My gaze zeroed in on his millions of subscribers in the right-hand corner then moved up to the top and latest review of the Burger Shack with an introduction to an upcoming blogger who focused on local fare. I clicked and saw almost a million people had read it. “Holy fuck, you have a lot of followers.”
He nodded then pointed to the About Me section. “We’ll have to create a profile for you, so when we’re on the ship, we’ll take your picture.”
I clicked his and saw he had an avatar. “I take horrible ones, so I want one like yours.”
He pushed his chair back. “I doubt that. Are you ready to say goodbye to everyone and board?”
I left my napkin and nodded. “Sure, let’s go.”
We stood, and I sucked on my lip. I wondered what it would be like to kiss him or be in his arms. His touch set me off. I knew it was an impossibility, but I was starting to like him.
I glanced up at the ship named Roxanne. His mother. Of course. He had a wonderful life.
The staff from the house loaded clothes from a moving rack in the distance. I squinted and saw the wardrobe I’d been offered being loaded.
My heart pounded as I wished I was his equal and not just an employee. His offer of friendship was impossible. He would star in my dreams with those muscles, his quirky smile, and the brightness in his gaze.
Then as if I conjured him, he waved from the side of the ship. “All aboard.”
He disappeared as I headed for the gangway, but when I made it, he was standing at the top. It was like walking toward my fate. My heart thundered, and when he took my hand for a second to guide me next to him, a spark rushed through me.
Behind him, three men in uniform stood still.
He pressed his hand on my back briefly then waved me toward them. “Ali, this is Rodolpho, the captain.”
I curtsied. Then I cringed. I wasn’t sure why I’d even done that. I hugged my waist and wished I knew what to say.
The captain said, “Don’t get yourself in danger, miss.”
“I’ll try not to.” I forced my cheeks higher into a smile. “Thank you for keeping us safe.”
He nodded.
I moved on as Gerard directed me. “This is our chef, Francesco, and the steward, Zheng.”
“Welcome aboard, miss. We’re happy you’re here,” Francesco said in a thick Italian accent.
We were going in absolute luxury. I shook their hands. “Oh, well, thank you.”
Zheng’s uniform fit him perfectly and probably would have looked awful on me. Once were all settled, I would see how else I could help out.
We lightly swayed with the water, though were generally stable. I half wondered how it would feel if we hit stormy waters.
Gerard rubbed the back of his neck. “Let me show you to your room.”
Neither of us said much as we headed down a flight. As we turned toward the private quarters, I said, “I’m in shock that I’m about to leave the US. I never really go anywhere.”
The one time my mother had taken me to Disney World as a girl, I’d been twelve years old, and we’d flown on an airplane.
He walked with me to the landing then directed me left. “Do you swim?”
My cheeks felt hot as he led me to the same room I’d relaxed in without permission. He opened the door.
“Some,” I said. “I’m not an expert, but I can do a few laps if needed.”
“This is your room.” He led me inside.
My clothes were half-hung, and the staff were working to organize the rest.
I backed out as Gerard asked, “Is there anything you might need for the journey ahead?”
I would manage. I’d figured everything out in a lot worse. “Can I ask you a question?”
We were back in the hall.
We headed to a landing with a huge window. My heart strummed, but I asked, “Why are you leaving your amazing family?”
He tilted his head and stared at the dock as if looking at a ghost. “They are great, but I can’t figure myself out in a crowd. Anyhow, your room has a laptop and a phone. My brother is waving.”
I peered down the pier and saw a man in a white short-sleeved shirt. “I’ll walk with you upstairs, if that’s okay.”
“Perfect,” he said. “Let me check that he’s okay before we go.”
For a second, as we made it to the top deck, I wondered if I should leave. I wasn’t good in relationships, and being a companion sounded like a lot of one-on-one time. I wasn’t sure how to stop my lips from aching to kiss Gerard. He was the sexiest man I’d ever seen. I couldn’t imagine how he could get any hotter.
His brother hopped aboard, and Gerard clasped hands with him.
“Elon,” Gerard said.
I headed toward the library, intending to grab a book, but I lingered behind the wall.
I could hear them both clearly as Elon said, “I wanted to catch you before you took off.”
“What’s going on?”
Caring about others made Gerard a wonderful person. I sucked on my bottom lip. I should step back and avoid eavesdropping, but I stayed where I was and lowered my head. My soul whispered that Gerard was steady, loving, and sweet and made time for his family despite his plan to shove off immediately after breakfast.
Elon asked, “I just wanted to ask how you knew it was time to leave your company.”
Heat rose through my skull, as I shouldn’t eavesdrop.
Gerard asked, “You thinking about quitting?”
“I’ve decided that now that it’s established, I want to stay home and handle only the bare necessities.”
“What about your new girlfriend?”
Interesting. Norouzi men seemed loyal, so I felt lucky that Ashley had used Gerard and left him available. I would probably not be there if she hadn’t taken advantage.
I took a deep breath and wondered if that was why his mother was so nice to me. She knew I would watch out for her son.
“Ah. Look, as long as she’s not using you for your cash, don’t stress about taking a smaller role in your company, but you’ll probably need a companion, as you tend to sulk.”
“I don’t sulk, but I don’t think I could take a year off like you are either.”
“Well, take your time and make the right decision.”
Elon said, “Thanks for listening. I’ll get out of your way. See you in Hawaii.”
I fidgeted in the library and pretended to browse as he said, “Call me anytime.”
When Gerard came in, I said, “You two are close.”
We both took seats opposite each other, and he relaxed in his chair. “Elon and Kir and I were like the three musketeers growing up. In fact, we probably reenacted the books.”
I would be a fool if I left, though being on the ship once we departed meant I was truly trapped with just him and his crew for company.
I slipped out of my flats and sat cross-legged on my chair as I relaxed. “I only ever saw the movie.”
“That’s a shame. The book is so much better.”
“I’m sure.” I curled my lips as a thought struck me. He would never want me the way I desired him.
However, I would be safe, and maybe seeing him every day would reveal some secret flaws. I knew that was a fleeting wish. Another reason to get off the ship—I wasn’t adventurous. I was a disaster.
However, I folded my hands in front of me and decided to tell him how I felt. “So, you warned him about not letting a woman use him for cash…”
“Yeah, and?”
I gazed at his Gucci boat shoes then decided to ignore the tension in my body. “I don’t have a dime except what you’re paying me.”
He relaxed. Zheng came and offered us both teas. Neither of us said a word.
Once we were alone, he said, “It’s different. You’re not trading kisses for diamonds.”
That was it. I raised my eyebrow. For all he’d given me already, it was usually a more intimate bargain. I wondered if he’d done anything like it before. “Only a kiss?”
He blushed, and I blinked in astonishment. I’d not expected that or his laugh that followed.
“Fair enough, probably more. What’s going on between us is not the same.”
I tapped the sides of my seat and wondered if maybe I was safe with him because I wasn’t his type and he only wanted friendship. My breathing became shallower as I asked, “You’re sure? We’re literally sailing off where all we have is each other.”
His lips curved higher. “We have a beach club to get gear for water sports, fitness center, spa with sauna, Jacuzzi, swimming pool, elevator, and two helipads with helicopter hatches at our disposal, as well as a study, small dining area, large formal room, movie theater, tender garage with my Porsche, a hot top, barbecue area, underwater lights for the aquarium, and a beauty salon.”
Helicopters were rich-people toys, though it was nice to know he had an escape plan besides the lifeboat—and if he hated me in a few days, he wouldn’t just throw me out to sea and have me fend for myself.
I lowered my feet. “How many bedrooms?”
“Twenty, but if I needed to convert a few amenities I added, I could squeeze in fifty.”
Okay. Staying made sense. It was a chance of a lifetime. Gerard had been raised well and was a total gentleman besides being deadly sexy. I put my shoes back on. “I’m in shock. I thought your mom’s mansion was the nicest thing I’d ever seen.”
“One day, I want a family, and they can enjoy what I have too.”
My skin fluttered. “Really?”
He nodded and stood with me. “Yeah. What about you? What do you want out of life?”
I wasn’t sure I could have a family after that accident. I’d barely survived. I tugged at my pants like they were armor. My scars were mostly at my hips and breasts. I tensed and realized he hadn’t offered anything to me anyhow. I waved for him to head up to the deck. “How about an ice cream sundae to watch the launch?”