Secret Wish Read online

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  Caro lowered her gaze. Belle Jordan's wedding nerves had her overthinking.

  "I had to swallow my pride and ask for my mother's job when she was retiring. Sometimes the best thing we can do is use the connections we developed. Besides, if I was in love with a guy like yours then I'd want to spend time with him. If you go with him every day, you'll always be a team."

  Belle placed the flour on the table and hugged Caro. At least her new boss was sweet. "You're right. Caro, I do mean it. I'll help you with the cleanup."

  Belle went to pick the flour up, but Caro placed her hand on hers. "No, this is my job. You should go follow Peter and catch him before he leaves. I'm sure he has a million things to do at the office to clear away for your honeymoon, and you're an organizer."

  "I am." Belle brightened and shuffled on her feet for a second. "Goodbye."

  Caro picked up the flour and hugged it to her chest. The door closed a second later, and she listened to silence. She unpacked the bag and placed everything in the refrigerator. The chef now had everything for tonight.

  She lingered for a second to see if Belle came back inside, but when the door didn't budge, she assumed Belle had found Peter and went with him. If only Caro was brave enough to strike up a conversation with Peter's sister, Vicki, at her next visit or at the wedding. Vicki’s fashion empire plans fit perfectly with her own dreams of being a fashion designer. Caro curled her fingers.

  Once day it would be nice to get married and have someone to talk to about her business plans. Someone she trusted and who wanted what was best for her without ordering her around like her mother often did. Luke Marshall had once been her best friend. Her life would be amazing if she somehow had him in it.

  Alone, Caro went outside with her sponges and mop. She passed the huge Christmas tree with white lights and red bows that partially blocked the water view on the patio. The sun was climbing in the sky. She checked her phone, and it read nine o’clock. She slipped it into her pocket, but as she stared at the Intracoastal Waterway, it rang. She placed everything she carried onto a nearby table.

  She straightened her red Christmas uniform and answered, "Hello?"

  A sexy deep voice asked, "Is this Carolina Soliz?"

  Her heart skipped and every cell in her body was alive. "You know I go by Caro, Luke."

  "You typed Carolina in my phone. I thought you were going with your full name now."

  "No, not usually." She licked her lips as her hands trembled. "I did?"

  "It's a beautiful name."

  Electricity shot through her. "Thanks."

  Through the phone, Caro heard a voice on a loud speaker, “Paging Doctor Morgan.” Hearing that name made her stand straighter. Only a couple months ago, all of Miami had been shocked to learn that Isabelle Morgan, who’d been presumed dead all these years, was in fact alive. Not only that, she’d had more Morgan children that no one had ever known about. Through overheard conversations at work, she understood, one of the newly discovered Morgans was a doctor. Did he work with Luke? She’d heard one of them had just returned to Miami.

  Unless…no…it couldn’t be. It was crazy to believe the guy she’d loved in college could be one of the long-lost Morgan siblings. His last name was Marshall.

  She narrowed her gaze. "Are you on duty at a hospital, Luke?"

  "I'm a doctor,” he said, laughing a little. “I'm always on duty, but that's just a resident trying to get answers for her homework and not a patient."

  Again, the name Morgan rang in her head. Her mother had warned her to stay away from the family, except when she worked as the family maid. Perhaps Luke worked with the Doctor Morgan she had heard about in passing from her boss, Peter Morgan. She swallowed and let it go.

  "What kind of dinner do you like to have? I know a great Cuban place, and I found this French place I want to try."

  If they worked out, she'd cook him Cuban food one day or every day of their lives. He should have been her boyfriend years ago. She rubbed her arms that had goose bumps on them now.

  "French sounds yummy, and we can experience new things together."

  "Are you free Friday night?"

  Her cheeks were tight from her smile as she swayed on her feet. Tonight was best as Peter and Belle's wedding was Saturday night, and Christmas was Sunday.

  "That would be tonight? Why didn’t you just say that?"

  "You make me nervous Caro and I have a family thing Saturday I can't get out of. If you're busy, we can try another night?"

  "No, tonight sounds perfect." She also had plans for Saturday night that included her business.

  "Great. Give me your address, and I'll be there."

  His voice became easier as he spoke, and her heart warmed her entire body. She had always assumed it was just women who had butterflies in the stomach during dates, until Luke. So far he was the same guy. The bay waters that lapped against the Christmas lighted dock in front of her amplified how she felt.

  "I'll text it to you, if this is your cell, right now."

  "Yes it is. Caro, I'll see you at eight."

  Eight was enough time to get to her warehouse and clean herself up. She'd have to leave here at three, so that meant flying through cleaning.

  "Perfect, Luke, bye."

  Her heart soared as she switched her phone to speaker, turned on her music and found the cleaning supplies. She nodded her head to the beat as she wiped away whatever the caterers had left on the walkway.

  Tomorrow's catering and set up would begin this afternoon, and Caro intended to steer clear of the wedding planner and her minions.

  In no time the outside was done, and she went into the huge mansion. The sun would be intolerable outside for a few hours, so she cranked the air conditioner and ran the laundry. Then she went into the bedroom and changed all the sheets and wiped the counters in the bathroom. Soon enough the clock said it was almost time to go. She hurried downstairs and did a load of dishes.

  Done, she realized her nails were a disaster, but if she hurried she'd have time to fix herself up. She put everything away and rushed towards her car. Somehow the clock had sped up as it read four o'clock, which meant she'd hit some traffic.

  She quickly lost track of time. Her heart jittered as she drove. She had to decide on her outfit, and clothes floated through her mind.

  She could wear a sweetheart neckline and be quite modest, though other people out in Miami would be in skin-tight, low-cut tops and short skirts that showed off their perfect tans. She bit her lip and decided no one needed to see how she was too skinny in parts and too round in others. The sweetheart neckline would accentuate her neck, and hopefully he'd stare into her eyes and not her long torso with short legs. In a perfect world she'd have longer legs, but she would never go under the knife to look like Jennifer Gonzales, her boss Peter Morgan’s and her brother Rafe’s ex-girlfriend who hijacked her newly designed red dress to wear for the wedding.

  In college Luke had said he preferred real women's curves, but who knew? Perhaps he’d changed.

  She turned into her driveway and decided on two dresses that might do, so she had some choices to work out. She walked into her warehouse and grabbed the two in her head. She stared at them both. One was Christmas holly green with a plunging neckline for a hot summer evening. She might give off the wrong vibe with the low cut. The other was perfect. She hung up the green one. The simple red cotton dress with the modest neckline could be dressed up or down. She had designed it specifically for that reason. Tonight this was her date with Luke dress.

  She found her other green floating dress. She slipped it on her body and mentally realized she'd have to restyle the front to a sleek square design, and the skirt needed to come up to her knees. She marked what she'd do and undressed. Tomorrow she'd be here early and get to work. This was now her best option for landing her dream job.

  She stared at the box with the red dress inside. Her mother had been here and boxed it for her. Caro curled her nose. She had to go see Jennifer now.

nbsp; She slipped the contract into her pocketbook. Then she packed everything into her VW and headed further into traffic and away from her house. Once this was done, she'd be happy tonight.

  The red lights of car brakes went on as far as she could see. Somehow the roads needed to clear so she'd make her date. More important was how fast she could get Jennifer to sign so she could leave. This was the first date probably since high school where her pulse had raced like this.

  The cars were in her way as the minutes ticked past. Doral was clear west of where she needed to be. The red lights of brakes began to grate on her nerves as the snail's pace continued. The road lined with Christmas holly to somehow make this tropical city into a winter wonderland didn’t help her stay calm at all.

  Finally she passed the golf course near the studio and turned her blinker on. She had an hour and a half till seven. If she ran, she'd have time for a fast shower.

  She unloaded the red dress from the trunk and checked her pocketbook for the contract.

  She held her breath and met the glance of the security guard. "I'm here to see Miss Gonzales."

  "This way." He stepped from behind the counter and led her to a hallway. Then he pointed. "She's at the end of the hallway. Good luck."

  "Thanks." She clutched the box and proceeded down the hall.

  At the door she heard the muffled voice of her brother as he said to Jennifer, "Keep everything you have of mine. I'm glad you're okay with ending things."

  A lover's quarrel wasn't good, though her brother would be free. Caro hugged the box as she heard Jennifer tell Rafe, "You were my replacement for Peter. Don't worry about breaking my heart. I don't have one."

  Caro's brow curled, but she held still.

  Rafe and Jennifer had been on and off since elementary school. She knew he was stressed as it was in his voice as he said, "Underneath that hardness, I think you do, but I can't be waiting and hope you come out of your shell."

  Her brother was too nice sometimes.

  Jennifer dropped something that shattered. "I have more of everything than anyone like you can imagine. Now it's time for you to go."

  Caro backed up and took her hand off the door she was about to knock on. Rafe threw open the door and she nodded at him.

  As she walked into the dressing room, she tried to smile at Jennifer so she held her lips to her cheeks as she said, "I brought the dress and the contract."

  Rafe closed the door as she entered. Caro stared at the flower vase that must have been thrown across the room.

  Jennifer turned around and looked her up and down. "Are you why Rafe dumped me?"

  Interference never worked. In high school, she had spent years poking fun at Jennifer.

  Caro slipped the papers out of her bag and held it out for Jennifer. "No. He's my brother, but nothing I could ever do would work. I tried that nonsense in high school, if you remember."

  Jennifer heaved like her breaths stressed every syllable. "Of course I do."

  "After you sign this contract, I'll get to my date with a doctor. He's very handsome."

  Jennifer waved her towards a closet and turned to stare into a mirror. "Fine. Leave the dress at the wardrobe."

  Despite the argument, she hadn't lost much time. Caro placed the box gingerly where she was told and then walked toward Jennifer. Jennifer painted something liquid onto her eyelids that made her brown eyes somehow seem bigger. Caro would ask what the makeup was, but they weren't friends.

  She placed the contract under Jennifer's hand. "Just sign here and I'll leave."

  "You've known me for years, Caro, as the annoying little sister."

  No, Jennifer was first her brother's evil girlfriend, and then Jennifer Gonzales had played mistress of the manor with Peter. They were never like sisters. The gold digger had treated her as someone she could snap her fingers at, expecting Caro to fetch.

  Jennifer stared at her and didn’t blink.

  Caro's stomach knotted as Jennifer asked, "Is there something wrong with me that I can fix so men stop leaving me?"

  "I don't know. As far as I can tell, you're perfect." On the outside maybe. Caro kept her head down and waited.

  Jennifer pursed her lips. "Thank you. This seems standard. I'll mention your up-and-coming designs to the press. Here you go." Jennifer scribbled her name and then wrinkled the papers as she handed them to her.

  Now it was time to see Luke. No more of this nonsense tonight. Caro tried to leave fast.

  "Okay, I'm excited you like the dress."

  "Merry Christmas, Caro." Jennifer picked up her makeup brush as she stared at herself in the mirror. "And have fun on your date with a doctor. Next time I find a man I like, I'll marry him and then decide if he's worth the trouble. At least then I'd have his bank account. I'd suggest you do the same and don't settle for some plumber because your mom was a maid. A doctor is high class for you."

  A storm brewed inside Caro as she remembered how awful this woman once was. Luckily Rafe didn't have the Morgan wealth, so her family was safe. Jennifer had never tried to be nice to her. Caro didn't intend to say anything, but if Rafe saw something inside her, Caro should be nice too.

  She let out a breath. "Jennifer, don't close yourself off to the world. You're not as horrible as you could be, and maybe one day you'll find someone you truly love. It will be harder to do that if you are married to someone else."

  Jennifer turned in her seat and stared at her. "Caro, you're innocent. I don't know if I was ever like you. See you at the wedding tomorrow."

  No, they had nothing in common and never would. Luke was her destiny tonight. Caro stepped back. "Bye. I hope you get your picture taken everywhere, and Merry Christmas to you too."

  "Tomorrow, miracles will happen. I will get my life back. If you're smart, you'll have your camera phone ready." Jennifer smiled. "Bye."

  A raptor in a monster movie as it bit someone's head off would have a similar smile. It was creepy. Caro didn't say anything else and left.

  At her car door, her heart raced. She had forty-five minutes. The traffic home had to somehow part. Luke and this date tonight meant for once she could believe in the fairy tale.

  Chapter 4

  At seven exactly her doorbell rang. Caro's heart hammered in her chest. She had to be ready in thirty seconds, so she threw the red dress over her head and ran down the stairs at breakneck speed. She rocked on her feet and hoped she didn't pant. She had to make a good impression. As soon as she felt in control, she opened the door, and the sexiest man she ever laid eyes on stood there with a bouquet of red roses.

  Her entire body melted like butter on a hot summer day as she took the flowers in her hands. "They're beautiful. Come on in."

  He stepped forward, and she allowed him access to her house as he told her, "Caro, you're even prettier than I remembered."

  His blue eyes were so mesmerizing.

  "Let me put these in flowers."

  His brow wrinkled in confusion. "What?"

  Then he grinned. Her stomach flipped. Had she just said flowers? Her heart skipped as she shook her head. "Water. Let me quickly put these in water. I clearly can't find my words at the moment."

  Luke turned his head and peeked into her living room. "It's fine. Is your brother here?"

  She walked to the adjacent kitchen and called out as she filled a vase with water and arranged the flowers. "No, I live alone, though he did say he'd drive by the house every hour until I called to tell him I was home."

  She fixed her dress to ensure it was straight as she took the flowers into the living area. Luke stood near a window, and the curtains fell into place, like he had just checked outside.

  "Was your dad a police officer, like Rafe?"

  She placed the flowers on the end table near the door and stepped closer. She tilted her head and stared into his baby blue eyes. Luke made her house feel full and not empty. She'd never say that.

  Instead she licked her lips. "No. I never knew my dad. He died soon after I was born, leaving Rafe to
take over his place. Why did you ask?"

  He stepped to the side to let her lead him out the door, but in the hallway he slowed down. "There is a red jeep that's passed twice. I wondered if that was your brother and that it might be hereditary."

  “Rafe drives an Escalade.” A red jeep was more likely Jose. She turned on her heels and shook her head. "No one else in my family is like Rafe, but my brother probably had someone go by to run your plates."

  Luke scanned the driveway as they walked outside. He clearly thought about her brother, though her own heart skipped as she realized he drove an Aston Martin. Her VW was safe, but he drove a car meant to impress people. It was silver, like James Bond's car. Her heart flipped, but the night sky had a few stars that calmed her so she had to use her neighbors pink flamingo statutes with red Santa hats as her visual cue to breath.

  She waited for Luke to open the passenger seat as he told her, "I should have done that for a few of my sister's dates. She'd have been better off if I ran a few of them away."

  She stepped into his car. Then she waited until he joined her a moment later. "That's unrealistic. She'd ignore you."

  "You're like her then."

  Luke started the engine and backed out. In the corner of her eye, she saw a glimpse of Jose's jeep.

  She swallowed and prayed he didn't follow them. "Aren't all women?"

  "I wouldn't know." Luke stepped on the gas and took off fast. "I hope my sister understands family always has each other's backs. It's why I couldn't schedule our date for tomorrow."

  "It's fine. I have work plans myself. With luck, I'll become super successful and get to quit my boring day job."

  He should lose Jose on the highway unless her ex was a total jerk tonight. She pushed her hair behind her ears and focused on Luke. Today, he smelled like oak trees with a delicious hint of an evergreen Christmas tree, she thought. It was so strange how she still noticed this about him.

  As Luke turned onto I-95, she turned and didn't see any other cars. Her brother must have left her alone.

  Luke squeezed her hand and her skin electrified. "This isn't what I intended to talk to you about."


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