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Page 14

  At least her face had color in it again as she pinched her cheeks.

  She lifted her chin and stared at herself in the mirror, looking for flaws. Her flowered shirt was straight and her face was clear.

  Now she just needed her head to be clear.

  In a few weeks, her weekend with Leo would haunt her dreams.

  In a few years, she’d hopefully look back at these days with fondness.

  Anna had to face the consequences of loving a man who didn’t love her back.

  The best thing for both of them was ending this, which had nothing to do with Francesca. Leo deserved to be happy one day and she deserved to find someone who might love her.

  Anna Camila was excellent at doing the right thing. Except she’d asked for a divorce and the Aussas were pillars of respectability, which meant even if she pushed ahead with her demand earlier, she’d cause a scandal.

  The thought left her cold.

  The right thing to do was… nothing, but that didn’t solve the cries of her soul. Be strong.

  She finished her pep talk and let herself out of the bedroom.

  The halls didn’t seem any different than when she’d first entered them after leaving Leo.

  The stillness remained in every step. The rain echoed outside the windows.

  The staff redirected her to his suite, not the library, and she didn’t argue. She didn’t speak much and opened the door without knocking.

  Leo instantly left the closed window near the balcony and turned toward her. “Anna.”

  She passed the giant bed in the center of the chamber. Royal suites were made for the mother to be on display when she gave birth, back during the renaissance, so everyone could see that the royal prince was naturally born and nothing sneaky happened. The idea of people drinking wine while a woman screamed in pain had always seemed twisted, but luckily that was in the distant past. She’d… no, whoever was the next princess would give birth like a normal woman, with doctors or whoever she chose to surround herself with.

  “I had agreed to meet you in the library.”

  “We have more privacy here.”

  Fair. She took Leo’s outstretched hands in greeting and a spark raced through her. She pulled her hands away. “I said everything I needed to say to you.”

  He lowered his voice. “But I didn’t get to speak.”

  Her heart hammered and part of her wall melted, just from his warm breath near her cheek. This wasn’t fair but she glanced into the sexy hue of his eyes. “What is it you need to say?”

  He didn’t touch her but he was so close her body ached for him to try. “I can’t lose you, Anna. I don’t want a divorce. I don’t want an annulment.”

  Her heart whispered to stay and curl herself into his arms, to never leave his side. But she hugged her waist to stop herself as that wasn’t the smart thing to do. She tore her gaze away from him and stared out at the storm. “I can’t be married as if it’s a job, but I won’t cause you a scandal, Leo. I don’t want to spend my life sad and alone though.”

  He brushed his hand against her back and then took his hand away like he hadn’t meant to touch her. Her body was on pins and needles wishing for him to hold her as he said, “I’m not asking that. Please sit.”

  She turned and saw how determined his jaw was. She lowered her lashes to shield herself from his intense stare that soaked into her bones. “I don’t think-”

  “Please, Anna. Let me talk,” he interrupted and then briefly tugged her hand toward the couch.

  He let go so fast she ached for more of his touch. She reluctantly followed and sat. He joined her and their knees brushed against each other as she said, “My heart is broken.”

  He didn’t move a muscle at her pronouncement. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She shrugged. He needed to know this wasn’t his fault. One day he’d marry and get everything he ever desired. “Sometimes it’s better to tell the truth so the other person can heal. Leo, it’s okay. I’d rather know now than wish for the impossible.”

  He cupped his palm over her knee. “You don’t understand, Anna, and I need you to listen.”

  The brief skimming of their bodies wasn’t enough. Fully clothed. Knees. Hips. “Okay. Five minutes.”

  He let out a sigh and said, “You’re bossy sometimes.”

  Wait. What? Her eyes widened and her lips parted. The last thing she expected was arguing. “So you’re going to tell me all my faults?”

  His cheeks flushed red. “No. I’m trying to tell you I’ve done everything all wrong. I wasn’t trying to just take the baby out of one woman’s arms and give it to you.”

  Oh, so this was sort of an apology. She sucked in her breath, unsure what else to do, and stared at his muscular chest which was safer than his hypnotizing eyes. “Then what was-”

  “Let me finish,” he interrupted and reached out to take her hands.

  Anna glanced at him but didn’t pull away. His touch was what she needed. It was like she was a drained battery and he was refilling her through their joined fingertips. “Oh. Okay.”

  “Anna, I wanted your help because I don’t want to lose you as my wife.”

  In time he’d find a replacement. She licked her lips and wished this was something else than what it was… something where she didn’t fall apart and cry her eyes out. “I can’t be your princess if it means I give up on romance and love.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I need you to be my wife because you’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”

  The walls around her heart crashed and her eyes widened. “Wait. What?”

  He nodded to acknowledge that he’d heard her but continued, “Anna Camila, I married you because I knew you were the only woman I might actually want to spend my days with and not hate my life. I was blind about my own motivations-”

  “Stop!” She smiled a little and said, “Just go back and tell me how you feel.”

  His head tilted. “Anna Camila, I love you.”

  Was this possible? Did she have this all wrong? Her soul soared as the storm outside faded but she narrowed her eyes and needed to be sure. “You love my work?”

  He massaged her arms as he said, “No. I love you. It’s been you for a while but I was blind. You’re who I want to talk to in the middle of the night. You’re who I want to see when I wake up in the morning. I don’t want any other woman… except you.”

  Tears formed in her eyes again. So much for the woman who never cried. Love had changed her because now she seemed to have lost the ice she’d surrounded herself with as she said through her sobs, “Leo…”

  He wiped her eyes and pressed his forehead on hers. “Don’t cry. Please.”

  She cupped his jaw, smiled, but continued to cry. “These are happy tears. I swear it.”

  He whispered, “Please stay. I’m sorry I hurt you. I don’t want you to leave me.”

  The quiet surety of his words just made more tears fall. She nodded. “I… I will. I love you too. I can’t imagine being ripped apart because you’ll want a family…”

  He picked up where her words trailed off and said like he read her mind and knew the right cords to tug, “You’re part of my family. I don’t want any life without you, right beside me.”

  She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer of thanks. She had everything. He loved her. She believed him. This wasn’t something she’d have ever expected. “Oh, Leo.”

  He kissed her forehead and her lips felt cheated as he said, “So that means you’ll have the staff move your things back to our rooms?”

  A laugh escaped her though she answered fast, “Yes. Immediately.”

  He stared into her eyes and asked solemnly, “Will you please help me figure out what to do about Francesca’s child?”

  A child. Right. An innocent unborn child deserved happiness too. She nodded. “What is it you want to do?”

  “I want you as my wife.” He waited as if to see what she’d do next.

  She sucked in her bottom lip. “And you
get that. I’m better now that I know you love me.” It changed everything.

  He squeezed her side. “Then we go from there.”

  Wait. This wasn’t an answer. She needed to understand more. She glanced at his profile and realized he hadn’t fully shaved his five o’clock shadow—had he been upset, too? “If Francesca chooses to… not have the child, will you be okay?”

  He shrugged. “There is nothing I can do about that.”

  But his actions didn’t give away how he’d react or feel. “And if she chooses to raise this child?”

  He met her gaze and without blinking said, “Then we have to pay for her silence and figure out how to handle ensuring the baby has what he or she needs… as a team.”

  This was her life too. She’d stay with Leo. She touched the ring on her finger like a lucky charm. “Okay. Tomorrow I’ll talk to Francesca.”

  He shook his head. “We will talk to her.”

  She wanted to clarify since she’d given the wrong impression earlier. “I like being the hard one in our relationship. I wasn’t born royal. So I emulate your mother.”

  Leo laughed. “Fair enough, but don’t make a decision without talking to me.”

  Finally his lips met hers and she realized instantly she was exactly where she was supposed to be. Home was in his arms and in his kiss. If she ever tried to leave him, she’d just be leaving her happiness on the table. So she’d stay and be his partner for life.

  As long as he never stopped kissing her like this.

  Chapter 18

  Leo’s leather boots, sword, and gold shoulder tassels were all part of his formal attire for the ceremony of swearing in the knights in some feudal tradition that dated back centuries, and uncomfortable as sin.

  Today they were home, in the palace he’d been born into.

  He and Anna had toured their suite of rooms this morning where they’d take up residence.

  He bore the clothes because his photo would be all over the news as he was now back in the palace, a married man, and Crown Prince of Avce.

  Tonight he and his wife would be photographed together for their official wedding reception with other royals from all over the world who had come for the party.

  He would change from one uncomfortable outfit to the next as the night went on.

  Once this was all over, he and Anna would take his yacht to escape at sea for a week, just the two of them. She wanted to practice captaining and he’d let her though this time they’d have his staff and a few of the royal navy as crew.

  The future was bright. Pierre stopped him as he entered the palace and said, “Francesca is waiting in the conference room adjacent to your office.”

  Leo nodded. “Ensure lunch is served. I’ll get Anna.”

  Part of him wanted to handle this all himself, but his heart whispered that Anna needed to be beside him.

  She had a say too, so he’d let her decide how much she wanted to do.

  However, if he disagreed, he would tell her. From now on they were a partnership and he was neither her boss who directed everything, nor was he passive about his own life. If there was anyone he could trust, it was Anna. He knocked on their suite door, as a curtesy in case she had people she was hosting, and let himself in their rooms.

  Luckily his wife was alone, fixing a diamond earring in her ear. She was dressed in a black skirt clearly tailored for her that showed all her curves. He eyed her with approval. Anna was beautiful, far more so than any model he’d ever met, and she radiated warmth that made everything better. She glanced over at him with a smile of welcome. “Francesca is already here,” he said. “Are you ready, my sweet?”

  She held up her finger and then attached the other earring while she said, “Almost. Let me finish.”

  Anna was now every inch a princess. There was no doubt about it. He walked over and hugged her waist. “But I like you… with less clothes.”

  A huge smile grew on her face and she stepped on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Later, Leo. Remember. I do the talking.”

  As long as after the meeting they had time, together, before she needed to see the stylist for the over-the-top reception his mother had planned for them with everyone in the world who was anyone invited.

  Now they needed to find out what happened to his… indiscretion. It would be easier if the child had a name. “If you want, but don’t make an agreement without discussing it with me.”

  She nodded to signal she was ready. “Fair. And Leo?”

  “Yes?” He offered his arm.

  She took it as she said, “Leo, Francesca is going to give me a number. Please don’t just agree. It’s better for our future if I negotiate a lower amount.”

  “I don’t care about the number.”

  “I get that, but I don’t want her to think she can come back for more money. So I’m going to haggle.”

  Leo didn’t understand it but had realized that it was important to Anna Camila. “I won’t stop you.” He reached for the door to go but then stopped. He pressed against her hip so she turned toward him. “And no matter what Francesca decides to do… I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Leo kissed her and everything was right with his day.

  She sighed as the kiss ended and once the world was in color again he opened the door and led her from their suites toward the conference room.

  He held the glass door open. Guards in blue and gold uniforms surrounded the room. Francesca stood, her floral dress fitted for her like a glove.

  Anna held out her hand to shake and he did the same as Anna said, “Francesca, hello.”

  Francesca’s lips pursed. She stared at both of them and then blinked as she said, “You’re holding hands.”

  He took out a seat for Anna and motioned for her to sit while he said, “We are married.” He gently pushed her in and sat beside her. “Let’s begin.”

  Anna crossed her legs, brushing his as Francesca reached into her briefcase and took out a piece of paper. “Yes. Let’s.”

  Anna folded her hands on the table, in perfect control with a list of prices she’d drawn up for silence. Adoption, abortion, raising the child all had different numbers, ready for all possibilities, as she asked, “Have you thought about your financial price for silence, Francesca?”

  Francesca nodded. “Yes. I can’t let anyone know I’m pregnant.”

  Anna leaned back like she’d won something and then said, “Good. We’ll require a confidentiality clause on your part in case you change your mind.”


  “You’ve come back after cashing my first check.”

  “I didn’t know I was pregnant then.” Francesca coughed and pointedly glanced at her paper and said, “That is also a separate number, seven on my list.”

  Anna reached for the paper Francesca had as she said, “I see. You’ve written it all out.”

  “We’ve both had to work our whole lives, Anna.”

  No. Francesca was not his wife’s equal. His body stiffened as he said, “Her Highness, Princess Anna Camila Aussa.”

  Anna patted his knee under the table.

  Francesca’s face paled and her hands trembled. “Right. Your Highness. You grew up not that far from me, though, so we both understand that we need money to survive.”

  Anna reached for the paper again as she said, “I’m not judging. A list is tidy.”

  Anna scanned her own numbers in a column that equaled a final amount of ten million. Leo asked, “What do you intend to do with the child?”

  Francesca straightened in her seat and smoothed a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “My mother was left at St. Teresa’s. She said she had a fine education.”

  Huh. He hadn’t realized that Francesca’s mother had been adopted. He folded his hands beside Anna. “So you don’t want to be a mother to our son or daughter?”

  Francesca’s lips pressed together and he had no idea what she’d say. But then she nodded and said, “I
don’t want… anyone to know I even delivered. The third on the list of fees, before medical bills, is hotel costs for ten months. I can’t let anyone know I had a child, so I need to disappear.”

  He glanced at the paper Anna held as he said, “I understand.”

  Anna took out a pen and checked the amount but also wrote different numbers.

  Francesca peered across as if to read Anna’s notes while she said, “Check page two for extra possibilities. For instance, if there is a C-section, I’ll need plastic surgery costs to disguise any scars.”

  Anna pushed her chair back while holding the list and he quickly jumped up to join her. Anna said, “Please help yourself to the refreshments. I will run these to accounting and we’ll get back to you shortly to discuss every item you have listed.”

  He walked with his wife and neither of them said a word until they returned to his office, passing Pierre.

  He closed the door so they were totally alone and said, “Pay her.” He wanted the ordeal over.

  “We talked about my plan earlier,” she reminded him. “We don’t want her to come at you for more money later.” Anna met his gaze and said, “This list is very well thought out and written clearly.”

  Francesca having his child still gutted him and part of him wished he could bring his son or daughter home, though that was impossible. However nuns were out. He’d find a family on his own. He reached out and gently held Anna’s arms. “Don’t haggle for much more than ensuring she’ll stay silent. Pay her and be done.”

  She nodded and avoided his gaze by looking at the paper. “About this child though…”

  He massaged her arms as they stood by glass windows that overlooked the gardens below. “Yes?”

  She swallowed. “If you want to be a part of his or her life, we’ll have to figure out how… and make a contract with the nuns.”

  “To let the baby be adopted.”

  She shrugged and said, “We’ll start the interviews soon. But let’s just live our lives one day at a time.” He offered his arm to lead her out and reached for the door while she said, “Let me finish this conversation with Francesca so no one thinks this was more than business.”


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