Forbidden King Read online

Page 11

  Leo shook off any doubts. His mother wouldn’t hurt another, especially a child. “Francesca will be fine. My bigger question is what she intends to do about the baby?”

  Pierre offered no words of wisdom. “Depends on Francesca’s decision.”

  Hmm. Francesca would want money. But how much could a baby cost the royal family? Most important in all of this was Anna. He crossed his arms while he stared out at the bright sun that had made an appearance after the storm ended. He tried to imagine how to begin telling Anna but couldn’t. “I will make the final approval for whatever is negotiated. How did my parents get involved?”

  “Francesca tried to speak to the queen directly,” Pierre said.

  Ah. His plan to disprove that he was the father had backfired and given Francesca proof to go over his head. “I understand. I have to go.”

  Pierre then asked, “Sire, what would you direct me to do?”

  Good question. First he needed to know what was negotiated—no, he had to speak to Anna. His heart constricted as he said, “Let me know the moment a decision is made about my child.”

  His skin buzzed with electricity as he hung up the phone and went to get Anna. He knocked on the door. “Can I speak to my wife alone?”

  Her eyes were wide with trust, but he took her hand and led her back to the sitting room, away from the staff. Once he closed the door, he took a step closer and lowered his head. “Anna.”

  “You’re making me nervous, Leo.” She backed up a step though she didn’t leave. “What’s going on?”

  Every bone in his body was rigid as he swallowed. He wished he didn’t have to tell her, but he met her gaze and said, “Francesca’s having my baby. The DNA test confirmed it.”

  Her face went white and she reached for the door behind her. This wasn’t good. Now he needed to explain and hopefully she would listen. He sidestepped and motioned toward the couch. “Anna, please don’t leave. We need to talk.”

  For a moment she didn’t move a muscle. He didn’t think she would come.

  If she stormed out, he wasn’t sure what he’d do.

  But then she let the door go, held her nose in the air, and walked closer.

  The air smelled like her rose water, but she circled around him and took a seat in the arm chair like she was already the queen.

  Leo hadn’t noticed until now, but Anna’s no-nonsense, business sense was just like his own mother’s. He took the seat next to her, on the couch, and wondered what Anna wanted him to do.

  She folded her hands in her lap and said, “This is why Francesca called.”

  Leverage, clearly. He would have to face Francesca one more time and find out how much this mistake caused him.

  After talking with Anna, of course, to come up with a plan.

  “Wait. Did you know?” He looked toward his future but it seemed blurred, like he’d been driving on the roads for too long and his vision was fatigued. “I intended to tell you.”

  “You did. She was trolling without explaining.” She hugged her waist. “But I thought you wanted to have children with me.”

  His mind shouted that Anna was the only woman he might ever love.

  Leo reached out and brushed her knee. “I do.”

  She moved her leg away and he sat straighter as she shook her head. “All that talk on the sailboat was because you couldn’t just tell me yourself.”

  “I wanted to know the DNA results. I hoped her pregnancy had nothing to do with me.” He’d hoped he’d never have to tell her about a child. Now he had no choice. He balled his fists between his legs. “Anna, I didn’t want you to fix my mistakes anymore.”

  With her hair up in curls for the planned late afternoon stroll through town with photographers and journalists waiting, she now modeled the perfect lady as she scooted away. “So you lied.”

  This wasn’t how he’d intended this conversation to go. He wished somehow he’d win back her trust as he said, “I used a condom. I was sure she was lying as she cashed the check before telling me anything. I thought it was a ploy for more money. I didn’t want to worry you when I was just seeing you for the first time.”

  Her lower lip disappeared for a moment as she stared at him with wide eyes. He stilled, unsure what she’d say, but slowly, she asked, “What happens now, Leo?”

  She turned her body away from him like she didn’t want to hear.

  He sat at the edge of his seat, willing her to turn toward him again as he said, “Pierre will keep me informed.”

  And she did. She turned toward him with her eyes big as she asked, “That’s it—that’s the plan?”

  His heart skipped like he’d been caught cheating by one of his tutors. He glanced at the Persian rug underneath the couch as he said, “I’m in shock to be honest. I want Pierre to find a family for this baby if Francesca takes the payoff, but I don’t know what she’ll do next.”

  She let out a small sigh but then her voice lost all emotion as she asked, “Who’s handling the PR?”

  He met her stare which seemed cold. “My mother’s team, I imagine.”

  She walked toward the window, peering out at the sea. He stood but waited for her. Finally she turned to him and said, “You should have told me. Do I have permission to work with Pierre and your mother’s team?”

  Permission? He’d hoped she’d talk to him, but right now she seemed on a mission to run everything. “Yes. Of course. This is our lives.”

  She let her hands fall to her sides like she used to do when they were in the office and he was giving orders she didn’t like. “I will find out what’s going on and we can then discuss what we want.”

  She wasn’t shutting him out. He stepped toward her and massaged her shoulders, brushing her soft skin beneath her silk shirt. “Anna, I want you to be happy.”

  Her face was white, despite the makeup and the contouring. He’d kissed countless painted faces, but none were as readable as Anna’s as she said, “You should have told me. Now I’m going to do my old job and protect the Aussa name, and hopefully an innocent child.”

  But she hadn’t said what she wanted, not that he thought she’d want to buy whatever she wanted as a way to avoid the situation, which was how his parents had raised him. Until Anna, he’d thought it was normal to take bribes. Francesca was after a pay-off, but Anna… she had his heart in her hands but didn’t tell him what she preferred.

  Later, he would tell her about his own feelings, but not now. She wouldn’t believe him. He put his hands in his pockets and gave her a curt nod. “Anna… let me know what you find out.”

  Her heels clicked on the floor as she marched past him and said, “Let me finish getting ready and then I’m on it, Sire.”

  The door closed—it didn’t slam, she was a lady no matter her birth—and he collapsed on the sofa. Perhaps he hadn’t told her how he felt because Anna was strong and in the end they’d do whatever she decided.

  She fit into his mother’s mold. She would get along with his sisters.

  He’d easily depended on her to fix everything, and he must have subconsciously recognized his perfect match as she’d worked for him in the office for the past year. They’d worked together.

  And this was why he’d been so determined to fix his own mess and be responsible now.

  His eyes were closed and he heard the wind brushing against the glass window.

  Fatherhood meant he needed to grow up, but this wasn’t how he’d intended to start a family. A child deserved love and care.

  If Francesca agreed, he’d find this boy or girl a family. There were plenty of people in Avce wanting a baby that they couldn’t have. Surely.

  He had no idea how long he lay on the couch, but his phone rang.

  He reached for it, hoping for news. He stared at the caller ID for a split second and then answered, “Mom.”

  “Leo.” His mother spoke with cool efficiency. “Why didn’t you let my team know earlier that Francesca was pregnant?”

  Because he was no longer reckless an
d wanted to fix this himself. He sat up and refused to let his future son know his father was this controlled. “I wanted to be sure before we went into crisis mode.”

  His mother huffed and spoke like this was just another business deal for Avce, “Well, Francesca wants a spotlight and cash. You picked a dangerous one to impregnate.”

  His face was hot. Francesca was beautiful with those blue eyes of hers, but that was all she had. His heart skipped as he thought about Anna and how she’d turned so cold the moment she found out. “I had Pierre direct her toward Lord Pascal.”

  His mother hummed like she agreed but didn’t want to be bothered. “I’ll ensure the press believes there is a romance between the two and that there is no child. She’ll marry Lord Pascal before the year is done. I’ll make sure that happens.”

  His life was run by everyone else. He straightened his collar and watched the last golden orange of the sun fade beyond the horizon. “I don’t want my unborn son or daughter to be punished because of the mother.”

  The queen said, “If Francesca chooses to have this baby, then your son will never want for anything.”

  “Except parents.” He tried to imagine his son growing up not knowing anything about his heritage. Would his son grow to be like his father’s half-brother, jealous that he wasn’t legitimate? “I need us to find good ones.”

  “Just to be clear…” His mother asked, “Do you want to claim this boy as your own, marry Francesca, and divorce Anna?”

  “No,” he said firmly. “I won’t ruin the family honor.”

  Somehow he needed to get back in Anna’s good graces. Perhaps he’d find a way. The sun passed into late afternoon still making the air warm. “I want to find this baby a family who wants him or her and will ensure the baby is provided for. We can’t do more than that.”

  Once he spoke to Anna, perhaps they might, as a team, figure out what was best for this baby and for them.

  Hopefully she’d forgive him for not telling her.

  “I’ll have my team start the search for a noble family for you to approve.”

  He prayed for a chance at happiness for all of them. “Let me talk to Anna and get back to you.”

  His mother, the perfect queen, spoke like her words were a decree. “Very well. She’ll understand.”

  He wasn’t so sure. He hung up and left his phone on the table.

  No one else needed to speak to him about anything urgent.

  Except for Anna.

  He returned to the dining area where the makeup and hair people were cleaning up. He nodded at her with her hair now up, like she was a proper princess. Leo crossed his arms and cast a shadow near the door. “Anna, we need to talk.”

  She turned and he saw her headset in her left ear as she said, “I’m on the phone with Pierre.”

  He was done being bossed around—they had to work this out, together. “We need to make a decision… together. Call him back and meet me in the sitting room.”

  She nodded like she worked for him still. “On my way.”

  In the future, they needed a better relationship than boss and secretary. He wanted her as his wife, which meant a true partner. Leo didn’t want to have a son out there who never knew his father. That sounded too cruel.

  Chapter 14

  Anna’s heart constricted in her chest. Now she’d face him again. She stormed into the hall to head back to hair and makeup, but blood pumped too fast in her veins.

  Leo was having a child, with Francesca.

  His heart would never be truly hers. Not if he had a son or daughter out there.

  As she reached the door, she turned around. Sitting in a chair while people fawned over her wasn’t going to settler her.

  The past year taught her one thing. Leo was devoted to his sisters and mother. He’d be devoted to his child.

  Francesca must have known that too. She must have smelled the almond from his soap that seemed embedded in Leo’s very skin.

  This was why he’d never love her—she should have known better than to give her heart to him.

  She couldn’t stop loving him, even now. But from this second on, she’d have to find a way to protect her heart, and she had to prepare herself for the inevitable.

  He would leave her and she had no way to stop him.

  She squared her shoulders and returned to the sitting room that he was using for an office. It felt like an axe was pressed against her neck and she said a silent prayer as she opened the door. “Leo… I’m ready.”

  With his hands in his pockets, he looked at her with a raised brow. “Ready for what?”

  He wanted her to say it? A sigh escaped her lips as she couldn’t quite gather her thoughts of his leaving her to form words. She licked her lips, held her head high, and said, “For you to tell me that you want a divorce. To send me away so that you can marry Francesca.”

  He yanked his hands out of his pockets and walked toward her. His heels clicked on the hardwood floor and echoed in her heart as he asked, “Is that what you think?”

  She lifted her chin. “Am I wrong?”

  Leo clasped her hands tightly. “Yeah. I’d prefer we pay Francesca whatever she’s asking and for… us… to find a family for this baby or we can raise this child… whatever you want.”

  Stay. Her body buzzed as her mind raced. Part of her was happy. Part of her hated the idea of stealing someone else’s child just because she was in love with Leo. She crossed her arms and turned away as she asked, “You want me to raise your child that you created with another woman?”

  He traced her lower back. “You don’t have to adopt him, but I’d like your help knowing that he’s okay. Francesca won’t want to raise him.”

  “No illegitimate Aussa has ever been claimed in this country in thousands of years. Half the nobles are reputed to be hidden away Aussas.”

  “They probably are, but I can’t think of my child being raised without love or not being taken care of.”

  “You can’t throw the monarchy into chaos. We can… find a way to watch over this boy or girl without destroying the traditions that people believe protect our kingdom with divine blessing.”

  “That’s what you want?” He placed his hands in his pockets like they were in the office again and not discussing his child.

  That sounded reasonable. She lowered her arms—as long as they weren’t ripping apart a mother and child. “Why?”

  He rocked on his feet but kept his head down. “Because you were right about me, in part.”

  The part where he’d want his family—that had seemed obvious to her from the start, but she pursed her lips and asked mostly for him to understand, “What part?”

  His voice was low and deep like he spoke from his heart, “I don’t want this child to be raised without my input or guidance.”

  And if he’d known before the big impromptu wedding, would he have married her? The question paralyzed her, making it difficult for her to breathe. “But you want to stay married to me?”

  His forehead was so close to hers that she breathed the same air as him. “You’re clearly fit to be the future queen, but I’d like for us to make a plan to deal with this… together.”

  If only it was that easy. She wished that he loved her, but she needed to guard her heart in case he never did. Leo was acting as if this was a job, like when he’d asked her to draft his proposal on noblewomen inheriting, and he’d wanted her brain, and not her heart. She needed better boundaries. “I don’t know.”

  Her voice had sounded strong, when she was on the verge of tears.

  He whispered, “What don’t you know?”

  Anna knew without a doubt that his nearness made her weak at the knees and she ached for his touch. None of which helped her situation. Her mind already became mushy around him. “How are you so certain she’ll just take money and disappear?”

  He shrugged and acted like this was a done deal. “My mother is handling Francesca. I almost feel sorry for her as Mom will have her signing away every righ
t she might ever have.”

  “I’ll help if you want.” Her heart sank. He expected her to steal his child for him. Her brain screamed at her that Francesca just wanted cash, but her heart saw a woman and child being ripped apart.

  He didn’t say anything.

  She stared at his leather loafers. “So you don’t want that?”

  He patted her on the back like they were still working together and this was just another pay-off she’d deliver. “Pay her fairly. This is my child but I don’t want her doing anything rash because we or I put pressure on her.”

  “Fair.” Anna wished nothing more than what was best for all, so she’d find out for herself and make her own choice on what was the right thing to do.

  Her heart whispered that she needed other answers from Leo. She glanced into his brown orbs and asked, “So you’re okay with finding a family for this baby that you can watch over…”

  Her voice trailed off.

  The last thing she needed to do was cry.

  “Yes. As long as I get you.” She hugged her waist until he tenderly tugged her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her. “I still want you. You said you loved me. Anna, now is the time I need you to prove that.”

  Her heart lifted and dropped as her breathing became short. She wasn’t sure of anything as adrenaline crashed through her. “You want me to prove I love you when you’re the one who lied to me?”

  His nod spoke volumes as he said, “I’m asking for faith, yes.”

  Anna stilled and the quietness of the air was cloying. Her lips tingled and her heart seemed to want to do what he asked when she knew she shouldn’t. She choked out, “Faith. When…”

  She couldn’t finish. She wasn’t sure what she’d say. He’d want his family. Francesca wanted to be queen. In the end, the unborn baby mattered.

  And it was real and coming.

  Leo broke the air like shattering glass with his words, “You knew about Francesca.”

  All she’d known back then was that the woman had taken royal money to disappear. But she hadn’t left. She’d held her cards. Anna’s eyes moistened as she shook her head. “I didn’t know she was pregnant when she came to see you on your wedding day…”


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