Tempting Navid Page 11
"Pedar!" Margo jumped up and down and screamed, "Elle, it's Pedar!"
"Can I speak to him?" Elle asked in her sweet voice. Navid collapsed against the wall, avoiding Bobby’s prone form. Could be dead. Navid closed his eyes.
"Pedar? Here’s Elle." Navid focused on his phone as the vision of an angel appeared on the screen
He took a deep breath, but couldn't speak.
Elle asked, "What happened?"
Right. They probably wanted out of the safe room. He needed to help them. He placed his knuckles on the floor and pushed upward to stand. "Henry and I were ambushed. Bobby's down for the count. I'm checking on Henry now. Stay inside until I get you."
Elle asked, "But you knocked him out?"
She innocently assumed he hadn't killed him. His fist was tight at his side. One more flick and he'd be right where he started years ago. He lifted his chin. For Elle and Margo, he'd finish this. "Things are ugly out here. Just stay inside and I'll be back in a few hours."
"Elle," he interrupted. Elle had put her faith in him that he'd wake up in time—he’d heard her voice calling to him. His voice choked as he said, "Thank you for talking to Bobby. I hadn't received his advanced background check which was why I wanted to start with Henry."
Elle asked, "Is Henry okay?"
"He's waking up." If Henry spent his days with Bobby, then maybe he’d have more information. First he had to tie Bobby up. Talking had been too soon. He stared into her beautiful hazel eyes, knowing this was the last time she’d look at him like that. Once she realized he was a monster, those clear bright eyes would turn cold with hate. "Look, I'll talk to you later, after."
He went to his room and retrieved the handcuffs from his trunk of weapons beneath the bed. On his return, he noticed that Bobby hadn't moved—then again Navid had almost killed him. He put the cuffs on him and tied him to the kitchen counter, where he normally hung heavy pots. If he woke and moved, Navid would hear and be ready.
Time to check on Henry.
A knock sounded at the door. Security hadn't stopped anyone! His brother’s security team was unimpressive and Navid had no idea how his father had survived with this group. He looked at the view screen and saw Scarlett’s husband James Clancy-another a man he’d almost killed. He reluctantly opened the door. "Navid, I'm here to talk to you."
"James, now is not a good time." Navid held the door half closed, and listened for any movement behind him.
"You look like hell. Where are Elle and Margo?" James pushed on the door and expected entrance.
Navid let him in. He could at least nominally trust James to help Elle and Margo. James stared at the unconscious man hanging from handcuffs in the kitchen. "In the safe room."
"What's going on?" James turned and crossed his arms.
A year ago, James would be the last person he'd ever expect to help him, but Navid relaxed in his presence now. He could breathe easier, which said a lot to him. "Paul's in prison, but one or more of his associates are in my security team and threatening my family."
Elle was a part of that. He had to shield her from the darkness in his soul that went too deep.
James dug his phone from his back pocket. "I'm texting Gabe." Once his text was sent, he pointed to Bobby. "What's going on?"
Navid's morning replayed in his mind of how he'd had Bobby by the throat, but then didn't take his life. A chill raced through him from the memory. "Bobby Carr was Elle's prom date in high school. Guess it ended badly."
"So you got in a fight over it?" James clarified.
His explanation hadn't sounded good. Navid's training took over and his mind cleared. "He gassed my office, intending to kill me and the security guard I was about to discuss the situation with. He wanted Elle."
James nodded and gestured toward the office door that still had the smell of chemicals that was worse than smoke. "You were going to handle this alone?"
"Yeah." Navid’s shoulders raised.
James peeked in the office door and then closed it again. "Navid, your sister would kill me if anything happened to you. Let me help."
This was too much. Navid shook his head. "I tried to kill you once. Why would you help me now?"
"Two reasons." James patted him on the back. "You were a kid." He shrugged. "And I love your sister. So I'm over it. Are you?"
The tension in his chest tried to hold the weight that bound him from moving forward. He looked at the ground. "I've always felt guilty."
"You have to let it go." James nodded. "Well, let's deal with what's going on here until the rest of the cavalry arrive."
Bobby hadn’t so much as moaned. Navid took the moment to ask, "Why did you come over?"
James rocked back on his heels in apology. "Scarlett researched Norooz online and read that there is supposed to be a picnic. She wants to help plan it and next time stay for tea. We didn’t realize we should’ve stayed. Scarlett hates to be rude."
Navid laughed. He couldn't help it. The time spent with his family last night over dinner had made Margo so happy. And himself, too. The Hawke’s had been accepting and kind, and Elle being here made it easier to see that somehow.
James then nodded at him and he stopped laughing while James said, "Don't tell Henry West that I'm here. I'll take care of Bobby."
"Mam'noon. I mean, thank you." At least one person had a head on his shoulders. Navid walked into his office and closed the door. Then he knelt down next to Henry West and patted his face. What had his role in this been?
The guard’s eyes fluttered open. Navid sat back on the floor, his legs outstretched as he waited for the other man to sit, which took a few minutes. When he did, Navid asked slowly, "Henry?"
"Mr. Hawke," Henry West answered.
Navid stood and offered his hand to the guard who was either in on the whole thing, or had saved his life by calling out a warning. "Call me Navid. Your partner Bobby Carr tried to kill me, kidnap my girlfriend and who knows what he'd have done to my daughter."
Navid imagined his daughter dead for that second and he lost the ability to move. He reminded himself to stay in the present.
Henry dragged himself into the seat at the desk and held on like he was still woozy. "I had no idea."
"I believe you." Bobby had gassed both of them.
"You do?" His voice inched higher.
Navid stared at him. Adrenaline rushed through his veins as he still stood near the guard. "Henry, is there a reason I shouldn't?"
Henry stayed in his seat with his arms to his sides. "Carr was my partner, yes, but that was an assignment. I didn't choose him."
Navid finally took his seat on the other side of the desk. Knowing James was outside the door helped while Navid asked, "Did you ever suspect Carr was guilty of leaking information?"
Henry reached up and massaged his forehead. Sweat poured down the side of his face. "He didn't talk to me much, though our first conversation he mentioned that your girlfriend looked familiar."
Navid never blinked as he asked, "What did you say?"
Henry straightened, clearly catching his breath. "That your life is yours and I was hired to protect you, and those in your house."
He wasn't sure what to make of Henry anymore, but he'd try. His credentials had come back exemplary. His warning had saved Navid’s life. His father’s family all put their trust in him, and Elle’s big trusting eyes meant he needed to at least try to trust others too. "I want to check to see if anyone else downstairs might be a threat and I could use an ally."
Henry nodded. "I could use a full time job with benefits, Mr. Hawke."
"Done." The man's record was clean as a whistle. "I'll get my secretary at AMH send you the files within the hour."
"Thank you, sir." Henry clasped his hands together.
"Navid." He corrected and opened his laptop to type.
Henry nodded and leaned forward. "I don't normally ask for a job that way."
"I respect the honesty," Navid said and that part was true. He
had a hard time knowing who he could trust, so honesty made it easier. Where he grew up in Iran, his neighbors might have been double agents working for the government. You wouldn’t know until someone came to arrest you.
He offered a hand to shake. "You've been downstairs this whole time. Has anyone showed unusual interest in my family or seemed..."
"Sorry about this." Henry pulled a slim gun from inside his security jacket and pointed it at Navid’s chest.
Navid couldn’t move, stunned.
"Paul took my girlfriend hostage," Henry said in rough tones, "and I don't know where she is."
"What?" Everything slowed down as he stared at the barrel of the gun. In this split second, he had another decision to make. Live, or die?
Once again, his training took over and he felt like he moved in slow motion. He jumped over his desk and grabbed Henry in a headlock as his other hand grabbed the handle of the gun. All within ten seconds.
He tossed the gun aside and held Henry's life, and throat, in his hands.
The door behind him opened. Navid didn't move a muscle as he knew it was James. "Navid, you good?"
"Henry here just tried to kill me." He applied pressure on the man's throat and Henry collapsed to the ground.
Navid fell beside him and knelt, the pulse fading beneath his fingertip. Live or die, and he would always live at the cost of another’s death. He was the last person Elle or Margo deserved. They were light.
James came into the room. "Well, it seems you’ve handled the situation." His tone was calm. Modulated. A man used to war giving a fellow soldier time to get it together. "The rest of your family is here now, Scarlett and your dad, and so are the police."
Margo? Elle? He dragged himself up and brushed the dirt off his hands, but it didn't rub off.
He stumbled out and stared into his father's blue eyes. Would his father see the truth? Turn his back? Tom Hawke drew him into a hug.
Why? Unexpected paternal comfort. At first Navid just stood there, unsure what to do, but then he wrapped his arms around his father, feeling his acceptance. Accepting him, too.
Gabe patted his shoulder. "Let's straighten this out with the police. Where are Elle and Margo?"
"In my safe room." Navid sat down to talk to the officers next to the sofreh they had built for New Year. "Let's finish here and I'll get them. Elle might not be happy I left her there for so long now but I don’t want Margo to see the bodies."
Over the next hour, Gabe and his father sat on either end of him at the table as he described what happened to the police and offered video evidence.
The officer replayed the video for his family to see and Navid looked down in shame. His father would see that his son was a killer. The hug from a few minutes ago would never happen again.
The officer tapped the table. "We could all learn some self-defense classes from you, Mr. Hawke. Where did you train?"
Navid raised his head as his dad squeezed his shoulder in approval. The officer handed his iPad to another officer to watch. "You disarmed two men, one while you were still woozy from being drugged, and you didn't use a weapon or kill either of them. That takes self-control and skill."
His father chuckled. "My boy knows all about training body and mind." Navid turned around surprised by gleam in his father's gaze. "Have you seen his office/ gym where he hangs from the ceiling while making business decisions?"
"Father, you don't have to tell the officers that," Navid said.
The officer then said, "We'll show ourselves out and personally check with the rest of your team downstairs."
His father wiped a tear from his eye and smiled. Navid's stomach knotted.
"That's the first time you've called me father without sounding like it was a death sentence, son. Since I heard about you, it was all I’ve wanted."
Navid stood and hugged him again, then told everyone, "I'm going to get Elle and Margo." He needed them, the light to his darkness.
Andrada, Scarlett and Olivia knocked on the door and let themselves in. They were on the approved list downstairs. "Tell Elle, we're here for tea."
Navid had no way of explaining what happened to Elle or Margo. The bodies were gone and his family was now complete. It was time he celebrated with all those he loved.
The thought of holding Elle and Margo again motivated him. Her arms around him stayed at the front of his mind as he pressed the code and unlocked the safe room.
The moment Elle's eyes locked on Navid, the rest of the world faded. All she could see was the man she loved who she’d feared was injured. Her heart raced and her pulse zipped with apprehension as she noticed the black and blue mark on his shoulder when he lifted his hand, rolled his t-shirt higher.
The sun from the window meant it was late morning already.
Margo dropped Elle’s hand and ran into her father's open arms.
"Pedar!" Margo shouted as he playfully tossed his daughter in the air. "You’re all right."
"Yes." He gently put her down. "Your grandmother is here and worried about you."
"She's here?" Margo turned like she'd take off at sonic speed, but then stopped.
Navid caressed his daughter’s hair before nodding. "Yes. We are safe, and your family is here."
Once Margo was out of sight, Navid wrapped his arms around Elle. The world dissipated and all that existed was the two of them. She closed her eyes and felt his warm breath coming closer until finally his lips met hers.
She wrapped her arms around his waist and could feel how hard he was, everywhere. She shivered with answering desire.
Navid pulled back and she ached for more. He kept their foreheads together. "Once everyone leaves, we have to talk."
The air grew chilly as the safe room came back into view. She blinked and saw lines of fatigue near his eyes. He began to let go, but she held him tight. "Wait." She traced his back and shoulder under his shirt with her fingers. "Is everything okay? You look shaken."
He nodded and stepped out of her embrace. "My father and his... my brother and sister and their spouses are all here."
Outside the door, she heard the slightest chatter of people. She reached for his hands and once his rough calloused palm held hers, she asked, "Did you call them for help?"
His face went white and he looked down at their shoes rather than her. "No, but James came to talk and he called the others. Now Henry and Bobby are gone."
"Both of them—so you won?" She gently squeezed his hand until he finally looked at her again.
His eyes had a shine in them that to her seemed sad. "I could have killed him, Bobby. Then Henry."
"What?" She regretted the question, not wanting the details. Elle braced herself to accept them anyway. He hadn't killed anyone today, but his past haunted him. If it helped him heal, she’d listen.
He swayed but held her close. "I could have killed both of them." He took his hands out of hers and rubbed his temple. "I'm not good enough for you. Or my family out there."
Wrong. He deserved to be happy. They all deserved to be happy. She clung to his skin that only she could touch and felt the warmth as she chose her words, but couldn't figure out what to say to make things right. "Navid, we'll talk after, but I..."
He reached out and massaged her shoulder. She stopped shaking when he said, "After."
"Okay." He opened the door and she heard all of the Hawke family inside. She bolted passed him, straightening her shorts, t-shirt and fixing her ponytail, and finally she ran down the hall. "Please make an excuse for me while I throw some other clothes on."
Navid blocked her from any potential view and walked to see his family.
She hurried into her bedroom and grabbed another shirt and a pair of jeans that she threw on the bed, before turning the faucet on in her bathroom. Face washed, teeth brushed. Hair-disaster. A knock, and then she heard Olivia's voice call out, "Elle?"
She poked her head out. "Olivia, I'm changing."
"I can see that." Olivia stared at her clea
n but unfolded laundry though moved her clothes to the side of the bed and sat on the mattress. Elle walked out and Olivia handed over the t-shirt. "I just wanted to ask how things are between you and Navid."
"We're officially dating." Elle tugged her shirt down and reached for her jeans.
Olivia smiled brightly. "I'm so happy. It's progressing. You seem happy."
She slipped into the soft denim and buttoned her jeans. Olivia was now married to a man she’d had a long-term crush on so perhaps she had good advice to offer. How to ask without giving any of Navid's details away he’d consider private?
She sat next to Olivia. "I am, though, sometimes, I don't know how to help Navid."
Olivia brushed her shoulder with her own. "Speaking of help, can I do something for you to help your brothers? Your parents?"
Right. Her own family was a disaster and she should have thought more about that. She quickly fluffed the tangles from her hair. "Olivia, the boys are out of jail as of this morning."
"That's awesome." Olivia smiled and it seemed genuine. "They were found innocent? What about your parents?"
"No." Her brothers might have been safer if they stayed in jail. She wasn't sure. "Don’t laugh, but they all decided to get married to women with the bail money, so they could work on finding a way to get Mom's bail."
Olivia nodded, like what Elle said was normal. "Oliver’s idea, probably."
Dark thoughts about her brothers’ futures filled her head, but all she wanted was for the six of them to fall in love and be happy. They all had reputations as heart breakers. She would help them, somehow. The Bentleys always stuck. "Then I guess we work on clearing my father's name. Mom is the priority."
Olivia reached out and took her hand. "How does Navid feel about your family? Is that where the problem is?"
No. The issues were much more psychological and related to what happened today and Navid’s own past. She couldn't tell her friend, but she held her hand. "He offered the bail, but I haven't spoken to any of my brothers. There’s been quite a lot of excitement this morning—I couldn’t call them from the safe room."