Forbidden Prince (Princes of Avce Book 2) Read online

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  She kissed his cheek, thankful she knew where he'd be, and then followed him to close the door the second he left.

  The designer dresses were still in the order she'd left her pile. His mother must have known. She picked up the first dress and slipped it over her head.

  She stood, looking at the horrible mess she made with wrinkles and twisted lace when Anise came in. "Let me help you, miss."

  "Anise." Renee relaxed, thankful until Anise tugged the laces so tight Renee couldn't breathe. Once she adjusted to the dress, she asked, "When did you arrive?"

  "This morning." Anise smoothed a line of satin. "My brother called."

  Renee trekked out to a mirror in the room and stared at herself in the dress. This modern lace cut wasn't nearly as appealing as she’d thought. She shook her head. "Can you undo me?"

  "Of course," Anise replied. "Let's find you a dress so that you can marry Prince Marco."

  The next gown reminded her of 1985 Madonna so she laughed. "No." The one after that made her feel like she was poofy and goofy looking, so no. However, the fourth dress was satin-soft material, had a lace neckline up to her throat, and made her feel like a true princess. Elegant, and beautiful. Tears welled in her eyes. "This is it, Anise. Please tell the queen."

  "You look lovely," Anise said and helped her out of the dress.

  At least her biggest task, according to his mother, was done. She threw on a new green sundress that Anise handed her and her matching green Givenchy sandals. "Thank you."

  Renee popped her head in the library, searching for Marco. He had his back turned to her as he stared at his computer screen. She walked over and saw the words "Suspected Anarchists" on the screen in bold but he shut it down when she touched his arm. She asked, "Are you ready?"

  If she asked about what she’d read, she'd be more afraid. So instead, she leaned against his table and sent him a friendly smile. "I'm ready." He stood and closed his laptop entirely. "We'll talk soon."

  He led her out of the library and toward the door in a circular fashion to get a light jacket from the armory for her to help with the ocean breeze. The moment they were outside, she realized they weren't heading toward the gate and the village. He brought her to a side building next to the castle.

  A slight cramp at her stomach made her wonder if she was about to start her period. Or maybe it was the eggs for breakfast.

  He opened the side door and chimes played above them. Marco could never be dull. "Where are we going?" She’d thought he’d said the village…

  "I want to show you something." He opened a second door for them.

  "I'm all yours." The coarseness of his palms was at odds with what she thought a prince would be like. His hardness hadn't scared her. He'd been seriously the best lover she'd ever imagined. "Do you know what's funny?"


  "I never really thought there would be more to us than great sex and a good time." Her face must be bright red because she felt it was hot. She lowered her lashes to avoid his gaze but kept his hand in hers. "Thinking of you as my husband-to-be is going to take an adjustment, but I'm happy."

  "I'm happy too." He took her hand closer to his mouth. "But you asked what else you could do as my princess and I wanted to show you something."

  "What is it?" Her lips craved another kiss, but the glare of the lights in the next room killed her libido. Other people were too close.

  Liveried servants opened the last door for them. Marco waved at security and another set of doors opened the moment they stood in the middle of the room. This was top notch security, she thought, like something in a movie. He guided her inside where two young military-type men stood in procession. "I promised to keep you safe. I wanted to show you the village but first I want to give you a tour of the training camp I run."

  That explained the young boys that stood at attention near the doors. She took off her jacket, very warm in this room. "So we're seeing military stuff?"

  "It's not the military, though I am big on security." He shrugged out of his coat too and handed them both to a waiting servant.

  "I remember." Near him, even with the bomb threat, she’d felt safe.

  "Here you are safe." He guided her down the hall and toward a classroom where she saw girls who seemed to be first graders painting. "And it's not just about protection. It's more."

  Now she was curious. She followed him into the classroom—she knew this was a school, instantly, but asked because it seemed out of place. "Why are their children here?"

  "You were a teacher. And I think the tourist thing fits you, but for our day-to-day, this is school for the residents of the island. These students are given extra activities to help them perform better in academics, sports and everything else. You can help on the board here."

  The school was part of the castle grounds? Good. Helping students succeed meant everyone in the future was better off. She looked around and saw these girls clearly loved art class. "I’ve never been on a board and now it seems I’m heading the tourist committee and taking part in guiding education. It’s quite a learning curve, but I’m game."

  He pulled up a small chair meant for a child and sat. "I'm hoping through education we find industrious individuals who can help us continue the economic transition my brother Antonio already started. I'd like you to take an active interest in our local system, here."

  She followed him, but a young girl walked over and handed Renee a doll. Her precocious pig tails and clear blue eyes somehow made her smile more jubilant. She lifted the doll with a smile. "This is adorable."

  "Keep it, my lady." The girl bowed her head.

  Renee lowered herself onto one knee. "I'm not a lady."

  "Tomorrow, Renee becomes my princess." Marco scooted his chair closer to them.

  Tomorrow? What happened to meeting her parents first? She didn’t argue, but he had to stop making such bold statements. The girl didn't move. Renee turned to Marco and whispered, "Why would she give me her doll?"

  Marco stared at the girl until she finally looked at him and he gave her a conspiratorial wink. "In our culture, we welcome newcomers with gifts."

  Renee tucked the doll on the table beside Marco. "What's your name?"

  The girl curtsied. "Maria, my lady."

  Renee took the girl's hand. "Maria, I want you to be in wedding." Whenever it is. "I don't have a flower girl and you'd be perfect."

  A huge smile grew on her face. Marco placed his hand on Renee's back to help steady her as she rose to stand. "Maria, please report to the palace with this note for Henri. He'll set you up with the seamstress for the dress and give you a rundown of your responsibilities and send you and your parents to the mainland for the ceremony."

  "What about my brother? He's only four," Maria said. "My mother won't leave him."

  "She shouldn't leave him." Marco winked at her. "He can come too."

  Renee drew strength from Marco’s hand on her back.

  "Thank you, my lady." Maria skipped back to the group of girls.

  "You made her day, Renee."

  Marco guided her out of the classroom and the front door and Renee's heart felt lighter. His school meant he cared about others too.

  Henri and Anise were talking in the courtyard, their heads together as they headed inside the main castle. It had been so thoughtful of Marco to bring Anise to help with the dresses.

  As they walked toward the gate and the village, she asked, "Marco, thank you for showing me the school and I'd love to help with historical tourism. But what did you mean tomorrow? You have to stop announcing these things."

  "Sorry. Our wedding can be next month…or tomorrow." A flush crept up his throat. "But I would like to set a date."

  "That we can do." Again, she tingled for a kiss that hadn't even been offered, but then she felt a slight discomfort in her belly. She ignored it, took a deep breath and continued down the cobblestone path. She’d better not have the flu or there would be no walking down the aisle. "Okay. So, what's next on your agenda f
or today?"

  He came beside her and placed his hand on her back. "Our date continues. We will see the village, and then I’ve got a treat where we can spend the afternoon alone."

  "Lead the way." She lifted her face to the summer sea breeze that tickled her skin. Marco’s strong profile, his care for her comfort...She sighed. Life was good at the moment. Perhaps they had a future and all she needed was to have faith.


  Marco inhaled the rose smell that was all Renee and ignored the sweet scent of the bakery. His mouth watered, but it wasn't for sweet pastries. Gaining Renee's trust was tantamount to a happy life, and he'd provide that for her.

  She slipped her hand in his and came closer, her face lifted toward his. He squeezed her hand instead of claiming a kiss. "The village only has about 500 residents on our island and the elders ask the teenagers to keep the public displays of affection to a few, more isolated locations on the island."

  "Okay, got it. NO PDA. The bakery smells delicious." She followed his lead as he moved to the side, intending to stop and let her taste a few treats.

  "Have you tried the potica?"

  Her nose curled as she glanced up at him. "I don't like to talk about politics."

  "You're about to be a princess, so that will be tough." He winked at her though she didn't blink. He leaned closer. "However, you're in luck. Potica is a nut-filled donut bread. Come."

  "Oh! My stomach is queasy right now but perhaps food will help."

  He led her inside and about twenty people all stared at them. He closed the door and walked her to the display case as the crowd around them moved. Renee tugged on his arm and whispered, "Everyone became quiet."

  "Relax." He placed his hand on her spine while he looked into the gaze of the blue-eyed woman behind the counter. She immediately lowered her head, probably curious about Renee. He spoke in a quiet tone. "We'll be one minute." He pointed to the pastry. "Renee, would you want a chocolate filled..."

  "Yes," she interrupted with a nod and licked her lips. Raw hunger filled him to have her again, but he ignored the lust as she said. "Chocolate anything." She held the bag the person at the counter handed him and waited like a ten year old child in a candy store, "Your grace."

  While they walked to the door, Renee sighed. "This smells delicious. I probably shouldn't eat it, even though my stomach is rolling and demanding I have a bite. I’m hoping something sweet calms me down."

  She truly was beautiful. "You should. Here is a small piece to help until we get where we're going." He held it for her.

  "Thanks." Behind him those in the shop began talking again and he heard someone say the prince seemed happy.

  She swallowed the small piece and from the expression on her face, he knew the sweet hit the right spot. She confirmed a second later. "This is good..."

  "Renee..." Something seemed to be off with her, though she was happy. "Let's go."

  He'd ask her once they were alone. The gravel on either side of the path was made from thousands of years of shells on the coast, and his ancestors had been a part of this island from the first fisherman.

  Renee looked over her shoulder behind them and tugged on his arm. "We're leaving the village? I thought you wanted to show me the shops."

  "I couldn’t wait to bring you to my favorite spot on the island." He tucked her to his side, keeping her close each step of the way against occasional gusts of wind off the ocean. No harm would come to his baby on his watch. "Remember how Antonio took Kristin to the man cave that used to be a guardhouse? The building has so much history, I’m sure you’ll insist we use the place for tours once you get going, but here, on the island, this small enclave is just mine and not useful for history as far as I know."

  She laughed softly. In a few more steps, a large wooden door came into view and he fished the key from his back jeans’ pocket. He pushed it wide open so Renee could enter. She walked fully inside while he turned and fought the wind to close it again. He managed with a loud slam.

  Renee studied the ten-foot fireplace in the room. "What is this place?"

  "I said this had no history. You’re not working."

  "I don’t believe you and I taught the subject because it was interesting."

  "Fair enough." He pointed to the right and up about four feet, beyond the kitchen area to the huge bay windows that showed nothing but the sea. "This was the South Watch room where my ancestors spied for possible enemy ships approaching."

  "Like pirates or foreign invaders?" Renee walked further into the grand room. "I love the fireplace."

  He picked up a starter log and threw it in the fireplace along with a match. The rest of the wood was already cut and stacked. The fire grew and he held his hands close to the flames. "It was built to keep the hall of hundreds warm in winter."

  "Its stone face made the Spartan open space very masculine." She came beside him and patted her stomach. "The pastry helped." They both heard her tummy rumble. "I'm never this hungry."

  Marco had a skill for deduction, and knew to the hour when they’d had unprotected sex. "When was the last time you had your period, Renee?"

  She played with her necklace and looked up at him. "I don't know honestly, but I've not had it since I’ve been in Avce, and I had no boyfriend before you."

  He brought her hands to his mouth and kissed the soft skin. "It's been a couple weeks since we were captured."

  "A lot has happened." She tugged her hands away and looked down. "You think I'm pregnant?"

  "I'll get you a test when we get home." The air around them smelled like roses while the fireplace crackled next to them, the shadows of the flames blazing her skin with light. Was it possible to want her more?

  "I'm sure it's nothing." She traced his arm with her hand, settling on his shoulders and neck.

  "It changes things if you are."


  "We really do get married tomorrow."

  Renee shrugged with a shy smile. "Your mother was never big on long engagements."

  "She's not." Was he ready to be a dad? It could be nothing.

  Her intake of breath caught in her throat. "The only issue will be with whatever my parents do to drive you away from me."

  That was the last thing he’d expected her to say. He leaned closer to her and brushed his hand against the smooth skin of her face. "Nothing will keep me from you."

  "That's what they all say." Her lips pouted.

  He wrapped his arms around her. "I'm not your exes. Have faith in me."

  "It's not about having faith in you. It's about them. I'm scared they'll hurt us."

  She closed her eyes as he leaned closer to taste her mouth, her lips were like candy that he'd not had in forever, though he'd kissed her not that long ago.

  "Have faith." He repeated once their kiss ended. "They only get that power if you give it to them."

  She sighed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. There was nothing her parents could do that he understood. He’d banish them from his kingdom, if necessary. Renee didn't need to be so afraid that she shivered in his arms. He'd protect her. She was his world now.


  All Renee could see the moment she focused was Marco. The limo ride from the ship was meant to bring them right to the palace, but she’d passed out. She sighed and figured she was dreaming, so she tried to roll over, except he shook her arm and her bed was much smaller than normal. She blinked and stared at Marco again. This wasn’t a bed at all. The backseat of the limo was comfortable enough, but smaller than any bed. He said, "Wake up. We're here."

  "Already?" She yawned. At least in the limo from the ferry, she'd been warm. Marco waited for her but slipped back to give her room. She put her feet down on the metallic floor and stared outside the small glass window, but her feet were swollen and it felt like they more they inflated, the more she walked on daggers. They were parked outside the royal palace now. It was time. She pushed herself onto her feet and waited for the searing pain in her ankles to stop.

You slept the entire time."

  What if she was pregnant? She tried to smile though it was hard. Once inside the palace, she had her parents to deal with, but for now? It was still so early morning that the moon hung in the sky, so hopefully they could wait until after breakfast to take the test. She stretched and said, "We left late and had a full day seeing your home."

  "Our future home. Trust me."

  She stopped walking after him to leave the limo and head inside. "One step at a time."

  "You agreed."

  Right. She wasn't stupid and, yes, she was moody this morning. She could feel it in how she moved her head. She stretched and hoped the slight headache eased. "Marco, one of the things I don't like about you is your arrogance."

  "How am I arrogant?"

  "I don't know." She splashed water on her face to wash off her sour mood. "I'm not in a good mood right now."

  Were princesses not allowed to have bad mornings? She tried to imagine a tiara on her head, but she laughed. She stopped laughing as she visualized her mother's upturned nose.

  She let out an audible sigh. "My parents and brother are a bit much. I won't hold it against you if change your mind."

  "I promise you, I'll take care of it." He answered with confidence. "I'll have tour guides for them to visit the entire country when we go on our honeymoon."

  He had no idea how other men had failed. Marco placed his hand on her arm and another jolt of love rushed through her. She avoided looking at him and prayed he survived her parents.

  "My mother will likely plan the wedding soon, so we'll need to speak to her too. Once we finish here, you and I will return to the South Castle after our honeymoon to wherever you want."

  "I'd like to see Venice, with you."


  He spoke like he wasn't worried. Dread grew like a poison pill her in belly. She shook off her fear.

  "You’re tense," he said. "Relax. It might not be good for you."

  "I wish we could just wait and see but that is going to make you crazy, isn’t it? Let’s just take the test so you don't worry about this anymore." She rubbed her belly and closed her eyes. If she was pregnant, a baby might be blessing, but she kept that thought to herself. She was also okay with this being the flu. "I don't know about having a formal ceremony. Kristin's wedding was overwhelming."


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